The Bioscope (Jul-Sep 1931)

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August 26, 1931 THE BIOSCOPE 27 Admission Prices Collapse Serious Effects Follow Price Cutting Policy (By The Bioscope German Correspondent, Fritz Mann ) subordinated to its decorative treatment, the reverse is the case. The architect — M. Wheeler, F.R.I.B.A. — has endeavoured to create a form expressive of the cinema, and his collaborator, Baron Arild Rosencrantz, has designed his colour scheme to merge into and soften the simple planes which characterise the auditorium. A third factor enters into the argument here, for Holophane’s special lighting installation is going to pour out new and original effects which have never before been achieved in coloured cinema illumination. This is going to be a theatre of trade as well as public interest. Jimmie McBride And His Bride Our old friend and Scottish representative, Jimmie McBride, has just started on a brief and belated honeymoon visit to Torquay. The rejuvenated and redoubtable Scottish Councillor — Jimmie is all that in these days — in spite of his close contact with the public, managed to hide from all but a few confidential friends the fact that he was married to Miss Margaret Baillie, wellknown in Scottish cinema circles as the manageress of La Scala, Kdinburgh, as long ago as July 2nd. Now the secret has leaked out, however, I can say what my colleagues and I would have liked to say long ago — “ Long life and increasing happiness to Mr. and Mrs. ! ” Mrs. Me Bride was for 17 years the manageress of La Scala, a post which she only resigned some time after her marriage. It was because she had been asked by her directors to remain after her marriage that the important news was kept so dark. Jimmie’s characteristic smile is already more expansive, and we, with his hundreds of trade friends, hope it will grow more so. Radio Exhibition And the Trade Film trade people who will this year be finding themselves among the standholders at the National Radio Exhibition at Olympia and Manchester will be mighty glad to hear that they are again to have the courteous assistance and service of Garry Allighan as liaison between themselves and the Press. Garry has again been appointed Press Manager for the Exhibition, which is not surprising in view of his popularity as the official publicity manager of the Radio Manufacturers’ Association — a post which he has held for the past three years — and of his influence as Daily Standard critic on broadcasting subjects. Garry always manages to preserve his own ideas as to how any particular job should be done. He is byno means a “ Yes ” man, which probably contributes to his success. Tn any case, it must be agreed that he has done much to foster happier relations between the Trade and the Press, both in regard to film and radio subjects. OBSERVER Stoke Poges— Sept. 6 S.G.S. Cup Competition Maurice Ostrer, captain, and the Committee of the Screen Golfing Society are inviting all members to play on Sunday-, September 6th, at Stoke Poges, in The Cinema Challenge Cup Competition. Whilst players may not be eligible to win this trophy-, which is confined to members of the trade, other special trophies are being offered in competition. Entries must be received by Monday (August 31st). Cinema admission prices in Berlin have fallen catastrophically in consequence of general industrial depression. The admission to some of the smaller cinemas amounts only to 3d. The Union of Berlin Exhibitors has resolved to combat this uneconomic development, for it is a patent fact that if films are sold to the public at such prices the whole industry must eventually " go to the dogs.” Lowering Artists’ Salaries ? In German film production circles attempts are being made to fix a scale of salaries for stars. According to the example set by the Berlin stage, it is hoped to lower the salaries to a bearable level. The proprietors of the legitimate theatres have resolved not to guarantee more than 3,000 RM. per month of whatever prominence the star may be. Profit sharing, in which both the proprietor and artists are paid on the basis of the show’s earnings, has also been initiated. * * * The which the film producers would Gregg Sails Friday W.E. Sets Up From 100 to 1,400 E. S. Gregg, late managing director of Western Electric in this country, sails for America on the Leviathan on Friday to take up an important position with ERPI in America. Mr. Gregg, who is succeeded by R. M . Hatfield, will carry with him considerable gratification at the progress made by the company during his regime , for when he came to this country two years ago there were less than 100 theatre installations in operation here . To-day there are nearly 1,400 ! During the same period the companyhas increased the number of installations in Continental Europe, the near East and India from 22 to 600 installations. During his term there he has also served to introduce " talkies ” into the British Navy, and in conjunction with E. P. L. Pelly he succeeded in interesting the two big commercial organisations of Lyons and and Levers in the value of the talking film for industrial purposes. He has also witnessed the adoption of talking films, experimentally at least, as an educational medium, and reports as to results are now awaited from the Middlesex educational authorities. fix, though certainly higher than that fixed by the stage, would be far lower than the salaries which some of the stars at present receive. A committee is to be formed to work out the matter. Matters are somewhat complicated by the opposition of certain producers, who urge that competition would suffer if artists’ salaries were attacked in the manner described. * * * The famous German " stunt ” performer, Harry Piel, has been engaged by Carl Laemmle during the latter’s stay in Prague for the Universal production. He will appear in German and English productions. Laemmle says he will make Piel an international star. * * * The well-known German producer and renter, Hermann Rosenfeldt, has established a new firm, the Heros-Film. He will produce six pictures. Rosenfeld is the former general manager of Hegewald. Universal Staff Economies Dillon Damen Leaves R. Dillon Damen, for the past 18 months with the Universal publicity department, has left the company in consequence of recent staff economies effected by the managing director, James V. Bryson. His association with J. Leslie Williams, Universal publicity manager, and with J. V. Brysc n, has teen throughout a very happy one, and his success and popularity with the Fleet Street and trade press will doubtless result in his announcement of a new appointment in the near future. Mr. Damen was for some time attached to the publicity staff of Fox Films, during which time he had practically complete charge of the company’s extensive advertising and press work. Prior to these he had for some time acted in a free lance capacity as press agent for the General Theatres Corporation, now a subsidiary of the Gaumont-British. An energetic and forceful writer, he has originated a number of clever exploitation schemes. “ Peg o’ My Heart ” for M-G-M " Peg O’ My Heart,” one of the most famous stage successes of the past two decades, has been added to the list of M.-G.-M. story properties. No cast selections have yet been announced. E. S. Gregg