Boxoffice (Apr-Jun 1939)

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Chicago Trade Meets Summer Aggressively By B. O. TELLER Chicago — The perennial cloud of summer competition that hovers over theatres is this year not so black to Chicago’s exhibitors. For one thing, it appears that James Petrillo, president of the Chicago Musicians’ union, may drop his band concerts this summer. The concerts in the last two years have drawn from 100,000 to 200,000 persons nightly. Costliness of the venture, it is believed, will cause it to be given up this summer. A determination to counter the attraction of parks, beaches and ball games, and to profit by the annual influx of visitors drawn to the city is bolstered by the good film product available this summer and is taking concrete form in a tendency to brighten up the theatre and to advertise more intensively the cool comfort and excellent entertainment it offers. Warner Theatres Utilizing Stage in Drawing Trade Chicago — With the summer season here Warner theatres are using many inducements for patrons. Most of the theatres plan to offer baby contests, beauty contests, twin competition, and other added attractions for customers to plank their admission down at the boxoffice. Even the children are being considered and special morning shows have been ar-1 ranged between the Quaker Oats Co. and radio station WGN for presentation of the Saturday morning “Little Kernels” kiddie shows from the stages of the various Warner houses. B&K Placing Stress on Cool Comfort of Houses Chicago — B&K is using a triple-feature verb series in its cooling advertising for its theatres this summer. Heading all ad copy for the circuit is the following: “Balaban & Katz Theatres, air-conditioned, cool. Relax. Refresh. Revitalize.” Theatrical Managers Take Over Howard Monon, Ind. — Theatrical Managers, Inc., has acquired the Howard Theatre here from Arthur H. Howard, veteran exhibitor. They will take over June 24. The Howard was built several years ago, replacing the old Strand which Howard had operated over a decade. With the addition of the Howard, Theatrical Managers now operates approximately 20 theatres in the state. Gets His Man Terre Haute, Ind. — Howard Sharp, usher at the Indiana Theatre captured a man three minutes after Miss Marguerite Skeen, cashier was held up. The man said he was Kenneth Dunlap, age 37, of Gosport, Ind. Police said he confessed staging the holdup with carpenter’s square hidden under his sweater, in place of a pistol. B&K Stall Organize " Eight-Ball Club " Chicago — Managers and others around the B&K offices have organized an "exclusive organization" — the “EightBall Club." Charter members, who have exclusive use of a managers' crying towel, are: Charlie Cottle, Marbro Theatre; Abe Platt, district manager; Jack Sampson, Evanston; McNeil Smith, Will Rogers; Bill Methe, Tower; Adolph Eisner, Pantheon; Jerry Winsberg, Lakeside; George Bramdt, Tivoli; Harry Potter, North Shore; Ray Carskey, State; Ben Feldman, United Artists; Ralph Wettstein, Riviera; and Ki Claggett, Belmont Theatres; and Archie Herzoff, and Jack Katz, publicity department. Eckhardt Testimonial Plans Are Furthered Chicago — A luncheon was to be held Friday (June 16) at the Congress Hotel to make plans for the testimonial dinner to be given in July for Clyde Eckhardt, in celebration of his 25th year in the industry in Chicago. Co-chairmen of the dinner committee are Jack Kirsch, John Balaban and Jack Osserman. Eckhardt will celebrate his 25 years with 20th Century-Fox coincidentally with the company moving into its new exchange quarters at 13th and Wabash. ' The testimonial dinner will be held Monday, July 17. the day the new exchange is to open. Others on the committee include Ed Alger, LaSalle, 111.; Fred W. Anderson, Morris, 111.; H. U. Bailey, Princeton, 111.; Steve Bennis, Lincoln, 111.; A. L. Hainline, Macomb; Edward L. Harris, Peoria; Charles F. House, Rockford; George Kerasotes, Springfield; A. B. McCollum, Hoopston, 111.; Leonard Rorer, Dixon, 111.; Maurice Rubin, Michigan City, Ind.; Verne Young, Gary, Ind.; Edward Zorn, Pontiac, 111.; Harry Balaban, Percy Barr, Herman Bland, James Coston, Harry Goldman, Mort Goldberg, Julius Goodman, Johnny Jones, Ben Lasker, Sam Meyers, Jack Miller, Van A. Nomikos, Lou Reinheimer, Jack Rose, Jules Rubens, Maurice Rubens, Art Schoenstadt, Jack Shumow, Eddie Silverman, Emil Stern, Joe Stem, M. O. Wells, and Nate Wolf, all of Chicago. Extensive Renovations Started lor the Cozy Winchester, Ind. — Theatrical Managers, Inc., operators of approximately 20 theatres in Indiana have started an extensive remodeling program on the Cozy here recently purchased from Will Brenner. New and improved cooling and ventilating equipment, a new wide-range sound equipment, and new carpeting are part of the improvements. A modern front and marquee are scheduled to go up the end of this month. The Cozy is managed by Fred C. Doughty, as is the Lyric. Milwaukee Business Skids; Dim Houses Milwaukee — With business hitting the skids, various houses are beginning to fold or operate on a curtailed policy for the summer. Locally Fox has closed the Ogden and Kosziusko and is operating its Grace and World on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays only. The Rex at Racine has been closed and the Vogue in Kenosha is operating only Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, while the Grand in Oshkosh now is running only Saturdays and Sundays. In Sheboygan, Warner’s Sheboygan and Rex have cut matinee prices from 30 to 25 cents as have the Kenosha and Gateway in Kenosha. Milwaukee exhibitors have requested the local projectionists union for a 25 per cent cut during the summer and, while the union has indicated it will give relief, it is doubtful whether the cut will approach that figure. Business in many quarters, exhibitors report, is off from 35 to 40 per cent over the same period last year and it is expected rather than continue to take the licking during the summer months, other houses will follow in going dark or cutting their running week. Weekend Grosses Up In the Windy City Chicago — Exhibitors are smiling again after a weekend comeback at the boxoffice. Most of the neighborhood houses reported business up, due in part to cool weather and also to good pictures. “Juarez” at the Chicago led the revival in the loop, the picture doing more the second week than in the first. It was moved to the Garrick for a third week. Universal’s “The Mikado,” a natural for the World-Playhouse, where it went for a second week after a week in the Palace, did exceptionally well and will be held a third week. Salem Indiana Getting Thorough Remodeling Salem, Ind. — Switow Theatrical Enterprises is completely redecorating the Indiana here, managed by Harry Hurley. The theatre also is being elongated with 50 more seats. New floor, new seats and new carpet are being installed throughout, as well as new modernistic lighting fixtures and drapes. A new modern projection room also is being installed. All alterations are being done without closing the house. New Filmack Agent Chicago — Manning Silverman succeeds Harlan Croy, resigned, as Milwaukee representative for Filmack Trailer Company. Silverman, well known in the territory, is headquartering in the Palace Theatre building. 46 BOXOFFICE :: June 17, 1939