F. H. Richardson's bluebook of projection (1935)

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668 R1CHARDS0N-'S~BLUEB00K OF PROJECTION Buckling or Buckled Film Term applied when film does not lie flat over the projector aperture. May be caused by worn aperture plate and tension shoes or to new film from the hottest part of which — center of frame — the intense heat has drawn the moisture too rapidly, thus causing the film to contract unevenly. By-Pass Condenser A condenser employed to separate a.c. and d.c. currents in sound apparatus. B-X A form of flexible conduit in which insulated wires are placed for their protection. "C" Battery A small battery employed to supply negative potential to the grid of a vacuum tube. Cable Two or more insulated electric conductors bound together with heavy outer insulation. Used ordinarily in theatre and studio work for temporary conductance across floors. Candle foot or foot candle. A unit of illumination. The illumination power of a "standard candle" at a distance of one .foot. Candle Power (a) Luminous power or intensity of a light source, (b) A unit of illumination equal to the illumination of a standard candle at one foot distance, which is equal to one candle meter. Capacitance Refers to amount or quantity of electricity a condenser is capable of holding in proportion to the voltage applied. Condenser capacity means the same thing.