F. H. Richardson's bluebook of projection (1935)

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SCREENS 161 inadequately illuminated 20-foot picture, and the smaller picture will be more pleasing to those in the front -rats. (53) Most theatres would be best served by a screen 18 feet wide, although large theatres have gone in for larger screens on the theory that the size of the picture is related to the size of the auditorium. While this is true up to a certain point the real relation is between the screen and its immediate surrounding area, particularly if it is an unbroken wall. If this surrounding area is broken up and decorated in a series of small areas the small screen will be proportional from all parts of the theatre. Better than a large screen, the small one offers a compact film image which, when properly illuminated, is pleasing and effective from all parts of the theatre. Small pictures are unsatisfying when they do not conform to surroundings. There is no undue eyestrain in viewing a well illuminated sixteen foot picture at 100 feet. As a matter of fact, a sixteen foot picture can be viewed comfortably at an even greater distance, with no eye fatigue, provided the screen is properly illuminated. (54) No matter how small the theatre the width of the screen should not be less than ten feet. As already indicated only a very large theatre of 4,000 to 6,000 seats requires a screen image larger than eighteen feet. Tinting (55) Tinted screens were first used to neutralize harsh light rays to give the screen image a softer effect. But since films are sometimes made on tinted stock and also because we are getting an increasing number of color films, tinted screens today are of questionable value. Projecting a color picture on a tinted screen may result in a bizarre effect. It is safest to undertake no experiments with tinted screen surfaces. Location and Surroundings of Screen (56) If the screen is located on the stage it should be as far back as conditions will permit. A rear location