F. H. Richardson's bluebook of projection (1935)

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LENSES AND MIRRORS 113 It is observed that the lens having the greatest surface curvature focuses parallel light rays nearest its plane. Lens Curvature (51) Each surface of such lenses as are shown in Fig. 35 are exact duplicates of the curved surface of a disc cut from a polished glass ball having a diameter equal to the focal length of the lens. For example, a Al/2 inch diameter, 7l/2 inch focal length piano convex lens would be an exact duplicate of a Al/2 inch diameter section cut from a polished glass ball 7l/2 inches in diameter and afterward polished on its flat side. Were the diameter of the ball 6l/2 inches, then such a disc cut from it would be a 6T/2 inch focal length piano convex lens. Were we to grind the flat side into concave form, the lens then would be what we term a "meniscus" lens. Figure 36 (52) Place two plano-convex lenses together and we have a bi-convex lens, examples of which are shown in Fig. 35. The refractive power of a bi-convex lens is double that of a single piano convex lens of equal surface curvature. (53) Fig. 36 conveys visually the effect of spherical aberration. Examining it you will observe that rays passing through the lens close to its principal axis focus much further away from the lens plane than do the rays passing through its outer zones. This effect is progressive from the principal axis to the outer margin of all simple lenses. (54) Spherical aberration in simple lenses such as