The Bioscope (Jul-Sep 1931)

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September 30, 1931 THE BIOSCOPE xi Telephone: Gerrard 1192. Telegramt: “ Lennocks, London.” Small Shows, seating, say, 300, 400, 500 or so, in the best possible positions (ONLY) in their towns ; in such towns like Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham, Cardiff, or similar important centres of business activity. Whilst we stipulate “ small Shows ” above, yet our clients are equally prepared to negotiate for very large seaters. But they must be in premier positions. Our clients are a very wealthy firm ; one of the wealthiest in the Trade ; a firm with worldwide connections ; and they will get “ down to grips ” immediately we place anything suitable before them. CLEMENT BLAKE & DAY FOR A QUICK SALE FOR AN EFFICIENT SALE FOR A STRAIGHTFORWARD SALE instruct Classified Advertisements SITUATIONS VACANT Leading house specialising in CINEMATOGRAPH PROJECTORS AND SOUND REPRODUCING EQUIPMENT WILL CONSIDER APPLICATIONS FROM TRAVELLERS WITH SOUND EXPERIENCE, INITIATIVE AND ENERGETIC CAPABILITIES.—FULL PARTICULARS BOX No. 678, c/o The Bioscope, Faraday House, 8-10, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2. 1304 PARTICULARLY remunerative openings are available in most districts for real live agents or representatives with manufacturers of first-class Talking Picture apparatus. S.O.F. and S.O.D. — Write Box 666, c/o The Bioscope, Faradav House, 8-10, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2. ' 1304 “ 'T'ALKIE ” Engineering. Equip yourself for the new conditions of the cinema employment market. Send for Free details of our upto-the-minute Talking Picture Engineering Course. Specialised instruction also offered in Electrical and all branches of Engineering and for all Technical Exams., including A.M.I.E.E. Write for Free Handbook, stating subject which is of particular interest. — British Institute of Engineering Technology, 333, Shakespeare House, 29-31, Oxford Street, W.l. 1304 ENGAGEMENTS WANTED KEEN YOUNG MAN of good appearance seeks position. Public School education. Experience Germany and England. Can drive car. Excellent credentials. — Box No. 680, c/o The Bioscope, Faraday House, 8-10, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2. SMART MANAGER, 33. Fully experienced and competent every branch. Bond. Highest possible references. Publicity Specialist. Any hall. Moderate salary. Present with large circuit. — Box No. 682, c/o The Bioscope, Faraday House, 8-10, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2. 1304 HALLS AND SITES GREATEST Proposition ever offered.— Large Freehold Cinema, seating nearly 1,000. Good genuine profits. With better apparatus installed would be a gold mine.— Box No. 676, c/o The Bioscope, Faradav House, 8-10, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2. ' 1306 PATENTS AND TRADE MARES KINGS Patent Agency, Ltd., 146a, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4. Free — “Advice Handbook ” on patenting Inventions and registering Trade Marks by Registered Agent with 46 vears’ experience. Distributor of “ THE ALPHA " TICKBT ISSUING MACHINBS SPREAD of FIRE AVOIDED by prompt use of the FIRE SETTLER HEATHMAN, 51, Fulham High Street, London,S.W.6 Lists Free.