The billboard (Jan 1921)

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JANUARY. 29, 1921 The Billboard 1 VINELAND (N. J.) BAZAAR Reported a Big Success ‘promoter, "Moose in Vineland, re ta a3 they at st tho ies Stration ‘and’ wife, ‘er Dozen, | Spare Ke By shilbemey tonnes with thelr string of conces ‘ented, ta, pertnerabip. _WORLD’S MUSEUM, PHILLY. Poiedebia, Pau, Jen. 2.—Strange Uring rooage fo the, Werld's {hte iets copagements here next week, "Bulkfo, “the dancing Busbman, finishes here this ‘week. Zip, “Baraum's What-Ielt,” at the age welt a8 the dean of plat and bis demonstration of quid sir, and Greco Gisan and her educated pony, Sir Victor, eer senony ckbardt in plenned That General Manager Norman Jetferiee hes oe Sarilag’ surprises to spring in the next few HARLEM MUSEUM POPULAR FANSTED—To Dear irom seme good Cortival, ‘Seader eeutats sows: “hows ‘most’ be PRESS AGENT CONTEST PROMOTER ia S75 TE Sea say Geetas” Garman, Yor en ‘plan sivas Ait fcnda wite: “GHANLES Tisw Waves, Connectiect. “Corremondence consdential tke i gat in touch with. KYLE. 106 Judson Avenue, i 33 SIS BIMBO Bead Necklaces 1921 Debutante Beauty For the next thirty days we are allows A member of the famous Bimbo Family. Hoe 2 special discount of 20ife on Bead Marcel Wave Mohair Wig. Newly Designed. Silk Pantaloon Dress. Real CONCESSIONAIRES, BAZAARS, INDOOR EXPOSITIONS—THE BIG FLASH! 25% deposit on all orders; balance C.O.D. AIL 6 ios snipped tans: Gay go reseed, GIBRALTAR DOLL CO. 65-67 Madison Street, Newark, N. J. W.H. SMITH WANTS FREAKS and CURIOSITIES Novelties and Acts for Mammoth Pit Show, Ladies’ for Illusions, etc., Talkers and Lecturers. Long season. Open about March Ist. W. H. SMITH, 705 So. Boulevard, Tampa, Fla. P. S—Would like to hear from A-No. 1 Show. SPECIAL for our attractive $3.00 or $5.00 assortment. Cigarette Holders of every description, from $1.50 per dos. andup. § etic from st 10%. ‘Terms, 25% deposit; balance C. 0. D. JOSEPH PHILLIPS CO. ‘1161 Broadway—25 W. 27th St, NEW YORK 1921 WONDER In KEWPIE DOLLS ‘varieties 5,000 sold since Sent, 1: Order bow. Bend 6oe for Sample and Frice List Photo Postal seat on request, NOVELTY KEWPIE COMPANY MILWAUKEE, Wia, UNBREAKABLE Marabou Trimmed. Office and Factory 634 Sd Street, MUSEUM FOLKS CONTRIBUTE ‘Thra the kindness of John Kofet, of the Har‘street, New’ York, Premium ‘and Sales board Headquarters Philadelphia, Pa. thro, Mise “Reynolda, wish NYY who wo Hindly ansated CHERRY PICKERS LOS ANGELES CLUB TOLEDO, OHIO, LODGE of ELKS BIG INDOOR MARDI GRAS MARCH—ONE WEEK—MARCH eich wel wor ‘fuuriniee “Give Toll petted ivy _B. P.O E. 85, Tolude, Ohio. AT LIBERTY | tile rate ‘WANT CARROUSELL AND ELI WHEEL FOR LONG SEASON CAMPBELL KEEPS GOING Anne ore fo the ina ‘Balty-Hoo, wens Pebe e Zit ee eae hes orranging a ity. He ta reat of the adate, Manager, MR. J. K. LAWSON. Uniformed Band, experienced Ride Man for Whip, Ferris Wheel, MerryGo-Round and Seaplane. Will book foRowing Shows: Athletic Show, Tenin-One, Vaudeville Show. Have complete outfits for same. Can use any other Show of merit. Have Flat Cars to take care of any Show built on Yagons, The following Concessions of Wheels still open: Blankets, Baskets, Foultry, Silk Shirts. Devil's Bowling Alley and Glassware, Knife Rack and other Grind Stores open. Must have neat frame-up. Protect yourself and -GLOTH’S GREATER SHOWS WANT SHOW OPENS ATHENS, OHIO, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, AUSPICES K. OF P. LODGE. following ‘Concessions are for sale EXCLUSIVD: Cook. Wet, Sting Gams, Grootry Wheel, Ball Gamen, WEIDER & FIELDS, Managers, Bex £7, Cealton, Oblo, Wanted for the HONEST BILL WAGON SHOWS =: SEASON 1921 Western Representative, MR. HERMAN AARONS, book with a reliable company that has its own equipment and Rides,-and playing nothing but the best. Show opens the 23d of April, in the heart of the city of Pittsburgh, Pa. A representative of the Show can be seen from noW on at winter quarters, 1021 East Ohio Street, North Side, Pittsburgh, Pa, Address all communications to General Manager, ROBERT GLOTH, care Gloth’s Greater Shows, P. O. Box 1121, Pittsburgh, Pa.