Boxoffice (Apr-Jun 1939)

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Delegates Pour In For RKO Conclave New York — Delegates from 13 branches were pouring in here over the weekend preparatory to RKO’s annual sales conclave which gets under way at the Westchester Country Club, Monday, for four days. The sales personnel will be greeted by Ned Depinet and Jules Levy upon their arrival at the convention scene, following which George J. Schaefer will be introduced. It is expected that the 250 who will register during the various sessions will mark a new high in attendance. The list from the home office and studio includes: R. V. Anderson, Leon Bamberger, Phil Barbanell, Howard Benedict, James Boyle, W. A. Burke, Ben Y. Cammack, J. E. Cashman, James Clark, W. A. Clark. W. E. Dahler, Ned E. Depinet, W. V. Derham, J. C. DeWaal, J. A. Downing, Harry Ehrreich, John Farmer, Alfred Frank, Harry Gittelson, Lou Goudreau, Ben Grimm, R. K. Hawkinson, Harold Hendee, Michael Hoffay, William Home, Sid Kramer, Charles Leonard, Jack Level, Jules Levy, Jack Lewis, B. D. Lion, S. Barret McCormick, E. L. McEvoy, W. J. McShea, William Mallard, W. J. Merrill, Harry Michalson, Lou Miller, George Muchnic, Rutgers Nielson, M. G. Poller, Phil Reisman, H. M. Richey, Ralph Rolan, George J. Schaefer, J. J. Schnitzel', A. A. Schubart, Elmer Sedin, Irving Shiffrin, Cresson E. Smith, E. J. Smith, Dave Strumpf, Edward Ugast, J. Wangberg, Arthur Willi and G. E. Youngman. Walt Disney: Richard Condon, Roy Disney, Wally Feignoux, Chester Feitel, James Finey, Hal Horne, Kay Kamen, Gunther Lessing, William B. Levy and Leo Samuels. March of Time: Louis deRochemont, Major G. Fielding Eliot, A1 Sindlinger and John Wood. RKO Pathe News: Frank Donovan and Frederic Ullman jr. RKO Theatres: Jim Brennan, A. Christensen, O. C. Doering jr., Harold Emdee, Max Fellerman, Leon Goldberg, Louis Goldberg, Tom Gorman, Nat Holt, Malcolm Kingsberg, Ike Libson, H. McDonald, Harry Mandel, Fred Meyers, J. J. — Metropolitan Photos Not Here for Convention — He came over with RKO foreign delegates on the Normandie, but his purpose is entirely different. He is en route to the coast. The name, Anthony Collins, prominent arranger and composer in England. He has been assigned to score “Nurse Edith Cavell” for Herbert Wilcox. Collins previously created music accompaniments for “Victoria the Great’’ and “Queen of Destiny.” O'Connor, Sol Schwartz, Mort Singer and Major L. E. Thompson. Louis Hyman, representative for Sol Lesser, W. G. Van Schmus, Jack Pegler, Charles Casanave and Joe Heppner, photographer, are also attending. Seven district managers are on deck. These are W. E. Branson, Chicago; H. C. Cohen, Los Angeles; L. M. Devaney, Toronto; Nat Levy, Detroit; H. M. Lyons, Atlanta; J. H. MacIntyre, Boston; S. M. Sachs, Dallas. The field force follows: ALBANY: B. G. Kranze, branch manager; G. F. Tucker, Leon A. Herman, salesmen. ATLANTA: J. B. Brecheen, branch manager; F. W. Salley, P. Harrison, R. C. Price, H. H. Wright, salesmen; I. Stone, office manager. BOSTON: R C. Cropper, branch manager; W. H. Gardiner, H. F. Goldstein, F. G. Ross, C. L. DeVizia, M. M. Ames, salesmen; C. McGerigle, office manager; J. P. Smith, student salesman. BUFFALO: C. Boasberg, branch manager; J. G. Chinell, N. L. Sper, E. Lux, salesmen; R. Renz, student salesman. CHARLOTTE: N. J. Colquhoun, branch manager; R. F. Branon, R. S. Mitchell, F. W. Gebhardt, salesmen. CHICAGO: J. C. Osserman, branch manager; S. Gorelick, J. Cozzi, J. J. Clarke, H. H. Walders, M. J. Kassel, salesmen; R. A O’Brien, office manager. CINCINNATI: S. C. Jacques, branch manager; A. L. Sugarman, J. A. McKnight, A. L. Kolitz, R. Williams, salesmen. CLEVELAND: G. Lefko, branch manager; A. Goldsmith, M. E. Lefko, J. Lawrence, salesmen. DALLAS: C. W. Allen, branch manager; W. V. Adwell, J. E. Huey, V. H. Adams, C. J. Wheeler, salesmen; R. Helms, office manager. DENVER: J. H. Ashby, branch mianager; F. J. Lee, F. P. Brown, salesmen. DES MOINES: L. Elman, branch manager; W. F. DeFrenne, E. E. Gruenberg, P. Fine, salesmen. DETROIT: J. F. Sharkey, branch manager; F. Bonnem, M. E. Cohen, Lou Padolf, salesmen. INDIANAPOLIS: R. E. Churchill, branch manager; R. L. Brentlinger, G. Hancock, P. J. Fortune, salesmen. KANSAS CITY: T. R. Thompson, branch manager; E. L. Dyson, J. Lewis, A. A. Renfro, K. G. Howe, salesmen. 1-OS ANGELES: N. P. Jacobs, branch manager; S. W. Whitehead, J. Rubenstein, J. F. Samuels, salesmen; Lou Fink, student salesman. MEMPHIS: A. M. Avery, branch manager; Grover Wray, R. V. Reagin, salesmen. MILWAUKEE: A. N. Schmitz, branch manager; M. Anderson, H. Melcher, E. Spiers, salesmen. MINNEAPOLIS: L. E. Goldham’mer, branch manager; W. C. Winters, A. F. Stern, E. C. Stengel. F Abelson, Joseph Loeffel, salesmen. NEW HAVEN: B. Pitkin, branch manager; W. Canelli, salesman. NEW ORLEANS: P. M. Baker, branch manager; R. E. Pfeiffer, T. C. Cox, salesmen. NEW YORK: R. S. Wolff, branch manager; P. Hodes, E. T. Carroll, J. J. Dacey, J. Ellis, L. I. Kutinsky, H. Zeitels, salesmen; F. Drum, office manager. OKLAHOMA CITY: R. B. Williams, branch rnanager; P. D. Fielding, C. A. Blakeley, Scot Chestnutt, salesmen. OMAHA: C. J. Dressell, branch manager; Sol Yeager, J. Rosenberg, R. Olson, R. F. Egner, salesmen. PHILADELPHIA: F. L. McNamee, branch manager; S. Lefko, H. W. Tyson, M. Shulman, J. J. MoFadden jr., E. J. Epstein, salesmen; C. Zagrans, office manager. PITTSBURGH: H. H. Greenblatt, branch manager; R. H. Lange, J. Graham, E. Lebby, J. P. Lefko, salesmen. PORTLAND: M. E. Cory, branch manager; S. S. McFadden, G. M. Engelman, salesmen. ST. LOUIS: R. V. Nolan, branch manager; H. D. Levy, M. A. Raymon, L. S Gruenberg, salesmen. SALT LAKE CITY: H. C. Fuller, branch manager; G. Davidson, A. T. Mabey, A. W. Baron, salesmen. SAN FRANCTSCO: G. Wm. Wolf, branch manager; G. R. Seach, E. A. Stein, C. J. Crowley, salesmen. SEATTLE: E. A. Lamb, branch manager; J. F. Burk, L. L. Goldsmith, salesmen. SIOUX FALLS: S. W. Fitch, branch manager; E. J. Frace, C. H. Snyder, salesmen. WASHINGTON: R. J. Folliard. branch manager; H. E. Kahn, E. W. Grover, C. Knox, A. P. Folliard, salesmen. CALGARY: H. F. Taylor, branch manager; J. McPherson, salesman. MONTREAL: Mark Plottel, branch manager; H. B. Miller, salesman. ST. JOHN: E. A. Whelpley, branch manager. TORONTO: J. F. Meyers, branch mianager; M. L. Devaney, H. Decker, salesmen. VANCOLTVER: W. S. Jones, branch manager. WINNIPEG: H. Woolfe, branch manager; L. Plottel, salesman. Contends RKO's Revamp Plan Unconstitutional New York — Arguing the appeal of H. Cassell & Co., the first of three before the circuit court of appeals being taken from Judge William O. Bondy’s order approving and later confirming the RKO plan of reorganization, Nathan Rosenberg contended the plan violates the fifth amendment to the constitution in that it gives bondholders less than they would ordinarily receive if the company was insolvent rather than a solvent corporation. Rosenberg asserted the plan takes away property rights without due process of law. Other appeals to be heard are those of Copia Realty Co., Fabian Operating Co. and Ernest W. Stirn. Fund Drive Principals — The tenders and the tendered in the luncheon given in honor of Benny Goodman at the Hotel Edison in connection with the amusement division’s efforts in behalf of the fund drive for the United Jewish Appeal for Refugees and Overseas Needs. Left to right, are: Albert Warner, Goodman, Eddie Cantor, Ben Bernie and David Bernstein. Warner and Bernstein are cochairmen of the amusement division. 30 BOXOFFICE :: June 17, 1939