F. H. Richardson's bluebook of projection (1935)

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CURRENT RECTIFICATION 31 bearing is a depression in the casting as shown at the left in Fig. 76 which reveals the detail of a ball-race at the right. Over each journal there is a metal ring, fitted into a slot provided for it in the bearing, as shown at the left in Fig. 76. The ring extends down into the depression, which is known as the "oil well." As the shaft revolves, the ring rotates also and obviously will carry oil up to the top of the shaft, thus accomplishing lubrication. The oil well should be rilled with proper oil and refilled with fresh oil whenever a test shows the oil to be getting low in lubricating power. (116) It is impossible to say how often the oil should be replaced, as its useful life depends upon many factors. Figure 76 such as the hours of operation per day, the bearing and room temperature, the quality of the oil used, peripheral speed, air condition and so on. Motors are known to run for long periods without a change of oil. On the other hand dust may settle on a neglected bearing, drawing out the oil by capillary action in a few weeks' time. It is best to look at the oil whenever the machine is inspected. If it is clean and at the proper level it needs no attention. (117) A proper oil is a highly important item. The journal and bearing will wear down rapidly with poor quality lubrication or one that is unsuited to the work. To save half a dollar on a gallon of oil that brings