F. H. Richardson's bluebook of projection (1935)

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674 RICHARDSON'S BLUEBOOK OF PROJECTION battery will be charged by the system, according to the conditions then existing. Focus, Point of Point of concentration. Point at which rays from a lens meet and form a sharply focused image. Foot Candle See candle, foot. Frame (Noun) Space occupied on a motion picture film by a single photograph, plus its surrounding border to center of frame lines at top and bottom. Frame (Verb.) Act of properly registering a film photograph over the projector aperture. Frame Line Opaque space between adjoining photographs on a motion picture film. Frequency As applies to ax., the number. of alternations per second divided by two. Number of cycles per second. Frequency, Audio Frequency of sound vibration within the limits of audibility. Front Wall As applies to projection, the wall of the projection room nearest the screen. Gas Stream As applied to electric arcs, a stream of incandescent gases between positive and negative carbon tips that is a high resistance conductor of current.