The Bioscope (Oct-Dec 1913)

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SUPPLEMENT TO THE DIOSCOPE, OCTOBER 30, 1913. XX1. 68 ee VITAGRAPH, THEN | KNOW M anager. ILLUSTRATED SYNOPSES. — —— — A GORGEOUS TRAVEL. December 4th. 351 ft. ap. ‘FLORA FINCH. COMEDY. 1,033 ft app. / ‘TURNER and TOM POWERS. COMEDY. Length 1,023 {t. app. ' WVITAGRAPH GLOBE.TROTTERS SERIES. taken in Burma. } COSTELLO and CLARE KIMBALL YOUNG. DRAMA. Length 1,010 ft. app. $ FORTUNE and ANNE SCHAEFER. aes : , DRAMA. Length I,O10 ft. app. A MAID OF MANDALAY ALL FILMS ON EASTMAN STOCK. Roa d, Londéw al.C —saceTERae ISSIIED WITH EVERY SUBJECT, ‘eiephone—Regent 3422.