The Bioscope (Jul-Sep 1931)

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xi\ THE BIOSCOPE What is probably the lowest estimated cost of any new cinema scheme in Manchester within recent months is that for the proposed new cinema in Slade Lane, to seat 1,500 persons. The total cost of the building and land, including the purchase of a shop, will be /23.000, and the building alone /1 8,500. Designed by Harold Davies, Manchester, it will comprise ground floor, fnezzanine floor and circle, the exterior being in old style with a conical tower over the main entrance. The rest of the building will be straight and finished off at the opposite end to the entrance with a smaller tower of the gabled sort. On the mezzanine floor there will be a cafe and lounge, the cafe to have seating accommodation for about 80 persons. Provision has been made for an exceptionally large screen. The directorate, as at present proposed, will consist of Joseph Toole, M.P., Eli Elkan Cohen and Albert Cohen (chairman and director respectively of the Levenshulme Danses de Luxe), and William Booth. * * * Estimated to cost about ^50,000 (including site), the scheme for a new cinema at the corner of Green Lane, Liverpool, is about to take definite shape, the main building contract having been left to C. J. Doyle, 15, Victoria Street, Liverpool. The cinema, which has been designed by A. Ernest Shennan. F.R.I.B.A., North John Street, Liverpool, will seat 2,000 persons — 1,300 in the stalls and 700 in the balcony. The building will be modern in conception and will have a large foyer. For the exterior illumination free use will be made of flood lighting and Neon signs. There will be a large car park. * * * Negotiations are taking place with the L.C.C. for the lease of a site at the junction of St. Helier Avenue and Bishopsford Road, MODERN CINEMA TECHNIQUE Building News In Brief on the St. Helier housing estate, on which it is proposed to erect a cinema of 2,000 seats capacity, together with a number of shops and flats. The promoters of the scheme are given as I. Osloff and L. Rolnick, but it is understood that some time will elapse before the negotiations are completed and the scheme proceeded with. * * * Plans have been passed for the new super in Curzon Street, Burton-on-Trent. This will be a two-storey building with an imposing frontage, having seating accommodation in the neighbourhood of 2,000, with special provision for waiting patrons, together with a cafe. The proscenium will have provision for a wide screen. The house will replace the present Picturedrome of the Burton-on-Trent Picturedrome Co., with which Miss Orton is associated. J. Fairweather, of Glasgow, is the architect. * * * C. G. Huins & Sons, of Redditch, have the contract for alterations at the Palace Theatre, Redditch. The work — plans of which have been prepared by Harold S. Scott, A.R.I.B.A., of Birmingham — embraces a new scenery store at the side of the stage, provision of a complete new operating department at the rear of the theatre, and a general scheme of redecoration and reseating. Western Electric Sound system, together with Ernemann projectors, are to be installed. Work is to be completed by August 8th. July 15, 1931 T. Jenkins, F.R.I.B.A., of Burton-on-Trent, is the quantity surveyor for the super to be bui(t in Curzon Street, Burton-on-Trent, for the erection of which a contract is shortly to be placed. The architect for the theatre, which will seat 1,800 people, is John Fairweather, F.R.I.B.A., of Glasgow. * * * Amended preliminary plans have been provisionally approved by the Licensing Committee of the Surrey C.C. for the new cinema to be built in Ockford Road, Godaiming, for County Cinemas, Ltd. Henry G. Baker, L.R.I.B.A., Aldershot, has planned a cinema with accommodation for 1,500 persons. * * * Work has begun on the new 3,000-seater which Irish Cinemas Trust, Ltd., are erecting in Cork. The contract for the building was signed last week, at a figure of /52.250, with Meagher & Hayes, of Cork and Dublin, who have already to their credit the Savoy, Dublin. The figure mentioned as the cost of the building, however, is only about one-third of the total expenditure on the completed theatre, the site having cost in the region of ^27,000. As already announced in The Bioscope, the new cinema will be situated on the old site of the Cork Chemical & Drug Company, fronting on Patrick Street and William Street. * * * Sub-contracts for steelwork, slating and external plastering have been let in connection with the erection of the cinema on the old post office site at Downham, Norfolk ; the main contractors are John Cracknell, Ltd., Peterborough. J. Laurie Eamell and W. Dymoke White, F/A.R.I.B.A., King’s Lynn, are the architects. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS SITUATIONS VACANT ORGANIST required for new Central Theatre, Kidderminster, opening in September. Only experienced Cinema Organists should apply, stating qualifications and terms by letter addressed Secretary, Kidderminster Central Theatre, Ltd., Priory Buildings, Dudley. 1292 SALESMAN required by important Film Renting concern. Only those that are engaged in the business with approved ability as salesmen need apply. Write full details, previous experience and salary required. — Box 618, c o The Bioscope, Faraday House, 8-10 Charing Cross Road, W.C.2. 1292 SMART Representatives or Agents required in most districts for Sale of the most upto-date Talking Picture Apparatus. — Apply Box 614, c o The Bioscope, Faraday House, 8-10, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2. “ 'T’ALKIE ” Engineering. Equip yourself for •I the new conditions of the cinema employment market. Send for Free details of our upto-the-minute Talking Picture Engineering Course. Specialised instruction also offered in Electrical and all branches of Engineering and for all Technical Exams., including A.M.I.E.E. Write for Free Handbook, stating subject which is of particular interest. — British Institute of Engineering Technology, 333, Shakespeare House, 29-31, Oxford Street, W.l. 1294 WANTED \A7 ANTED in good condition for cash, two Kalee No. 8 Mechanisms, top Spool Boxes, Lamp Houses, Kalee Mirror Arcs, Slide attachment, suitable for Western Universal base ; must be in good condition and at a reasonable price ; also Motor-Generator, A.C. 400 volts, 3 phase, 50 cycles, D.C. 100 volts, 100 amp. — Write stating full particulars and where can be seen, to Pickles. Royal Cinema, Chorley. 1291 WANTED Amplifier, suitable for Cinema ; 110 A.C. and D.C. Capable of working five speakers. — Box 604, c/o The Bioscope, Faraday House, 8-10, Charing Cross Road, WC.2. 1292 WANTED VV7 ANTED, on Rental or Lease, several Silent W Cinemas ; replies treated in strictest confidence and investigated immediately. — Fullest particulars to Box 612, c/o The Bioscope, Faraday House. 8-10, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2. FOR SALE COMPLETE Dansk Duplex Cinema Outfit, all accessories • including Silver Screen, 75-volt Motors, Dallmeyer Lens. Can be seen working now. Must be disposed of within one month. Bargain for quick sale. Outfit in firstclass working order. Suit country show. — Apply Box 616, c/o The Bioscope, Faraday House, 8-10, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2. For sale, in good condition, petrol LIGHTING SET OUTPUT 70 VOLTS 60 AMPS., CROSSLEY ENGINE. CROMPTON DYNAMO. DIRECT COUPLED. WITH PANEL COMPLETE. BEST OFFERS.— Apply James Davies, Curwen House, Cwmllynfell, Swansea. 1293 FINE Mustel “ Paris ” Organ ; cost 200 guineas ; suitable for small theatre. Also one G.E.C. 1/10 h.p. 200/225-volt D.C. Motor, two E.M.I. 1/8 h.p. 220-volt D.C. Motors; one Simplex 1 / 4 h.p. 230-volt D.C. Motor ; two “ Kalee ” Type R.L. Mirror Arcs. Also 100 good Tip-up Seats. — Chequers Theatre, St. Albans. 1293 PATENTS AND TRADE MARKS KINGS Patent Agency, Ltd., 146a, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4. Free — ‘‘Advice Handbook ” on patenting Inventions and registering Trade Marks by Registered Agent with 45 veers’ experience. Gerrard 1331 POST RECORDING DUBBING PRESSING Etc EDISON BFLL, LIMITED Talking Films Dept., 1-5, Manette Street, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2 London, S.W.6 Price Lists Free. TEA ROOM TABLES CHAIRS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Send for Lists of GLASS TABLES, RUBBER, LINO, and PLAIN TOP TABLES to — KAFA TABLE CO.. 5-7, Church 8treet, Shoreditch, London. E. T leph ii : Bihhopsgate 1739. Distributor of “ THE ALPHA ’’TICKET ISSUING MACHINES