The Bioscope (Oct-Dec 1913)

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184 THE Broscope, Ocroser 16, 1913. L.I.F.T. Co. EXCLUSIVES. Dr. Kean’s Secret. 2,440 ft. A Great Saving of expense and trouble is entailed by the installation of a MERCURY VAPOUR CONVERTER Although Alternating Current does not give the clear, steady, white beam of light required for the best exhibition of the pictures, it is economical Direct Current does give a satisfactory beam of light but wastes often as much as 75% of the electricity paid for, in resistances to bring the voltage down. With a Mercury Vapour Converter you can have the advantages of alternating current in point of cost and the efficiency for lighting purposes of direct current. A Mercury Vapour Converter starts up at once automatically. But a small installation cost and NO ATTENTION. NO MAINTENANCE. Write to-day for full particulars. Her Vengeance. 2,000 ft. THE WESTINGHOUSE Sin of Blackmail. 2,200 ft. 80 YORK ROAD KINGS CROSS LONDON.N THE DAY'S NEWS FILM SO a, ee Wanda. 2,350 ft. Brutus. 1,250 ft. * up-ropate © | Macbeth ~X NEWS-FILM | 1,600 ft. For Up-to-date Picture Palaces. LATEST EVENTS OF THE DAY | THE LONDON From Everywhere. Portrayed in Moving Pictures, | Acquaint us with your needs and we will satisfy I \ 3 n epen én them. Termsand lupon demand sent params X ¥ BIOSCOPE CHRONICLE ¥' FILM Co., 113, 115, 117, Charing Cross Road, > 10, LITTLE ST. ANDREW STREET, LONDON, W.C. Lonpon, W.C. “Phone, Telegrams, Gerrard 4929. ** Cousinhood, Ox, London.”’ y ; 5 panied: Xs G Yelephone, REGENT 2997. >= = 2 CT) rn ee ae ra ee ee = — Telegrams, ‘OLOFILM, WESTCENT, LONDON.” THE seedty GOOGIE FILM.