F. H. Richardson's bluebook of projection (1935)

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THEORY AND WIRING OF AMPLIFIERS The Amplifying Tube, page 536 1. Describe the construction of (a 3-element vacuum tube. 2 3 4 (tf How does it differ in construction from the rectifying tube? /jj[ What is the "space current" of an amplifying ^tubeBV' ■■ —,/ What is the "plate current" of an amplifying tube?\*_/5. What is amplification ?.'*->--' ^ J ~+sUi±. ' /y^ / Amplification and Its Fundamental Circuits, page 538 ■» 6. How is amplification secured in the 3-element tube ? — ■ 7. Draw a simple amplifying circuit. Explain its action in dedetail. — 8. What is inter-tube coupling? Describe the two common types. 9. What are some of the commoner methods of coupling used in amplifiers? 10. What is a push-pull amplification? tu. • 11. Why is it used? — 12. Draw a simple push-pulhcircuit. Explain its action. 13. What is "inter-electrode capacitance"? * 14. What is "feed back" U 15. What is "oscillation"? 16. How can amplifying power per stage be increased ': 17. Describe the construction and purpose of a 4-element, or (f screen grid, tube... ...*vW^, 18. Describe the construction and purpose of a 5-element tube. or pentode.. .., JU<JuL> 19. Explain "triode" and "tetrode." . . .;. 20. Distinguish between Class A and Classs B amplification. 21. Explain Class AB amplification. 534