The billboard (Jan 1921)

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"Atteats ‘CARL W. MOORE, The Billboard CARNIVAL AND CIRCUS NEWS RULES IN FAVOR OF COMA Court of Industrial Relations for Kan f ‘sas Issues Order ‘Tho order, ‘court, Sanuery it, printed below tn fulle ‘ OBDEE ow on this 28% day of October, 1920, this & Seay een i petion of ‘sa. onter requiriag the Te Show trains a Bosse ia: ment ane i 3 tt f oflces, was cailed on; also William Young and chase Exposition at St can Exposition at Butt ‘the Jamestown Expostion Exposition at San Francisco entitle me to my claims that I am perfectly justified in deImanding retraction of Mr. Hand's statement and Twill start sult against him Immediately.” OTIS L. SMITH SHOWS considerable enthusiasm, regarding the ball and eaterteinment to be held’ February 17, The chairman of the committee assured the gathering that the event would surpass in pleasant features all previous functions given by the league, It was explained <hat the entertainment wili eurpass in attractive featores all former eorts of ‘the league in the matter of making memers feel giad they came. ‘The report and the Welcome “that followed was received with beral ‘applause, Tt was ‘commit en the forthcoming en! They egalled that it will be the first time when ‘table _and’an electric lamp for. ber ‘he general public will be invited to such an winter home. Joe Lieberwits and Tom Chamentertainment.” “Come on, "you have berlin recentiy left for New York. aber of vers "ult of n0t,"" "wan the bid of tho cuncemioners have joined fately—BILLY MARSbeakers. Burns, formerly an outdoor showman, but now an atinche of the Pantages vaudeville ‘management Me. Wetzel; a big diving act will be carried as a free ect attraction. ‘The opening: in Brookville April 23 for the Dig Municipal Park. nown Exposition Man Charges ,,73¢ stow will be carried on ten cars—H. erect tie Be Preseh of, Contrast Lively: “KIL”. WAS BUSY 22.—Charley Kiipatrick, fore Sttorneye battled. an all-day ©48e thre his company, and put over his $20-polcy belong Gnaly taken under advisement the fal ‘members entered Fac Judge. Mr.’ MeGartie claims that nin contract "tee tac ‘ho ‘Blegest. success ‘ith the exposition has still a year and a balt fo rum, his salary onder the contract which Be ‘contends is stil valid ‘eing $10,000 per ‘Attorney for the Bron: ,. ney for the Broox Expositions, Tac, was a & GENT'S GERT'S Hy PLATINOID GYPSY RING RING etn does gone area ine = = Send for new circular. Just off the press. = JACOB HOLTZ = BLIT3 Canal St, = + NEW YORK. ‘CLASS: CARNIVAL MEYERHOFF-TAXIER IN CUBA i ‘character. Mr. MeGervie informe ‘The Billboard thet be intends to start sult immediately for defamation of MISS E. HENNESSY + Baba_Delgarian’s “Garden of Allah” Suffe Loss by Fire Engaged by U. 8. T. & A. Co. manner," sald Mis, McGarvie" today. “My en: ‘Miss B. Heaneny, until recently connected 4s an open book and I with the Beverly Comps of Louisville, Ky., Park,” Havana, Cobs, were received by. “fclaim that my association in tmportant poslhas been ed by the U.S. Tent and AwnThe Billboard last week: Bs tons with such tremendous enterprises as the ing Company of Chicago. Sfiss ‘dering | On Tht ‘January 18, the greatid FrancoBritish Exposition, the ‘Trans-Missishet connection with the Beverly firm made many ‘Bebe Delgntian'e ‘sippi Exposition at Omaha, the Louisiana Purfriends in the show world. Garden of Allah was destroyed by fire. The Swe cause of fre is. thought to bave been from a Bome bare ed ‘tnder "08, SIX STEEL WHEELER isd oat tee rete me ete inhi Ge uch trains in intrastate movements in this TRAVELS PASS. SERVICE State at the scbedal ; Ser sal eat, 28 ‘Docker ois tris and they ited show maintain iroad company cot Up. The intrastate movements in Raters at the ache seed arGr cae at Soe ‘Suis of chases extabliahed by the United States = ae kgm Sarr Belge Hate ecto JOE NOVAK, Rogers Hotel, Minneapolis, Minn. ats be further red to file with this Souce saris eaid schedule’ Gerk. FINE LEAGUE MEETING Much Interest Manifested in Gathering of the Showmen GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. CARNIVAL MANAGERS, NOTICE!. MISS QUINCY ~ America’s Most Beautiful and Artistic Diving Act. Second | to None. At Liberty Season 1921. Reliable Manage: Address DR. T. J. QUINCY, P.O. Box 764, Hot Springs, Ark. ATLANTIC CITY BOARDWALK SIX BIG NIGHTS, FEBRUARY 7th to 12th, INCLUSIVE WANTED QUICK EXPERIENCED CIRCUS SUPERINTENDENT sadness wi ANIMAL TRAINER DIES ‘Pottstown, Pa., Jan, 22.—Tony Williams, wild rs Osaly |p sstzel eleas pretteioong tava ne'er AUSPICES MOVING PICTURE OPERATORS. is survived by ‘widow, who is also a pro: crane, twin bg cpr aed. ae oly ie one Je Geted Says he wasn and win be a Zehneal euler of Hamas, noe, reat, od Sasa ee Eset, Seah a oo OPERAS als Sue ad EMER S Ae tatey guartere hg, of the, Mighty Dorit ‘COLLINS AMUSEMENT CO Director sf Amuscactte 15h Leen OM a Grand Rapids, Mich. Beracl, W. E Weatt, Joka Branen, Ralph, WParsos, Joseph Laubert, Milton Hartman, Mr. . and Mrs, George Strobl and wWil 28, Pata RHODA "ROVAL, Exposition ‘to. play the Lee intr Guat, Metiooney, Alc: Aina hc eta, Trovical Expention at Hort Myers, Fin, Fobra: