The blue book of the screen (1923)

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FADE-IN' When the "outside" is "inside" ; at -work on a set. know what will be worn by each of the characters and arrange to obtain or make the costumes. The art director has to know what sets — both exteriors and interiors — have to be built, and to design them; often he makes suggestions whereby action is concentrated on fewer sets, thus saving the firm money and himself work. Then the art director and wardrobe chief confer to be sure their ideas are harmonious. The location man finds out what outdoor scenery is called for, reads the story for the author's description, and goes through his thousands of photographs to find those that will fit. TO "FADE-OUT" If none do, he takes tours by auto and train until he finds them. When he does he wires to the director to join him and put his official OK on the places. The publicity department reads the story and plans an advertising campaign, including ideas of "tie-ups" with merchants and other advertised goods when the picture will be shown. The carpenter and prop shops start construction work getting the first sets ready for shooting. Early in the game the director has listed actors he prefers for the leading roles, giv Thc carpenter shop — a necessity in every studio. ing second and third choices in case the ones he visualizes are working for other companies. Then the casting director Set used in "The Hunchback of Noire Dame,'' shoeing how "atmosphere" is obtained on the lot. 329