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Boxoffice (Apr-Jun 1937)

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Laurels to "Good Earth" and "Wake Up" CHARLOTTE Broadway— rail It a Day (WB) 115 ('aiolina — Seventh Heaven (20th-Fox) 100 Carolina — Beloved Knemy (UA) 100 Imperial — -John Meade’s Woman (Para) 90 Imperial — The PIoiig:h and the Stars (RKO).... 80 Imperial — Breezing Home (Univ), plus stage show 125 State^ — Maytime (M-G-M) 100 State Here Gomes Garter (FN) 110 State — Gareeny on the Air (Rep) 80 State — Koaring: Bead (Rep) 95 CINCINNATI -Vlbee— Top of the Town (Univ) 120 Gapitol — Seventh Heaven (20th-Fox), 3d wk...ll0 Gland — Waikiki Wedding (Para), 4th wk; held for 5th 110 Lyri< — Thunder in the City (Col) 100 Palace — Personal Property (M-G-M) 120 Shubert — The Good Karth (M-G-M), 2d wk...l00 CLEVELAND Allen — Marked Woman (FN), 2d wk 130 Hippodrome — The M’oman 1 I^ove (RKO) 90 Pala>e — Gall It a Day (\VB); stage: Slums of Paris 80 State — The Hit Parade (Rep); Stage: Ted Lewis and His Band 105 Stillman — Men Are Not Gods (UA) 70 DALLAS (.’apitol — Nar<*otic (SR), roadshow 100 (’apitol — Mysterious Grossing (Univ) 80 Palace — Wake I’p and Live (20th-Fox) 130 Melba— Kspionage (M-G-M) 90 Majestic — Marked Woman (FN) 100 Kialto — Lost Horizon (Col), roadshow two-a-day $1.20 top No. Avg. Tower — Waikiki We<lding (Para), 3d wk 90 DENVER Aladdin — Fifty Roads to Town (20th-Fox) 175 Broadway — The Good Earth (M-G-M), roadshow 225 Henham — Internes Gan’t Take M<»ney (Para)... 95 Uenver — Ready, Willing and Able (WB), with Ma.ior Bowes unit 250 Orpheum — The Woman I l.ove (RKO); S<»ng of the City (M-G-M) 100 Paramount — Head Over Heels in I>ove (GB); 'rhat I May Live (20th-Fox) 75 DETROIT Adams — Top of the Town (Univ), continued first-run 2d wk. from Fox; (iirl Overhoar<l (Univ) 85 Cinema — F^cstasy (Jewel), 7th Detroit wk., held for 8th wk 135 Downtown — I Was a Captive of Nazi Germany (SR); Sing While You’re Able (Melody) 75 Fox — Wake Up and Live (20th-Fox). stage show 110 Madison — The Woman I I^ove (RKO). 2d wk... 85 Mic higan — Personal Property i M-G-M). 2d wk. stage show 90 state — The King and the ('horus (iirl (WB), 2d wk.; Don’t Tell the Wife (RKO) 90 United Artists — Good Old Si»ak (M-G-M) 95 INDIANAPOLIS Alamo— Last Ranger (Para) 8o Apollo — Top of the Town (Univ) 90 I 'ircle — (Quality Street (RKO) 100 Loew’s Personal Property (M-G-M) 90 Lyric — Gall It a Day (WB), vaudeville 95 KANSAS CITY Mainstreet^ — Internes Can’t Take .Money (Para): Olsen and Johnson stage show 140 Midland — Good Old Soak (M-G-M); Song of the City (M-G-M) 75 Newman — No Man of Her Own (Para), re i,ssue; The Grime Nobody Saw (Para) 90 I irpheum — Lost Horizon (Col ). roadshow good Tower — Make Up and Live (20th-Fox), .«tage show 190 rptoAvn — Wake I'p and IJve (20tli-Fox); Dick Tra<'y (Rep). Episode No. 1 115 LOS ANGELES Chinese — A Star Is Born (UA); Song of the City (M-G-M) 150 Downtown — Gall It a Day (WB); Penrod and Sam (FN) 100 Hillstreet — Girl I.,oves Boy (GN); 23V* Houri l.eave (GN) 7 80 Hollywood — Same as Downtown 100 (AVERAGE IS 100%) Top Hits of the Week Good Earth — Denver 225 Wake Up and Live — Kansas City.. 190 50 Roads to Town — Denver 175 Wake Up and Live — New York 160 No Man of Her Own (dual) — Omaha 155 A Star Is Born (dual) — Los Angeles 150 EXTENDED RUNS (iood F'arth, 12th w’k. of two-a-day at A.stor, New York. lyOst Horizon, 8th w'k. of two-a-day at Globe, New York; 7th wk., Geary, San Francisco. Ecstasy, 8th wk., Detroit. History Is Maile at Night, 5th wk.. Liberty, Seattle; 4th wk., United Artists. San Francisco. Maytime, 5th wk., Grand, Cincinnati; 4th d. t. wk.. Washington. 4th d. t. wk.. Seattle; 3rd wk.. Tower, Dallas; 3rd wk.. Paramount, Los Angele.s F'antage.s — Same as Hillstreet 80 I’aramount — M'aikiki Wedding (Para), 3d wk.. stage show 100 State — Same as Chinese 150 MINNEAPOLIS Aster Step Lively, Jeeves (20th-Fox); Mi<I night Court (WB) 90 fentury — Playtime (M-G-M), 2d wk 125 Minnesota — King and the Chorus (iirl (WB).... 70 Orpheum — .50 Roads to Town (20th-Fox). stage show 100 State — Mama Steps Out (M-G-M); Soldier and the Lady (RKO) 90 Time — Head Over Heels in Love (GB) 70 World — Ghustered (Rest Film), 2d wk 70 NEW HAVEN (’ollege — A F'amil> .\ffair (M-G-M); Town Topb-s, local stage revue 200 Paramount — Waikiki Wedding (Para); Her Husband IJes (Para), 2d wk 95 I’oli — (i<»<id Old Sojik (M-G-M); Song of the City (M-G-M) 105 Roger Sherman — Top of the Town (Univ); Her Husband’s Secretary (FN) 125 NEW ORLEANS (’enter — Her Husband Lies (Para) 70 (ilobe — The Last of Mrs. Gheyney (M-G-M). revival 125 Liberty — T.ost Horizon (Col) 125 Ori)heum— The A^'onian I T^ve (RKO) 95 Saenger — Seventh Heaven (20th-Fox) 135 St. Charle.s — M'oinan in Distress (Col), on stage Folies d’Armour 130 State— (iood Old Soak (M-G-M) 130 strand — Mad Holiday (M-G-M). on .stage A1 Ritchie as Popeyei 105 Tudor— 'I'he Holy Terror (20th-Fox) 85 NEW YORK CITY Astor — (iood Earth (M-G-M). )2th wk. of two-a-day 75 ( *apitol~(iood Old Soak (M-G-M) 90 (’entral — I Promise to Pay (Col); 9th episode Dick Tracy serial 110 (’riterion — Thunder in the City (Col) 120 Globe — Lost Horizon (Col), 8th wk of two-a day. . . 70 Paramount — Swing High, Swing I>ow (Para), stage show; 2d wk 125 Radio City Music Hall — A Star Is liorn (UA). stage show 140 Rialto— Outiusts of Poker F'lat (RKO) 100 Rivoli l><»ve I'rom a Stranger (UA). 4 days of 2d wk 80 Rivoli — Cafe Metrop4)le (20th-Fox). 3 days 125 Roxy— Wake Gp and Live (20th-Fox), stage show. 100 Strand — Marked M'oinan (FN), 3d wk 105 OKLAHOMA CITY Criterion — Internes Can’t Take Money (Para).. 125 Liberty We Have Our Moments (Univ) ; Her Husband’s Secretary (FN) 100 Midwest — Wake Up and Live (20th-Fox) 125 state— More Than a Secretary (Col) 100 Warner — Two Against the World (FN). plu.s stage show 125 OMAHA Rrandeis — The Woman I Love (RKO); Too Man> Wives (RKO) 115 Omaha — No Man of Her Own (Para), re-issue; M ings of the Morning (UA) 155 Orpheum — Top of the 'r(>wn (Univ); Time Out Lir Romance (20thI'ux) 120 PORTLAND, ORE. Blue Mouse — I.ove Is News (20th-Fox); Murder Goes to G<>llege (I’ara), 4th d. t. wk 105 Broadway — T»)p of the Town (Univ) ; Her Husband's Secretary (FN). 2d wk 110 Mayfair — Go<k1 lOarth (M-G-M), roadshow’, 2d wk 120 Orpheum — (Quality Street (RKO) ; Nancy Stecle Is Missing (20th-Fox) 115 Paramount — Waikiki Wedding (Para); Time Out f<>r Rtnnance (20th-Fox). 3d w'k 115 United Artists — Romeo & Juliet (M-G-M) 115 ST. LOUIS Amba.ssador — Call It a Day (WB); 'I'hat Man’s Here Again (FN) ; 105 Fox — Top of the Town (Univ); Too Many Wives (RKO) 105 Loevv’s — History Is Made at Night (UA); Elephant Boy (UA) 105 Missouri — F'ifty Roads to Town (20th-Fox); Midnight Taxi (20th-Fox) 95 St. Louis — Her Husband Lies (Para); Johnny Perkins on stage 115 SALT LAKE CITY Capitol — (iood Old Soak (M-G-M); Head Over Heels in l^ove (GB) 120 orpheum — Silent Barriers (GB) 110 Paramount — (iood F^arth (M-G-M), roadshow .. 1 25 Roxy — Great Gn.v (GN). plus stage show; House of Secrets (Ches) 105 Studio -Maytime (M-G-M), holdover, 4th wk...l05 Victory — Song of the City (M-G-M); W-fiy Out West (M-G-M) 115 SAN FRANCISCO I'ox — Fifty Roads to Town (20th-Fox); That Man’s Here Again (FN) 85 Gear>’ — Lost Horizon (Col); roadshow'. 7th w^k 1 90 Golden Gate— Outcasts of Poker Flat (RKO); stage show 105 1 Jrpheuin — When Love Is Yb)ung (Univ) ; Racketeers in Flxile (Col) 80 Paramount — Seventh Heaven (20th-Fox); Step iJvely, Jeeves C20th-Fox), 2d wk 65 St. Francis — Marked Woman (FN); F’amil.v .Vffair (M-G-M). 2d d. t. wk 120 United Artists — History Is Made at Night (UA); 4 days, 4th w'k 100 Warfield — Romeo and Juliet (M-G-M) 75 SEATTLE l^.lue — Maikiki Wedding (Para), 4th d. t. wk 105 Fifth Avenue — Wake Up and Live (20th-P'‘ox) ; The Man Who F'ound Himself (RKO) 125 Liberty — History Is Made at Night (UA); I.#et’s Get Married (Col), 5th wk 110 Music Box — Maytime (M-G-M), 5th wk 115 Orpheum — Marked Woman (FN); Time Out for Romance (20th-Fox) 110 Palomar — Jim Hanvey, Detective (Rep), stage show* 115 Paramount— The Good T)ld Soak (M-G-M); Her Husband’s Secretary (FN) 120 WASHINGTON Capitol — Hit Parade (Rep), stage show 100 Columbia — Ma.\time (M-(i-M), 4th d. t. wk., 3 w'ks. 1st run at Palace 130 Karle — Internes (’an’t Take Money (Para), stage show 105 Keith’.s Woman I Love (RKO) 120 Metropolitan — Marked Woman (FN), 2d d. t. Avk.. 1st wk. at Earle 125 Palace — Waikiki W'edding (Para), 2d wk 95 36 BOXOFFICE :: May 8, 1937.