The Bioscope (Jul-Sep 1931)

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July 15, 1931 THE BIOSCOPE xv * 7 i One of to-day’s “ live-est ” showmen ; a man who will take on a thing and galvanise it into an outstanding success; a sound man; a substantial man ; a man who is making BIG money quickly in the Cinema business ; is wanting other shows. And if you are prepared to do a “ deal,” it will pay you to get in touch with us. Quick. The telephone is the quickest way ; so our number is Gerrard 1192. CLEMENT BLAKE & DAY FOR A QUICK SALE FOR AN EFFICIENT SALE FOR A STRAIGHTFORWARD SALE instruct KNOWLEDGE. AT LEAST ONE OF THESE BOOKS SHOULD BE IN YOUR POSSESSION. RICHARDSON’S HANDBOOK OF PROJECTION. Vols. 1 and 2. Known as the “ Blue Book of Projection,” this work is undoubtedly the last word od this subject. Every phase of this branch of the business is dealt with in minute detail, and is absolutely up to date. (Eth Edition.) Many illustrations. Post free 25/9. Vol. 3. Deals exclusively with the subject of Sound Projection. It makes this new complex subject readily understandable to even the most uninitiated. Po3t Free 21/6. (V0I3. 1, 2 and 3 Post Free 47/-.) “ SOUND PROJECTION.” Rudolph Miehling. A detailed exposition of sound picture production and reproduction by an acknowledged authority on the art. This book is crammed with information for the projectionist. Post Free 25/6. “BUILDING THEATRE PATRONAGE.” Barry and Sargent. Tne standard book on Theatre Management and Theatre Advertising. Covers all the following subjects : Theatre Advertising, The Lobby, Novelty Ads., Legal Problems, Management, CutOuts. Outdoor Advertising, Newspaper Advertising, Ventilation, Music and Colour. Post Free 21/6. “THE MOTION PICTURE CAMERAMAN.” E. G. Leitz. In this volume the author answers almost every conceivable question on the actual mechanics of taking the picture, as well as developing, cutting, etc., etc. 250 pp. Post Free 11/-. “ ELECTRIC LIGHTING & WIRING." W. S. IBBETFON, B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Electric Circuits and Installations Diagrams. For the use of all engaged in the operation and control of all kinds of Power and lighting Plants and Illustration Work generally. 198 pp. 177 illustrations. Post Free 11/-. “MODERN PICTURE THEATRE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND PROJECTION.” R. V. JOHNSON. An important book of grsat interest to Operators, Electricians, Theatre Managers, and all who are in any way connected with the Cinema industry. Post Free 11/-. “WHO’S WHO IN FILMLAND.” Langford Reed and Hetty Spiers. A biographical year book of over 1.750 men ami women of the Screen. Post Free 2/9. Publications Manager : BIOSCOPE BOOKSHOP, FARADAY HOUSE, 8-10, CHARING CROSS ROAD, LONDON, W.C. 2. a