Biographies of Paramount Players and Directors (1936)

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165. fk'.d stc:5i ( Par an? unt P le y e r ) Fred Stone made his entrance into show business standing on his h e c mm on a tightwire. He was born in Valmont, Colorado August 19th, 1873. His father was a teamster on a large cattle ranch. When Fred was eight y*ars old "he and his brother found they were pretty efficient at tumbling* One day a carnival came to town with a tight wire walker as the raa\:>. attraction* For more than a year Fred practiced the same things he had -een the circus man do. Only he went one better, Fred learned how to stand <\i his hrad on a rope. Later h6 changed to wire. The following year, the carnival came beck to town. Th6 town boys waited until the v.ire v;alker did hie act, then they lifted Fred to their shoulders and carried him to the pletf 02S« He started £o do his tricks* Standing on his head a better trick than the man had done, and the nine-yoar-£l^ boy was signed by the carnival. His father consented to the ceal end from then until ie90 Stone Vf 3 v:ith the wagon circus. His first year away from the carnivals found him, with his brother, in a one-night stand stock company. In 1895 hr played stock In Galveston, Texas. A minstrel show came to tov.n with a comedian n'mefl DrrtTC Montgomery. He invited Stone to join his show. And from then until Montgomery died in 1917, the t©axa of Montgomery and Stone was an international by ;rd» Their most outstanding hit v_s in "The Wizard of Oz" * It opened in Chicago in June 1902 and ran continuously there rnd in Nev York for moro than four ye^rs. Stone's three daughters, Dor -thy, P; ula end Crrol rll h<-ve become f \ mous on the Broadway stage. Fred Stone only recently tried the movies and the fans took him to their hearts immediately. His role in Alice Adims (RKO) wrs D stand-out and "Trail of the Lonesome Pine" definitely oerved him en important niche in Hollyn.od. his most recent role *as it "My Americrn Wife" for pGrrmoun+ ,