The Bioscope (May-Jun 1915)

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1161 init CSA-A-A T is going to be the biggest film serial success up-to-date. It is going to establish new records as a magic money-maker for exhibitors throughout the length and breadth of Britain. In support of these strong statements you have the proved success from the box-office point of view. of all the previous TransAtlantic Serial Photoplays. REMEMBER— “Lucille Love” was a money-maker for every Exhibitor who booked it. TRE TREY HEARTS made as g:eat a success as any film ever presented in Great Britain. THE BioscoPe, JUNE 17, 1913. E TERK ZOUN FLEMING WILSON Ming Pats Koance! is proving a worthy successor to these two popular picture stories. WHY ? | | | | (1) Because Trans Atlantic serials represent the \ highest attainable qualities of photography, production, and acting. AND— (2) The Trans-Atlantic ensure the success of their serials by giving Exhibitors the strongest assistance of a splendidly equipped Advertising Department and the help of a competent sales organisation. ALL PRINTS ON EASTMAN STOCK. TRANS-ATLANTIC FILM CO., LTD., “THE HOME OF SERIALS,” NDON. W. 37-39, OXFORD ST.,