Biographies of Paramount Players and Directors (1936)

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84. LEWIS MILESTONE (Paramount Director) Lewis Milestone yras born in Chisinau, Russia, and reared in Odessa. His parents wanted him to become a merchant in time and thus sent him to high school, with instructions that he be drilled in commercial arithmetic. But commerce was a dull subject to a bey who had creative instincts and who, at 16 had managed surreptitiously to work in such stage productions as Odessa occasionally saw. His mother once saw him in such a play, carefully hidden he thought under a heavy black beard, but the maternal eye detected him and there was a consultation of parents that night. Something dreadful was going to happen, but not that night, for at this time (1914) the Turkish Navy chose to shell the city and Lewis was saved from a parental ordeal to suffer under a more serious cr , . A few months later his parents sent him to the University of Ghent, in Belgium, and then to Berlin to study commerce, but Milestone became interested in the movies instead end h6 worked for a few weeks in a film leborptory until the pressure of war closed about him and he returned to Odessa, to run away a W6ek leter to embark for the United Stt tes by steerage, H6 had herd going in Nev. York for sever: 1 months, but managed pit the end of that period to obtain occasional jobs at the historic Fort Lee and Vitagrcp1 studios, where he did everything from 1-boring jobs to the cutting of films. His great technical knowledge of film making was learned in those apprentice days when film specialization was unheard of. where other early cutters (film editors) were content only with the patching of film in reasonable sequence, Milestone approached the task more sensibly. He considered film 83 part of a dramatic whole — a structure of plot, motivation and tempo — whose smallest sequences were as important as the largest . Thus hs pioneered the details and pr ins-taking system of cutting which trims motion picture sequences vn inch ft a time until desired emotional and dramatic results are obtained. In very much the same manner s competent