The Bioscope (Jul-Sep 1931)

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34 THE BIOSCOPE August 12, 1931 “ Talkies ” at O.H. ? A singular coincidence occurs this week, inasmuch as “ Dracula,” the stage play, is being performed at the Royal Opera House, while at the same time it is being screened at the City. The Opera House has been acquired by a new syndicate, with which Edmund Tyler is associated. Mr. Tyler was a director of the City Cinema before it was taken over by P.C.T. Does this mean that sooner or later the O.H. will become “ talkie ” ? More surprising things have happened. To Skegness The whole of the staff at the Prince’s enjoyed a day’s outing to Skegness on Sunday, the journey being made by motor coach. Syd Parsons, the popular manager, received a message from the directors wishing all a happy and enjoyable time. South Wales Newcomers of Personality Registration last week of the Lyceum (Newport), Ltd., brings into the Welsh film world Sidney Cooper, Newport, probably one of the best-known repertory house owners and managers in the provinces. Mr. Cooper has been connected with repertory for about fifty years, and it will be interesting to watch his cinema career. Behind the registration of another company, the Maesteg Cinemas, Ltd., is Alfred Withers, of Bargoed, who is too well known in the trade in Wales to need mention here. He is, by the way, also behind another new company which has just been registered — -the Blackwood Cinemas, Ltd. Obviously, there are plenty of shrewd and experienced people who have confidence in the future of the cinema in South Wales and Monmouthshire. Sunday Concerts at Tenby The Tenby, West Wales, magistrates last week granted an application made on behalf of the Pavilion, Tenby, for permission to open on Sunday evenings for the purpose of holding concerts. The application was granted on condition that no films were shown. The Pavilion is one of the Tenby houses owned by M. W. Shanly. Quite Unsuitable The Llwcher Urban District Council, the local authority for the tinplate townships of Gorseinon, Loughor, etc., West Wales, last week turned down plans for the conversion of an old public building in Loughor into a cinema. It was urged by several councillors that the building in question was built entirely of timber and quite unsuitable for cinema purposes. The Tally Completed The Empire, Mountain Ash (Glam.), has been wired for “ talkies,” the equipment installed being R.C.A. All cinemas in this South Wales coal area are now wired for “ talkies.” New Opens Well The New Theatre. Cardiff, which started its career as a cinema last week, had an exceptionally good opening week. The feature picture, the “ talkie ” version of “ Charley’s Aunt,” went across so well that it has been retained for another week. John Stuart came down from London to open the theatre, and had a very fine reception. Irish Free State (Representative: Joseph P. Sandes, 43, St. Joseph's Place, Dorset Street, Dublin) Country Houses Improving There is a distinct evidence of improvement in the country cinemas, not only in the general appearance and the interior comfort, but in the quality and presentation of the pictures. A picture house may affect favourably an entire street. The artistic decoration scheme and brilliant illumination forming a centre of attraction in a country town causes hotels and dimlylit business houses to consider new ideas. The immediate cause of the improvements has been the installation of “ talkie ” apparatus in most country districts. The Town Hall. Dundalk, which was only recently opened, is doing remarkably well. At the Country Hall, Mullingar, a Western Electric set is being installed, and is opening with Wheeler & Woolsey in “ Dixiana.” The same film welcomes the reopening of the Pavilion, Sligo, where a R.C.A. plant has been put in. Improvement Works Mr. Breen has taken over the Town Hall, New Ross, on lease, is thoroughly renovating the building, and has put in a R.C.A. set. Killarney is also going “ talkie.” The East Avenue Hall is now under new management, and it is expected Mr. Cooper will affect a muchneeded improvement in so important a district. The Whitworth Hall Cinema, in Drogheda, is closed for redecorating and will reopen in a couple of weeks. T. J. G. on Holiday Thomas J. Gogan, popular and enterprising manager of the Pavilion, Kingstown, has gone on a well-earned vacation to the South of England. Northern Ireland (Representative : George Gray, Fort Garry, Cregagh Park, Belfast) Bad Business Holiday business in Belfast was on the whole very poor, owing to the weather being far too fine for cinemas. This is the first time for some years that exhibitors have suffered so badly, as it has always rained on Bank Holiday here. Luckily for them, however, the weather now looks like breaking, and this will enable the worst week for years to be retrieved. An Experiment To Will White, of the Duncairn, goes the credit for trying an interesting experiment. Not many months ago “ Song o’ My Heart ” and “ Sunnyside Up ” were shown at his house. They have had innumerable runs, not only in Belfast, but all over Ulster, and now Will is proving that good “ talkies ” can draw big crowds again after a lapse of a short time. This experiment of trying re-runs is to be extended to other houses. An Afternoon Out Renters and exhibitors had an afternoon out when their bowling team played the first of this year’s matches at Fruithill Park, Belfast, against Willowfield Unionist Club, but, after a good fight, were beaten. The trade team, led by that wellknown Irish international Jack M’Cann (Diamond), included John O’Neill, J. Craig, Frank Keogh, F. Spiers, Dick M’Dermott, W. Carruthers, H. M’Mullen, Billy Hogan and George Gray. White Cinema Club Attendance at the August meeting of the White Cinema Club in Belfast was not up to its usual high numbers, but this was accounted for by the fact that many members had decided to extend their holidays. W. J. Hogan, of the Clonard, presided, and a special sub-committee was deputed to proceed with making the arrangements for the outing which is to be held to Ballycastle on Sunday, September 6th. Members are to be the guests of the club, whilst friends are only to be charged the bare cost of their railway fare. In all probability a series of social events will be held during the winter. Safety Regulations In reply to queries of country exhibitors, the Chairman pointed out that, while in Belfast the Corporation has its own inspecting officer in regard to safety regulations, in the provincial areas it was the custom for the local councils to issue the licence, but to leave the question of safety regulations to the local officer in charge of the police. Should any difficulties arise, however, the country exhibitors need only communicate with an official of the club and the matter would be taken up. Finance With the end of the financial year drawing near, the Treasurer pointed out that the club was in an extremely strong position, and he was hopeful of seeing it still further strengthened. It was also decided to make an innovation, by issuing with the balance sheet a printed report, in which the year’s work of the club would be fully dealt with. It was also stated that the exhibitors’ section would hold a further meeting during the month, when the questions of restricted advertising and renters’ terms would be discussed and reports presented as to how the recent plans were working. New Companies Registered NATIONAL TALKIES, LTD.—Private company. Registered June 22nd. Capital, £100. Objects : To carry on the business of manufacturers and producers of, agents for and dealers in, all kinds of cinematographic and photographic films, etc. The first directors are not named, Solicitors : Romain & Romain, 62, Baker Street. W.l. PLAZA (COVENTRY), LTD.—Private company. Registered June 26th. Capital, £1,500. Objects : To carry on the business of cinema, theatre, music and concert hall, ballroom, circus and hippodrome proprietors or agents, etc. The directors are : H. T. A. Philpot, St. Agnes, Beechwood Avenue, Coventry ; C. Orr Tara, Manor Road, Coventry (director Scala Entertainments (Coventry), Ltd. ; G. W. R. Philpot, Shortlands, Stoney Road, Coventry. Solicitors : Band, Hatton & Co., Coventry. Registered Office : Plaza Picture Theatre, Spon End, Coventry. NORFOLK CINEMAS, LTD.—Private company. Registered June 26th. Capital, £1,000. Objects : To acquire from J. I. Norfolk a lease of The Coliseum Electric Cinema, Northampton, and the business carried on there. The directors are : J. I. Norfolk, 32, East Park Parade, Northampton ; Mrs. Mabel Norfolk, 32, East Parade, Northampton. Solicitors : Routh, Stacey & Castle, 14, Southampton Street, Bloomsbury, W.C.l. Registered Office: Coliseum Cinema, Kingsthorpe Hollow, Northants. CINEMA BRIERFIELD, LTD.—Private company. Registered June 27th. Capital, £100. Objects : To carry on the business of proprietors or managers of theatres, palaces and halls, cinematographic shows and exhibitions, etc. The subscribers (each with one share) are : R. Vivian, 9, Sholebroke View, Chapeltown, Leeds, cinema manager ; K. Cainer, 9, Grange View, Leeds, accountant. The first directors are to be appointed by the subscribers. Solicitor : E. Hurwitz, 66, Merrion Street, Leeds. MIHALY (STROOD), LTD.—Private company. Registered June 18th. Capital £500. Objects : To acquire on lease or otherwise and conduct the Invicta Picture Palace, Strood. The permanent directors are : C. Stafford, 193, Wardour Street, W. ; M. Fine, 11, Kingscroft Road, Hampstead, N.W. Solicitor : H. V. Harraway, 12, South Square, Gray’s Inn, W.C. Registered office: 193, Wardour Street, W.l. CINEHALLS, LTD. — Private company. Registered June 16th. Capital £1,000. Objects : To construct and carry on a cinema, and to carry on the business of proprietors and managers of theatres, music halls, concert and dancing halls, etc. The directors are : M. Sugden, 54, Cornwall Road, Harrogate (director Fraser Bros. (Leeds), Ltd.) ; R. Niman, 9, Sholebroke Avenue, Leeds (director N. H. C. Entertainments, Ltd.) ; K. Cainer, 9, Grange View, Leeds, accountant. Secretary : K. Cainer. Solicitor : F.. Hurwitz, 66, Marrion Street, Leeds. AMITY, LTD. — Private company. Registered June 12th. Capital £100. Objects : To carry on the business of proprietors, lessees, licensees, tenants and managers of theatres, opera houses, music halls, cinematograph theatres, etc. The directors are : Joyce Kennedy, 26, Park Crescent, W.l., actress; Muriel Pratt, The Old Rectory, Bletchingley, Surrey (director N. Pratt & Son, Ltd., and Loving Heart, Ltd.) ; Janet Beecher, 24, Upper George Street, W.l, actress. Registered office : 56, Manchester Street, W.l. CINEMA PUBLICITY SUPPLY CO., LTD. — Private company. Registered July 25. Capital £2,000. Objects : To acquire the business carried on by Miss L. M. Dovener at 60, Lime Street, Liverpool, or elsewhere, as The Cinema Publicity Supply Company, and to carry on the business af advertising and publicity agents, consultants and specialists, Press agents, advertising contractors, etc. The directors are : — Miss L. M. Dovener, “ Brakel,” Woolton Road, Liverpool ; F. E. Weisker (permanent), 7, Croxteth Road, Liverpool (both directors Liverpool Palais de Luxe, Ltd.). Solicitor : H. J. Holme, 233, India Buildings, Water Street, Liverpool. Registered office : 8, Harrington Street, Liverpool.