The Bioscope (Oct-Dec 1913)

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THE BioscoPpE, OCTOBER Q, 1913. in the theatre, near a series of the Ernemann machines, cameras, etc., also Messrs. Hummell’s and Dallmever's cine and projection lenses, etc., and the Hummell house cinematograph. ‘The American ExPress Company are featuring the Wanda Truemann series, also “ The Curse of Drink,’’ “Lieut. Rose ”’ (Clarendon) in * The Stolen Bullion,’ “ The Black snake.” and * Heroine of the Moulin Rouge.’’ They have just secured) (for Yorks., Lanes., Cheshire, T.QO.M., and Ireland) the special rights for ‘ London by Night." An interesting feature is the proviston of a typewriter and operator for the convenience of visitors attending the show. The Climax Ticker L~suing Machine is also to be seen here, and will, ne doubt, sall further increase its connections. Stand No. 17 is that of Messrs. T. H. Morrisey and Co., of Manchester, who are showing an excellent selection of cinematograph stationery and sundries, stencil plates, stamps, etc., then we came to Nos. 1 and 19, in the occupancy of Messrs. Harris and Gillow, auctioneers, ete., London. At Stand No. 2201s) the Wilhamson Kinematograph Com‘pany, Limited, of Denmark Street, W.C., whose splendid apparatus is so well known = and_ part of the producings and laboratory. equipment of our leading — firms. Their ‘step bv step” printer, the Wilhamson perforator, their ‘ topical and other cameras represent but a few. of the “good things’ in the lines of apparatus displaved. A splendid stand, and most interesting to all French visitors. Messrs. Bell's Asbestos Northern Agency, at Stands Nos, 28 and 21, had erected a fine Tudor style buildIng. With a roofing of their © Poilite’ tiles. Their abestos tiling and sheeting has been exclusively used mM operating boxes throughout the exhibition. A novel and taking exhibit, despite the prosaic nature of the materials. Next comes Messrs. Platt and Co.’s stand, and ths Well-known Manchester firm, whose premises are it Knott Mill, specialise in artistic announcement slides and general theatre advertising, right from the curfain to the programme. Here Mr. G. R. Bevier was “eens and showed some exccllent lines of great tn'eTest to exhibitors. Mand No. 31 is occupied by the Advance Film Service, Limited, Manchester, with Mr. William Whitehead at the head of affairs, and = showing Brockliss specialities and projectors, including Model AC aval aie Faroe Motiograph, also a selection of programme boards and apparatus, etc., for the theatre, and the clever Express ticket machine ‘Middlemiss patent). A goodly selection of “exclusives “was also noted. Passing on to Nos. 34-35. we had the pleasure mt omecting Mr. F. Sullivan, in charge of a oe stand, occupied by the Electric Appliances “Many, Limited, and showing their well-known a Cleaners, as supplied to over 200 theatres, also leading corporations and railway companies, ete, ( o ; Our old friends, whose phenomenal growth is proVerbial, Messrs “Tands 36 and 37. Mr. H. A. Hall being in charve. Mr. Fred Weisker was also present, and Mr. Horsaes electrical department, who reports excelLitera a mn this department. Kinema_ House, allappinans well-known as a veritable storchouse of hiring and ¢ ee in the business, also as a huge Peni sraieee oe usive establishment. The “ Wibro | en ere on show, also being used in their Catre, where Weisker apparatus was in evi Ines, from iron cases to. switchboards dence. Al} Google Wesker Brothers, Limited, occupy . 10g are obtainable, also motors and other operatiog necessities, including the handy Wesker film winder, and the firm’s cleaning machine. Mr. A. Russell was also in attendance with his special spray diffuse ss and essences, also the * Renovatum’”’ floor and sanitary preparations for the theatre. The New Century Film Service, Limited, were next at Nos. 38—39, showing projectors, apparatus and exclusives, these showing in theatre No. 14 and ranging trom the * Last Davs of Pompei” to the “Three Musketeers,” in oa lengthy dist of splendid features, showing also in conyunction with Messrs. Wesker Brothers,—a very attractive stand. Next came Messrs. Oldfield’s Advertising Company, at Stands Nos. 40 and 41, showed the show catalogue, also a selection of their well-known theatre printing. Stands Nos. 42 and 43 are those of the Cradley Carriage Company, Limited, who display their theatre seating and other furnishing. Nos. 51 and 52 are those of Messrs Martin’s Feature Films, of London and Manchester, Mr. H. Tlenry being on hand to give the visitors a welcome and details of their many exclusives. The Fenning Film Service, Limited, at Stand No. 53, In addition to Stand No. 6, showing the Sherlock Holmes series and other exclusives had a lengthy list of apparatus and other usetul adjuncts for the theatre. At Nos. 55 and 56, we found Mr. Lauff in charge, and representing the Lama Film Producing Company, Limited, of Manchester, and displaying coloured and tinted nims, also publicitwy matter relating to their topical department, a rapidly growing section of the business. The National Film Agency, of Manchester, are occupying Stand No. 37, and specialising in features, a number being shown on territorial and exclusive rights. The National list is a good and lengthy one. Messrs. Moffatt) Brothers, of Manchester, manufacturing confectioners, showed, at Stand No. 58, their specialities ino sweetmeats for cinema theatres. Next came the stand of Messrs. Jacob, White and Company, Limited, of Islington, the othcial electrical engineers for the exhibition: then that of the Untrpunch Svndicate, at Stand No. 60, where their Car: disk issuing machines and the cleverly constructed Unipunch machine were on view. Stands Nos. 62—64, were those of Picturedrome, Limited, Southport, who specialise in theatre advertising of every description, Curtains, programmes and printing; Mr. McNally being in charge of the exhibit. \ very attractive stand is that of the Uniform Clothing and Equipment Company, in charge of Mr. J. Clarkson, a well-known musical personalitv. A brave array of fine uniforms and = other lines for theatre and band equipment, ete. Next door, the stand of the Elarper Electric Piano (1910) Company, of London, with Mr. A. Simmons present, showed their combined piano and organ, also other orchestral instruments, and the Harper electrical piano, Stands Nos. 70 and 71 are those of the Unity Wood and tron Company, of Padiham, with theatre seating In first class stvle and finish. Messrs. Lite Targets are located with a magniticent range at Nos. 72 to 73, and doing a big thing with their animated targets, which proved such a big: success at the Olympia Fixhibition. TPhev have just) fitted an installation on the Querw Mary, the latest Dreadnought, and have other battleships to equip with their device. Many ranges are projected for Government purposes, also at Various resorts, A wonderfully interesting exhibit and beautifully managed, under the superintendence of the firm's engineer, Mr. Hume. A very cursory examination of the exhibition 18 comprised in the above, and our only regret after the very courteous treatment received, is the lack of space for a more detailed description.