Boxoffice (Apr-Jun 1939)

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Remodeling Jobs and Lease Changes Mark Activity St. Louis — Two remodelings and two lease changes lead theatre activity in the territory for the present. The remodeling jobs, each of which is estimated to cost about $50,000, have been undertaken by the St. Louis Amusement Co. for their Pageant Theatre, a 1,312seater that has been dark for several months and for the Mikado, a 1-200-seat house. Both theatres are in St. Louis. The lease changes were made by Joe C. Hewitt of Robinson, 111., who has transferred his 720-seat Lincoln at Robinson to the Frisina circuit, and by the Home Theatre of Oblong, 111., whose 278-seater has been leased to S. Bowman of Albion, 111. Strand Remodeled Angola, Ind. — Tire Strand Theatre here has been completely remodeled by Mrs. Gladys Brokaw, owner of the house. Improvements included new seats, new booth equipment and new air conditioning. Altec Service to Essaness Houses Chicago — Five Essaness houses in Chicago have been added by Altec to the list of theatres it services in this area. Cooling for Lyric Monticello, III. — The Lyric here has installed new air-conditioning for the summer. Police at ", Musicale " Indianapolis — It was “Oh-Kay” with the Indianapolis police and, while 14 police looked on, 96 persons played “OhKay,” which according to some is a modernized version of Bingo, now outlawed by court edict. Tickets issued described the affair as a “musicale.” To add to the musicale flavor, the tickets also bore the wording, “Orchestra Section, I donate $1.” The hall was divided into two sections, in one part of which visitors could come and go at will without interference from any doorkeeper. A rail divided the “orchestra section” which contained tables, from the remainder of the room. A quintet of Negro musicians played stringed instruments 40 minutes before packing their instruments and departing as the “Oh-Kay” game got under way. The cards used by the players bore the label “Oh-Kay” over the original Bingo name. About five of the 96 players were men, police reported. The names taken will be turned over to the grand jury when it investigates the legality of the game. Raps " Propaganda " Racine, Wis. — The Racine JournalTimes, in an editorial captioned “Propaganda Movies Should Be Recognized As Such to Avoid Mistakes of the Past,” labeled “Confessions of a Nazi Spy,” playing Warner’s Venetian Theatre here, as “a propaganda picture, if not in purpose, at least in effect.” Dr. Deer and Mrs. McClure To Speak at Visual Meet Chicago — Dr. I. E. Deer of the Hays office and Mrs. Richard M. McClure, president of the Better Films Council of Chicago, will be among the speakers at the ninth annual national conference on visual education and film exhibition to be held June 19 to 22 at the Francis W. Parker School here. Tornado and Rainstorm Strike Lowell, Ind. Lowell, Ind.— Numerous theatres in this vicinity suspended operations for several hours last Saturday when a tornado and rainstorm hit this section, causing light and power plants to fail. Francesville Debut Francesville, Ind. — E. E. Smith has opened the Devon Theatre here. Complete booth equipment, carpeting, and lighting fixtures have been furnished by the Chicago office of National Theatre Supply. Stuckeys Into Warren Warren, Ind. — Jesse Stuckey and son, who operate the Savoy Theatre, have announced plans for a new house to be erected here, to be ready for operation by fall. The Stuckeys also operate the Palace in Montpelier. How to operate motion picture theatres profitably Here is a new book full of HOW TO DO IT information, written by a man who believes that the first objective of theatre management is to make money. In this book he covers motion picture theatre management from A to Z, giving the best results of years of experience as a guide in establishing successful policies, building profitable business, and efficiently operating any size theatre. The Management of Motion Picture Theatres By FRANK H. RICKETSON, Jr. Get This Great Aid to Theatre President. Fox Inter-Mountain Theatres, Inc. Management ! GET IT TODAY!! 375 p a9es< 6x9' illustrated. $3.50 Send check or money order to ASSOCIATED PUBLICATIONS, 4804 East Ninth Street, Kansas City, Missouri 50 BOXOFFICE :: June 17, 1939