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purpose of such jointure, but in view of the urge to reach perfect screen illumination the practice of using stub ends is backward motion.
Figure 84
Mushroom Points
(31) What is known as a "mushroom" carbon tip is illustrated in Fig. 84, in which a mushroom appears on the positive (at the top) and a negative (at the bottom). It is caused by burning an arc too short. The only remedy is to carry a longer arc.
Carbons Do Not Deteriorate
(32) Carbons, properly stored, will be just as good ten years after storage as when made, provided they have absorbed no moisture.. If they have, after a thorough drying out, they will be as good as ever. Store them, if possible near the ceiling of the projection room, where they will dry out thoroughly.
Recommended SRA Combinations
SRA projection carbons are designed for low intensity
may be had for high intensity or for Suprex carbons. The process of using them is as follows : A cap is slipped on the rear (unburned) end of the stub. The other end of the cap then is shoved into the recess in upper end of handle c. The end of the stub is then rested on the wooden block, which must be of soft wood to prevent breaking the crater edges, and the upper end of the handle is struck a sharp blow with the palm of the hand. This not only shoves the cap tightly on the carbon end, but clamps it there immovable and in good electrical contact. The handle then is pulled off and the cap inserted in a recess in the end of rod d, and a knurled nut at its bottom is turned clockwise, which clamps the cap tightly into the rod.