Biographies of Paramount Players and Directors (1936)

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sc. POSCOE KARNS (Paramount Player) Ros^oe Karns conceived the idea of becoming an actor when he h^ard that an actress, playing in a nearby theatre, needed another nan in her company. Roscoe applied for the part and got it. He toured with the troupe for several months and then branched out into bigger and better stock companies. By that time he was an experienced actor. He had tasted not only the hardships of the theatrical profession, but he was getting a sip from the cup of success. Audiences liked the little fellow as a comedian, and it wasn't long before New York started hearing of him. There was a comedy role open in a play on Broadway and Roscoe landed it. Movie producers looked over the show, and as a result Ros"oe was given many prominent movie roles. Karns was born September 7th in San Bernardino, California, He attended Harvard Military Academy, in Lcs Angeles, as boarding student. Fascinated by the theatre, he regularly ran away from school, reporting to a small theatre for a :'ob as usher $ He also attended the University 0f scathorn California. Roscoe believes himself to bo the only actor, his age or o:aer> who never earned a dime cutsidt; of the sho w business . "Beau Sabreur" was one of hi3 favorite silent picture roles. When talking pictures came intc favor, he was temporarily absent from the screen, playing a leading part in the stage hit, Th«3 Iront Page". Although he .?as in perfect physical condition, the terrific speed of this pity wore fifteen pounds off him during its run. Upon his return to pictures, he plr.yed in a long string of important fc tures including "Night After Night" whi-h starred GwPr,;c Raft, Hi 3 \ jrformnnce in this picture was so outstanding thr.t I'-.rcraount 3i^ned him to a long-term contract. Some of his more recent picture B aroi FOUR HOURS TO KILL; Wl.AN TR,J\ BORDER FLIGHT.