F. H. Richardson's bluebook of projection (1935)

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CURRENT RECTIFICATION 301 Shunt Motor (79) A motor in which the armature windings arc connected in parallel with the field magnet windings. Squirrel Cage Winding (80) An armature winding often employed in induction motor rotors. It is constructed of copper bars located in slots near the surface of the core, all bars being connected to a short-circuiting copper ring at each end. Shunt Wound Dynamo (81) A shunt wound dynamo is one having a field winding of many turns of a relatively small wire connected in parallel with, or as a shunt to, the outside circuit. At the same time it is connected to the brushes of the machine in a manner to cause a portion of the current to energize and maintain its field. Synchronous Motor (82) An a. c. motor that must be brought up to full speed by applying a split-phase or other current before it is connected to the main power circuit. To all intents and purposes it is an a. c. generator run as a motor and in exact phase step with the current of the circuit from which it takes its power. Synchronous Polyphase Motor (83) A polyphase motor with a period and phase identical with that of the circuit from which it takes power. Undercut (84) As applied to insulation in motor generator sets, this term refers to cutting the insulation between commutator bars down below the level of their surface. Utility of Motor Generator Sets (85) To supply current to a projector light sources, the motor generator sel is a d. c. dynamo of low voltage