The billboard (Jan 1921)

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98 The Billboard JANUARY 29, 1921 Regal Wonder Baby Dolls we yy Eerie ees 9 HEW WES BATALOG ied POST ANWES § POS —— SONTRACTING FOR SEASON 1921 iretor, wih organized, enlon Bandy 15 wits JOS HERA Weer pom MR. PETE SUEY Y¥ (GLASS SHOW) imgedlatey__ DOC EIGER. 518 Delaware St, No. 77 Assortment Includes: 6 Electro Gold-Plated Watches $ ited Pen Knives x ‘PertAssortment ne CATALOGS: Special Premium Catalog, With Pre-Inventory Sale Prices “New Idea” Salesboard Assortments Folder. Concessionaires—“‘Now Famous Silver Wheel” Folder. C.E. TAYLOR CO. 23,3, Sth Street ATTENTION! IOBBERS, AGENTS AND SALESBOARD OPERATORS BOARD OUR FLASHLLOUT! Plated, | PURITAN NOVELTY CO. fot W. Van Buren CHICAGO. ‘LOC THRAILKILL, Mi, ‘1314 Sedgwick Street, CHICAGO, ILL. _ iz ‘street, ae org ‘ona SNe Oe di eg week "AND FREE, At GOLD MEDAL 90 INCHES LONG Flower Beads eit’ 40 int into for prompt RETAIL. $200" (fF) sees rep Wholesale, ted per doz, Sample, 3 55 rnd. EDWARD K. CONDON, 12 Pearl St., BOSTON, MASS. FOR SALE Second-Hand 8-07. = Tent St See wy eee ig Algags he Cheaper and We hike the Bae GOLDEN RULE CUTLERY COMPANY, 259% with order, balance C. 0. D. SEND FOR OUR NEW CIRCULARS HECHT, COHEN & CO., “Gutcacon BUCK-BOARDS PRICE LIST, ARE THE ga Facer iat so, Spo Gandy Boars Large headings. Checkered fronts. BUGK-BOARD MFG, CO. ‘3727 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, If. 56 10% U, 5, Exelon Tax to above prices, STANDARD SIZES $2.75 EACH. price we.have erer known the Gillette to reach. Sweeping | Cutis, Watches: Manicure, Set Buren Eye Sialtion “if 'voa "ares ele oder ‘No. 86 Catalogu” pear PHILADELits cite "Goesal Beale, SARA PHIA, PAL” GREAT WHITE WAY SHOWS (NOTICE! RIDEMEN, SHOW V OWNERS, | CONCESSIONERS etn tay thew in RADERICR. and mores 5 HI BTABEROOM, ea ae ALLY. WANTED Mai “MERBX-AC :OUND, =! SLOT = anes FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE Eras Fo Iie SORE NSVER Pee Tths Uses ee, Seated