The Bioscope (July-Aug 1912)

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The Bioscope, August 29, 1912. Wanted to Sell. Picture Palace Printing. LECTRIC Piayer Piano, overstrung upright grand, in perfect condition ; complete with mctor ; can be played either by roll or as a piano; cost £100, price complete £45.— Box 330, THE Broscopr. 85. Shaftesburv Avenue. W. tc [RON FIRE SHUTTERS for openings in Kinematograph Operators, Rooms with spring lever releasing gear, controlled from both inside and outside of the room. Send sizes and position of openings for estimate.—Jukes, Coulson. Stokes & Co., Howards Road Ironworks, Plaistew309 K4™m™'s M.C. Projector, complete; brand new. never used; at catalogue price, less 30 p.c.; same is at Liverpool.—Write, Muller, 2 rue Mazagran, Hiarritz, France. 307 PETROL Generating Set, in first-class con dition, ready for running; just the very thing to instal in your hall as a stand by.— Seen at Williams Bioscope Co. Ltd., 58, Dean Street. Shaftesbury Avenue. W. tc. SINGLE Copy Posters, tlree colours: cheap and effective: d.c. letters ltd. each; linen streamers from 4d, square foot.—Transparent Eensinas Co., 212, Kennington Road, London, .E. tc. WANTED. known, ROGERS, the prompt man, supplies day-bills at rock-bottom prices. Samples sent. Roll Tickets 6d. 1,000; sample roll, post free, 6d.—Rogers, Picture Palace Printing Works, Arcade, Bristol. to Personal. Witt Mr. C. Taylor, of Birkenhead, please communicate, with THe Broscopg. Wanted to Buy. Tir-up Chairs (automatic) ; 2s. 11d. each.— Paterson, 79, Howard Street, Glasgow. tc. IP-UP Pegamoid Chairs, 3/5 each.—Actual manufacturers, Hellenbrand, 113, New North Road, N. : 30038 LAYER-Piano “ Auteola,” cost £85; new; sacrifice £40 or near offer; £6 rolls.— Hill, 115, Darwin Road, Ealing. 307 DVERTISER, visiting England around the Ist September in quest of two and three reel FEATURE subjects would like to hear of firms wanting to dispose of same from two weeks old on, Also any other novelty in the amusement line,—Address, c.o. The Montreal Star, 17, Cock:pur Street, London. 307 The LONDON & COUNTY FILM SERVICE 104, WARDOUR STREET. (A few doors from Messrs. Pathe's, Markt’s, Kc.) 'Phone, Two Thr. e On e Nine, City, 2319, Twenty-three Nineteen, City. Wire, Locotilhir, Ox, London.” Exclusive No. 1. The Curse of Suspicion. Length 2.500 ft. Released Sepr. 2nd. n Show every day at 11.30 or by appointment. Miss Wanda Treuman, Vigo Larsen, in leading parts. Programmes from £5 with Star. Give usa date, no film over 20 weeks. Vacant, Sept. 9th, 3 days. Tom Butler, 17'6, Lives Gold, 17/6, Saved 15-, Dick Turpin, 17,6, Deserter £1, God of Sun, £3, Great Anarchist Mystery, £4 10s., Indian Massacre, £1. FILM EXCHANGES— ATTENTION ! We can supply you with any film made in America, also Supplies Accessories, Machines, etc. Will act as representative for Foreign Companies. International Cinematograph Co. 61, West 14th Street, New York, U.S.A. Cable—Intercineco. te. CAPITAL Owning and controlling the most m tions. Branches: Me! 5 Cable A 8 IIIA O19 111A =i 0 OO, THE GREATER J. AMUSEMENT COMPANY, Ltd. Ensure Reliability and Immunity from Breakdown by consulting Mr. James W. Barber, A.M.LE.E., Consulting, Electrical, and Cinema tograph Engineer. Schemes prepared and Advice given on all Picture Theatre Equipment, 6 KING EDWARD MANSIONS, 2124, SHAFTESBURY AVENUE, LONDON, W. "Phone: City 6928. D. WILLIAMS £200,000. The largest Exhibitors of Photoplays in the world, employing more than 750 people. nificent Picture Palaces in the world. secure at alltimes Bxclusive Rights for Auc‘ralasia on all Special Phetoplay producFive large film Kxchanges in operation. THE LARGEST IMPORTERS OF PHOTOPLAYS IN AUSTRALASIA. Lendon Representative—J. A HAYDEN, Dewar House, 11, Haymarket, LONDON. "Phone: Central 4807. Main ee crete Palace Building, SYDNEY. ant to th, ane Wellington, N.Z. 471 Situations Vacant. WANTED, a manufacturer of Cinematographs to undertake first-class work.— Box 732, THE loscopE, 85; Shaftesbury Avenue, W. 2 307 ANTED for new Electric Theatre, Pianist, —Apply, stating age, experience, terms. etc., to Secretary, Delbarwick Pavilions, Ltd., Mill Street, Warrington, i 30 The original re se RE PLATO. ig plating Powderf. for renovating and silvering brass, copper, nickel, etc., etc. Contains no mercury, cynanide of potassium, or poison whatsoever ; is easily applied; involves no trouble and needs no skill. B rey ‘ost free for One Shilling er box. The ‘‘Replato”” Powder Co., 36, Kitson Road, Camberwell, London, S.E. Entertainers. OHN FULLER & SON (New Zealand. Theatre), of Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Invercargill, ete. Fuller’s Biograph Supplies, of Wellington. London representative, Gordon P. Firmin, Film House, Gerrard Street. W. ‘Phone: 2901 Gerrard. t.c SSS SE Eee IDNEY BACON'S PICTURES, LIMITED 143, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. Telegrams: “ Nocabdis, London.” Telephones: Gerrard 1456 and 1881. All night and Sunday. Hornsey 925. [JF you want a first-class Operator who is willing to go through any test and to prove himself absolutely efficient, apply to The Secretary, London Bioscope School, 9, Martin’s Court, London, W.C. — We guarantee any Operators we send out to be absolutely efficient and not ordinary school men. tc. ROLL TICKETS Special Quotations for D. PER 1,000, Large quantities Contracts, Sample Rell 6d., post free. Whliiamson's Patent Roll Tickets for preventing fraud. LLIAMSON, Ticket Printer. Ashton-under-Lyne. te. Numbered & Perforated t.c. “THERE'S STILL MONEY TO BE MADE IN Theatres, Music Halls, & Picture Shows." THOSE requiring Finance re Theatres, Music Hallz, Cinema Sites, Halls, Existing Shows or anything in vonnec tion with the above businesses cannot do better than consult Morgan, Son & Co., Expert Surveyors & Cinematograph Property Experts, 88 & 90, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. Mortgages and Finance arranged upon Buildings nearing c ompletion. If you require Capital in any. direction where Theatres, Music Halls and Cinemas are concerned, ‘write contidentially to us. Consultaoions free. Capital Found Debentures Secured. Companies of all descriptions Formed and Registe:ed. NOTTINGHAM Empire Cine Supplies, 11, PELHAM STREET. Bhene—Nottm. 98y. Wires—Films, Nottm.” FILM SERVICE. Prices low, condition of films excellent. Write for list of Feature Films MACHINES & ACCESSORIES. We always carry a good _ stock— includingthe Silent Empire, No. 12. SECONBHAND FILMS. From 2d, per-ft,