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LYNNE OVERMAN (Paramount Player)
Lynne Overman accidentally became a movie actor. He had a record of more than 20 stage plays behind him, when a chance visit to Hcllyv;ocd brought him a Paramount contract.
Overman was born in Maryville, Missouri, September 19, 1887. He started earning his own living when he was 12 years old, as a race track jockey. He rode the horsesin the summer meets, and went to school in the winter. When he was 18, he became too heavy to ride and looked around for something to do. Acting impressed him as an easy job and he landed with a minstrel show. He toured with them for two years.
From this start he went into stock, and played in various cities, finally winding up in Seattle almost broke. He and a friend bought a sterioptician machine, and set forth for Alaska. The idea was that the friend would operate the machine with its colored slides, and Lynne would sing. The venture wasn't any too successful and Lynne was soon broke again. He got a job in a dance hall as an entertainer and nine months later hed enough money to get bsck to the States.
H6 landed lit vaudeville, toured around for a while and eventually got to New York v.here he appeared in his first Bropdwpy play in 1916. When the war broke out he joined the Navy. After the Armistice, he returned to New York • and divided his time between Broadv.ay and London until 1933, when he went to Hollywood .
An enterprising *gent arranged for B. screen test. But Overman discovered thfjt while he r.ts making the test, another actor was b6ing hired for the part. Lisgusted, he prompt]} boarded the trrin for Now York and -iust as he got there he got word from Far-jrount that they had sjen his test and wanted him nick in Holly ».co<i Immediately.
Ly.-ac we a r little dazed, bat he packed his br-gs and returned and vent tc work. Hie first picture ran "Little Miss Iferkar" which starred Shirley Temple. H6 did sucv. a swell job the studio cast him for bigger parts.