F. H. Richardson's bluebook of projection (1942)

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THE PROJECTOR 311 tures, as a consequence of which the film buckled, and sometimes the projector mechanism frame was warped out of shape. Later this type of shutter was replaced by the superior rear shutter now in very general use. It is located between the light source and the film, and since it cuts of! a little more than 50 percent of the light (74), it cuts off an equal amount of heat from both the him and the mechanism. This shutter is available in two radically different types, each of which will be considered separately. The Disc Type Rear Shutter This type is, in effect, the old in-front-of-the-lens Fig. 138. — Simplex disc type rear shutter. shutter somewhat enlarged in diameter and relocated just back of the projector aperture, (75) approximately hve inches away. At this distance it must, with some types of beam converging element (lens or mirror), cut