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Aberration, chromatic, 182
spherical, 185, 210 Acoustics, 422-424 Air-core coils, 83 Alternating current, 28-38
transmission line, 440-446 Alternation, 28, 32 Ampere, 9. 12 Amplification. 487-531
Class A, 497
Class B. 497
push-pull, 493-494 Amplifier (audio), 95-98. 442-443, 481-482.
care of, 516-529
circuits, 490-531
intermediate frequency, 643-644
power supplies, 500-506
radio, 641-642
troubles, 516-529 Amplifying tubes, 95-98, 442-443. 485-531 Anode, 90, 486 Armature. 130, 131, 132
open circuit, 158
overload. 156, 158
shaft. 133, 156
short circuit, 156
tape, 131-133 Aperture. 291-292, 303-306, 322
tension. 303-306 Arc. electric, 361, 373
(see also Lamps, projection)
striking. 373
in television, 650, 652
types of. 364 Atom. 6. 7
nucleus of, 6
Back focus, 185
Baffle, 540-545
Ballast resistors, 78-79. 140-141, 143, 375
Barrel distortion, 181, 197
Batteries. 163-168
'•B," 163
"C," 163
drv, 163-164, 450
storage, 164-168, 455 Bearings (motor-generator), 133, 144, 156. 158
temperature, 159 Bridge circuit. 118-121. 566-567 Brushes. 132, 142, 149, 150-151, 155, 156
Camera, television, 630-631
Capacitance, 31-33, 88
Carbide tip, 395
Carbon. 10, 362, 486
Carbon anddes (in amplifying tubes) 48c
Carbons. 361-372
feed mechanisms, 372-373, 381-382, 383, 395-396, 401-402
speed of consumption, 384-385
:rims, 370-372
Carbon savers, 368-369
Carrying capacities (of wires) 50, 51
Cathode, 90. 486
Cathode ray tube, 628-630. 631. 645. 648
Cell, dry, 163-164, 450
Cell, photoelectric, 97
Cement, film, 259
Changeover cue. 272, 274
Charge, electrical, 6, 7
of atom, 7
of electron, 6
space charge, 93 Choke coil, 82. 624 Circuits, 16
A, 91
amplifier, 485-531, 641-642
B. 91
bridge, 118-121, 566-567
C 94
filter, 113-116 434, 437. 641-642
generator, 134-135
multiple, 41
parallel, 41-48
series, 41-48
series-parallel, 41, 46-47
short, 18-19
shunt, 41
superheterodyne. 642-643
-witching, 478-481, 529, 532
three-phase, 103-105
tracing, 451-454 Coaxial cable, 652 Coil, choke, 82
armature, 130, 131
field, 129, 132, 133 Commutator, 130, 131, 132. 142, 143, 149-150, 151-156, 157
lubricating pad, 152-153
stone, 152 Component, 36. 37, 434 Compound (generator or motor), 135 Condenser (electrical), 32, 33, 38, 87-89
circuits, 89
color code, 88
electrolytic. 87, 88
in parallel. 89
in series, 89
trimmer (see trimmer condenser)
variable, 624-628 Condenser, optical, 182, 208, 411-413 Conductivity (electrical), 89-91
unilateral, 93, 94, 109-123 Conductors, electrical. ]<» Conduit, 67. 68
fittings, 68
flexible. 68 Conjugate foci, 182, 188 1W Control tracks. 576-582 Correction (of lenses), 183, 189
(of mirrors). 210 Coupling, amplifier tubes, 491-494
microphone, 476
motor-generator, 136
nonsynchronous. 482
photo-electric cell, 467-468
sound source. 478-482 Crater. 361, 364, 377, 391, 392 Critical angle, 183
Crossover network (see Network, loudspeaker) ("ue. changeover, 272, 274 Cue. motor, 272-273 Cumulative compounding. 135