Biographies of Paramount Players and Directors (1936)

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68. next joined Keystone bat it v. isn't lcng before he was back with poach again. He threatened to quit again unless Roach let him play "a plain every day America: boy" ana Kith no funny clothes. Roach consented and Harold adapted his no*famous glasses. The new character was a success. Bebe Daniels, his leading lady, <<«ent with Cecil Decile and in scouting^ around for another he met Mildred Davis, who later became Mrs. Harold Lloyd. Thev wor-ced in a lr>ng series of pictures. Sometime later .Lloyd was posing for a comedy "still" when a bomb went off in his hand. Ft a time it was feared he was losing his eyesight but he recovered. He and R»ach went to New Yor< and signed a n«sw contract with Pathe. The da„ c-tme when Mildred Davis gave notice th.t she was about to leave the Roach-Lloyd company to accept another offer. Harold stopped her by marrying her. Mildred retired from the screen and her husband f«und a new leading lady in J^byna Ralston. His l":3t pictures with Roach were "A Sailer Made Man," "Grandma's Boy," "Safety Last" and "why Worry." After thit he produced for the Faramount studies where he made "Hot Water" and after "The Kid Brother" and "Speedj." The Lloyds built ft new nouse in Beverly Hills and they have a winter place at Falm Springs. They have t.aree children, two girls and one boy. And no family in Hollywood lives more quietly. Of all the stars of those old da^s of custard pies and one-reelers, only Charlie Chaplin and Harold Lloyd arc stars still. They hive become Hollywood's perennial princes of comedy. Tney get more popular every year. Lloyd's most rtcent picture was "The Milky Way" which he did for Paramount and he is expected to do another shortly.