Billboard advertising (Jan 1921)

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JANUARY 29, 1921 “The Billboara EDITORIAL COMMENT > (Ocntinued from page 42) cay it is the duty of the ministers of the Gospel and of the churches of today to try and clean up ALL this rotten work. Clean up the ministry and then the church members, and then appeal in a kind but forcible way to the theatrical people to clean up. the rotten things Within their walls, and I am sure, as my experience has taught me, Gur theatrical people will co-operate (ith us in this ‘clean-up? None of us js perfect, and no man or woman was ‘ever made as near perfect as possible by blasting theaters or anything else ‘as Dr. Boynton and Evangelist Dow have done in their sermons. As a minister of the Gospel I know it is necessary to come down ‘mighty hard on some of the sins of the present day, but sorely there a better way to overcome the sins and rottenness of today than the method used by. the two preachers gn question. If this is the only ‘way, then I fail to see the meaning of Christ's teachings when he advises the ers to ‘correct’ the faults tna Zins in men and women. I fail to fina 4 anything in the Scriptures advising preachers to blast and damn everything outside thelr own walls. My advice is, use @ little judgment, @ little more common sense“ and“ kindness, and preach a full, Gospel, and we'll reach all people and upset all rottenness. “Yours for good, clean, healthy sports and amusements and a true Christian Nation.” NEW PLAYS {Continued from page 30) his trade-mark and bis curse, His monotonous voice and his complete inability to simulate vigor of any kind is very trying, even if he does not offend in the more common and obvious faults of other actors. As tho Rajah ho is as villainous as he could ever be, but it is ‘an apologetic villain at best. There is none of the Himalayan mountain tiger crawling under the veneer of a course in esthetics at Cambridge. ‘There is nothing Orlental in his characterization. ‘The Rajah is just George Arliss with a turban on, It is not to be understood that he gives a bad performance. Far from it. Recognizing his lmitations and considering the insurmountable obstacle of playing a character to which he can bring nothing but a cold, polished technique, his Rajah Js excellent. It is not the things he does that are disappointing, but the ocean of possibilities the role offers for an ambitious, adventurous stage navigator. he leaves untried. ‘The valet of Ivan Simpson is flawless, Cyril Keightley is an occasionally articulate scientist, and Herbert Waring is an always inarticu late husband of Olive Wyndham “Lucilla.” Migs Wyndham is a pretty girl, with affectations of speech which are maddening to me. I can not abide these actresses who play the roles of gentlewomen and who speak as no_real gentlewoman ever spoke anywhere, except in the soclety drama. It is one of + STEP OUT Every store, home, factory, theatre, etc., is a 500% eT et at prices lower than the town dealer, necessary. Any one can make big money. ‘We Gusranteo Our Product To Be the Very Best Quality. ‘Write for Folder and Prices, x Dont. 8. Newark, New Jersey 2% = References: Dun, Bradstreet’s and Newark Trust Company. KKKIA MK HAA AK KIAMA "Rear TAGGART’S SHOWS SHOWS—Want good 10-in-1 or 5-i ‘ x x ¥: Srmer ore ‘ute. Wa has ‘Ail tinder” str AML and Ferris Whee ‘Guinea and Wheel the symptoms of snobbery with which vi our dramatic stage is inoculated.” Real Fi 8! Sentlewomen speak simply, clearly and fear AT. LIBERTY SEASON Ag2t Agent, oF Gener istea hateuctons, “iknow ow ‘uid, Kentuehy. CONCESSIONS AND: ATTRACTIONS WANTED GEPORT STOCK. SHOW. Bet ancy maker in Souther Ines, Four icESSIONS write 4. M. HUMPHREY, Bri unaffectedly. They never put on lugs. ‘That Is, every place in the world except. on the American stage. There affectation is mistaken for distinction and exgeeration for “class.” Ronald Colman is very good as:the temple priest, and Helen Nowell’ makes an effective picture as an ayah. ‘The ceremony in the last act, ‘instead of being eréepy, is close to being funny. Even with George ArUss playing George: Arliss. and not the 4 g00d show.—PATTERSON JAMES. PRESS COMMENT General opinion that the play is interesting and satisfying and that Mr. Arliss gives an’ excellent performance. Some comment on the scenic investiture by critics who ,have friends in that business and much slopping-over Winthrop Ames by the Little Brothers of ‘the Prominent. 12, for important noun cment of The Biifboardis Rees Bam Re Raja of Rukh, “The Green Goddess” is Tam in @ position to know) THAT WITHOUT ‘TOE EQUITY SHOP THE ACTOR WILL LIT. TLA BY LITTLE.BE FORCED BACK INTO 7 Wess. tndeed, the actors are. to lose all that THB INTOLERABLE CONDITIONS FORMER. ‘ey fought for—ang that is unthinkable. LY -PROVAILING-OR ELSE We SHALL GAVE TO FIGHT THE WHOLE BATTLE ALL OVER .AGAIN. sample and gand yt simply wonderfull MUTUAL ELECTRIC LAMP CO., -1, Platform, Midget, Musical dy or Trained Wild Animal Show. Will furnish outfit to, reliable party. Texas Blackie and Spike Connors, write. CONCESSIONS—A number of good concessions still only clean, legitimate shows and concessions. Wil feat Forsunan) and Help for Herschell-Spillman TAGGART’S SHOWS, Wooster, 0. WANTED——WANTED——WANTED THE ALLIED SHOWS Biheel WIM offer iberal, inducements, to any how that does ‘not confict wi HELP—Want com Carousselle an Fertis Hiding Device, Privileges ot Pees Wik, DOOR any od wer have, bust have owt ae fof our own. We will open ia ih the heart of tho com ane: 20th carat MOTORIZED aa co — WANT THREE-ADREAST JUMPING-HORSE CARRY-US-ALL, Would Oa het of terme. © CONCESSIONS ALL, OPEN. nipot ait Rings, No Boock'em dead. sores ‘gubar te Shaw, ae Poe a Puinisin et M"AMUSEMENT CO., Northville, Michien, chaa B. Moke _Bitega Wear experience Oleeus, Carvel, Minstre One-Nighter, ec epetots, , One-iabu por, ih, *RErBAGTIONS ‘WE LAST THING THE EQUITY ASSOCIA: ‘TION WANTS IS ANOTHER STRIKE—THE BAST THING THE MANAGERS WANT IS ‘uit, ANOTHER STRIKE. But the best way, and as I see it the only way, to make such a calamity impossible is to institute the Equlty Shop and IT 1S MY FIR CONVICTION (and I “hink gyop ONO AND FOK ALL THIS UNFAIR DISCRIMINATION AGAINST EQUITY ACTORS ‘SEAMALHAUSEN, Ori “THE UNION FOREVER” (Continued trom page 43) Ust and decrease in our membership, with the consequent lessening of our strength, ‘mate distategration, Taye you looked thra the Latter st mach” Whoretmay vow letter advertised tor Jos A “Gold Mine” for AGENTS! The Wonder Seller and Profit-Maker of the Day! * Fiumdreds of our Agents are a bi selling the Parisian Perfected Art Needle. Hee tana is swan igang pat eee Ace ,daintieat work to coarse, heavy rag rug. Easy to use— “MAKE $3,000. IN THE NEXT 3.MONTHS Others are.dotng st—you can do it, Agents and demonstrators of ‘oth sexes are reaping a big harvest. “Handle it alone oF Dut out demonstrators and eub-agents. “Just show” any woman ‘what this Deedie wilt Send $1.00 for sample needle, with full instructions and ‘the beautiful. work. “PARISIAN ART NEEDLE CO. 208 Traders Trust Bldg., 305 S. La Salle St., Chicago, Illinois. KAKA KKAAAAKAALE IAI IKE IO SELL ELECTRIC LAMP BULBS + 75 to 100% Profit to You ¥ xi d prospect. You can Xe L ~geabren aren! No experience ‘TERN Marriages (Continued trom page 42) ad Mrs, Jones set sail on the Imperator tor Sear MATE ® “Kent tad Jacke SBI with Vie Quinn and Company, and Reene BraSam, ot ered ‘and Brabam, were married re MILE-261 comedian, and Kato Bord. ry, banat cuioal ‘and prominent ia the social ost ie of 8 fashvilie,. were married 18 ue ‘week 6¢ Yasuary ‘MOMAN-CENDER—Dboa Morea, mosical ‘com cay and vavdeville singer, aod "Elisabets Sym n Ghurch of that lt 2 ‘nOBEEXOLIONS Robert, Ober, a inember_ of ie. West” Compeay, and Saude Filton, “actrees ad playwright "were ntieS a abort tine t90: OYSTER READY George Oyster, Jr.._ multi. fllionaire horse breeder and dairyman, and a te Rosle ROYALLONG—Panl Royal and Helen Long, oth members of the “Landon Belle, Ox: plano accompaniet, and. Amel Fete pit donna. wate marred January 15 at ome of the groom's Park, ‘rhe ceremony. was of ihe wtuioet lan: ‘nine persons in ‘sadition “to the ‘To Me, and Mes, Arthar Tarshla, ‘Tarshiesa"the “aavertising ‘Deuager “tat recently. Yo Mr. and Mrs, Percy Spellman, « 9i¢-poma boy, December $1, at Birmingham, ‘The Voy'naw been named William PS Speltoneny Jr. ‘To Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand 1, Teser, & 1 IRs at Dele boing, “He ‘b., January He. Lemer ie tho aon o utr and asa be ‘Pour Lewsers. Roy De'veseery of the FAMOUS PRIMO JUMBO BURNERS QUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED OR YOUR. MONEY REFUNDED, BURNER COMPLETE, $4.50 . ‘Sead For and prices. Lighting Supplies of All Kinds PRIMO | LIGHT & MFG. CO. Hie our Pie nt ate,