Boxoffice (Apr-Jun 1945)

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ft Very Good; + Good; ± Fair; 4= Mediocre; — Poor; — Very Poor. In the summary ff is rated as 2 pluses; — as 2 minuses. E CL d at .s c B 3 o JD | u £ o X o *c O >, rj fe >» to 5s ‘to Q E ollywood eporter a) ^ ‘n s s few ■“ 1 i-5 CL oc 5 K CD = > > iZ zee CL 2 Z Q 577 Girl Rush (65) RKO .10-28-44 + H~ + H~ + 2*2 7+ 4— 608 God Is My Co-Pilot (88) WB . 2-24-45 + 2*2 + + + ft + 8+ 1— 571 Goin’ to Town (69) RKO . 9-30-44 Hh 2*2 Hr ** 6 539 Goodnight, Sweetheart (67) Rep.. . 6-10-44 — 2*2 H1 2*2 — 2*2 2*2 5+ 7 Great Day (..) RKO + 1+ 1 624 Great Flamarion, The ( . . ) Rep . . . . 4-21-44 + 2*2 2*2 H1 Hh — H1 6+ 6 — Great John L, The (-.) UA + tt + ft 6+ 566 Great Mike, The (73) PRC . 9 9-44 + + 2*2 + + + P1 7+ 2 541 Great Moment, The (S3) Para . 6-17-44 2*2 -H tt 4 + + ft 10+ 1 Great Stagecoach Robbery (..) Rep 2*2 1+ 1 555 Greenwich Village (82) 20-Fox... . 8-12-44 + 2*2 2*2 + ft + + 8+ 2 597 Grissly's Millions (71) Rep . 1-20-45 + 2*2 + + + + 6+ 1— 589 Guest in the House (120) UA .12-16-44 + 2t -ft + H1 ff + 9+ 2 Gunsmoke (..) Mono 2*2 2*2 2+ 2 547 Gunsmoke Mesa (59) PRC . 7-15-44 H1 2*2 2* H2 4+ 4— 601 Guy, a Gal and a Pal, A (63) Col . 2-10-45 + -* -* H -* -* •4 7+ 6 556 Gypsy Wildcat (86) Univ . 8-12-44 + 2*2 + 2*2 + 2* 2+2 7+ 4 H 541 Hail the Conquering Hero (101) Para 6-17-44 + ft -H ft ft ff ft 13+ 598 Hangover Square (77 ) 20-Fox . 1-20-45 + + -H + ft tf + 10+ 604 Having Wonderful Crime (70) RKO . 2-17-45 Hh H 2*2 — H; 2+2 5+ 6 551 Heavenly Days (72) RKO , 7-29-44 — 2*2 2*2 + ff + -f 7+ 3— 542 Henry Aldrich’s Little Secret (74) Para . 6-17-44 + 2*2 + + + 2*2 7+ 4— 601 Her Lucky Night (63) Univ . 2-10-45 2+2 H~ ±2 = 2*2 H1 5+ 7 600 Here Come the Co-Eds (88) Univ. . . 2 3-45 + 2*2 -H + ft + + 9+ 1— 591 Here Coma the WAVES (99) Para. .12-23-44 + 2*2 -tt +t tt + -f 10+ 1 594 Hi Beautiful (64) Univ .12-30-44 — H1 — H — H1 — 3+ 7— 607 High Powered (..) Para . 2-24-45 2*2 2*2 + 2*2 2*2 2* H2 7+ 6 625 Hitchhike to Happiness (70) Rep- . 4-28-45 2*2 + 2*2 3+ 2 Hollywood and Vine (..) PRC.... 2*2 + 2*2 2*2 4+ 3 588 Hollywood Canteen (124) WB .12 9-44 -H + tt ft ft + -f 11+ 627 Honeymoon Ahead (59) Univ . 5 5-45 H; 2*2 2*2 2*2 4+ 4 620 Horn Blows at Midnight, The (80) WB 4 7-45 + + 2t + T + + 7+ 2 612 Hotel Berlin (98) WB . 3-10-45 + 2*2 -H + 2*2 2*2 ft 9+ 2 House of Fear, The (..) Univ.... H1 2*2 2*2 + 2*2 + 6+ 4— 593 House of Frankenstein (71) Univ. . .12-30-44 2+2 2t 2* + + dt 2*2 7+ 5— I 577 1 Accuse My Parents (68) PRC.... .10-28-44 H~ 2t 2*2 2*2 4+ 7— 601 1 Love a Mystery (69) Col . 2-10-45 + 2*2 2*2 2*2 2*2 2*2 2*2 7+ 7— 539 1 Love a Soldier (104) Para 6-10-44 ff 2*2 2* + + ±2 + 8+ 3 Identity Unknown (..) Rep + tt + + 2*2 6+ 1 592 I’ll Be Seeing You (86) UA 12-23-44 + + •ft + + ft 8+ 624 I'll Remember April (64) Univ.... . 4-21-45 + 2*2 2*2 2*2 H1 i 5+ 5 632 I’ll Tell the World (61) Univ . 6 2-45 2*2 T 2*2 3+ 3 579 I’m From Arkansas (70) PRC .10-28-44 H1 2*2 2*2 2*2 2±2 5+ 5 559 Impatient Years. The (91) Col 8-26-44 + 2*2 + + ft + ff 9+ 1 Incendiary Blonde (..) Para + tt ft + + 7+ 558 In Society (74) Univ 8-19-44 + + + ft ff + 2*2 9+ 1— 567 In the Meantime, Darling (72) 20-Fox 9-23-44 ±2 2*2 2*2 2*2 + 2+2 2*2 7+ 6 573 Irish Eyes Are Smiling (90) 20-Fox 10-14-44 -H tf ■ft ft ff ft ft 14+ 610 It’s a Pleasure (90) RKO 3 3-45 + + 2* + 2*2 ft + 8+ 2 605 It’s in the Bag (90) UA 2-17-45 + 2*2 + ft + + 8+ 2— I Jade Mask, The (66) Mono 2*2 2*2 2*2 2*2 2+2 H2 6+ 6 551 Janie (102) WB 7-29-44 + 2*2 tt + + + + 8+ 1 Jungle Captive (..) Para 2*2 — 1+ 2— Junior Miss (..) 20-Fox + ft 3+ K Kansas City Kitty (72) Col 2*2 + H1 2*2 2*2 5+ 4 604 Keep Your Powder Dry (93) MGM.. 2-17-45 2*2 h1 2*2 2*2 + 2+2 6+ 5 592 Keys of the Kingdom (137) 20-Fox. 12-30-44 + + tt -H ft ft ft 12+ Kid Sister, The (. .) PRC 2*2 + ±2 H2 4+ 3 560 Kismet (100) MGM 8-26-44 + + -H ft ft ff + 11+ L Lady Confesses, The (..) PRC.... 2*2 2* 2*2 2+2 4+ 4— 593 Lake Placid Serenade (85) Rep. . . 12-30-44 2*z 2*2 + + + ft + 8+ 2 Land of the Outlaws (56) Mono. . . 2*2 = H1 2+ 4— 567 Last Ride, The (56) WB 9-23-44 2*2 2*2 2*2 2*2 2*2 2*2 6+ 6 576 Laura (88) 20Fox 10-21-44 + + ft ft ft ft ft 12+ 546 Law Men (55) Mono 7 1-44 hP 2t + 2± P1 5+ 4— 548 Law of the Saddle (59) PRC 7-15-44 2*2 2*2 H1 2*2 4+ 4 Law of the Valley (59) Mono 2*2 2*2 T 3+ 3 603 Leave It to Blondie (69) Col 2-17-45 ±2 + 2*2 + P1 5+ 3 569 Leave It to the Irish (61) Mono... 9-23-44 H1 2*2 2*2 2*2 + 2*2 H2 7+ 6 598 Let’s Go Steady (60) Col 1-20-45 2*2 H 2*2 2*2 2*2 — = 5+ 8 581 Lights of Old Santa Fe (78) Rep.. 11-11-44 + ft + 2*2 + 6+ 1 Lone Texas Ranger (..) Rep 2t 2*2 2+ 2 561 Lost in a Harem (89) MGM 9 2-44 + + + ft + + 2*2 8+ 1— 549 Louisiana Hayride (67) Col 7-22-44 2*2 H1 Hr 2*2 + 2*2 H2 7+ 6 BOXOFFICE Showmandiser :: June 23, 1945 M 558 Machine Gun Mama (67) PRC . 8-19-44 = 2+2 H H — H H 5+ 8 551 Mademoiselle Fifi (69) RKO . 7-29-44 h2 2*2 Hr 2*2 + 2+ 6+ 5 585 Main Street After Dark (56) MGM .12 2-44 -* H -4 H H H + 7+ 6 555 Maisie Goes to Reno (90) MGM... . 8-12-44 2*2 2*2 2*2 it + + + 7+ 4— 578 Man in Half Moon Street, The (92) Para .10-28-44 + + + + 2*2 + 6+ 1— 599 Man Who Walked Alone, The (60) PRC . 2 3-45 + 2*2 H 2*2 2t 2*2 2*2 7+ 6 543 Marine Raiders (91) RKO . 6-24-44 H2 2*2 ff + ff + 8+ 2 574 Mark of the Whistler, The (61) Col .10-14-44 H1 + 2*2 + + 2*2 + 7+ 3 Marked for Murder (..) PRC H 1+ 1— 580 Marked Trails (59) Mono .10-28-44 2*2 H 2*2 — H1 2+z 5+ 6 556 Marriage Is a Private Affair (117) MGM . 8-12-44 ±2 2*2 2*2 + + + ff 8+ 3 Marshal of Reno (56) Rep H 2*2 2+ 2 540 Mask of Dimitrios, The (95) WB. . 6-10-44 2*2 + -+ 2*2 2*2 + + 7+ 4— 567 Master Race, The (96) RKO . 9-23-44 + + ff + + ff + 9+ 619 Medal for Benny, A (80) Para ... . 4 7-45 + + ff + ff ff + 10+ 582 Meet Me in St. Louis (113) MGM. .11-11-44 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 14+ 575 Meet Miss Bobby Socks (68) Col.. .10-21-44 2*2 H H 2*2 2*2 2*2 2+2 7+ 7 559 Merry Monahans, The (90) Univ... . 8-26-44 + + + + + + ff 8+ 576 Ministry of Fear (84) Para .10-21-44 Hr + + 2*2 + + + 7+ 2 543 Minstrel Man (69) PRC . 6-24-44 ff + + + ff + 8+ 625 Missing Corpse, The (62) PRC . 4-28-45 — 2*2 2*2 2+2 H~ 4+ 5— 584 Missing Juror, The (66) Col .11-18-44 + 2*2 + ~*~ + Hr + 7+ 3 613 Molly and Me (76) 20-Fox . 3-17-45 + + + + 2*2 + 6+ 1 559 Moonlight and Cactus (60) Univ... . 8-26-44 2*2 2*2 2*2 2+ 4+ 4— 596 Mr. Emmanuel (92) UA . 1-13-45 + 2*2 2+ q= ff ff 8+ 3 547 Mr. Winkle Goes to War (80) Col.. . 7-15-44 + 2*2 + + tf + 2*2 8+ 2 568 Mrs. Parkington (124) MGM . . . . 9-23-44 + ff ff ff ft ff + 12+ Muggs Rides Again (..) Mono H~ 2t H 3+ 3 598 Mummy’s Curse, The (60) Univ.... . 1-20-45 + 2*2 2*2 + it — H 6+ 5 619 Murder, He Says (93) Para . 4 7-45 2*2 + + + + 2*2 6+ 2 583 Murder in the Blue Room (61) Univ .11-18-44 H2 H H H + 2*2 H 7+ 6— 588 Murder, My Sweet (95) RKO .12 9-44 + 2*2 ff 2*2 + + ff 9+ 2— 590 Music for Millions (117) MGM... .12-16-44 + 2*2 ff 2*2 + ff ff 10+ 2— 552 Music in Manhattan (81) RKO... . 7-29-44 2*2 2*2 + + + + + 7+ 2— 576 My Buddy (69) Rep .10-21-44 + — 2*2 + + 2*2 2*2 6+ 4 586 My Gal Loves Music (63) Univ... .12 2-44 + 2*2 2*2 2*2 H^ 2*2 6+ 5— 586 My Pal Wolf (75) RKO . 9-23-44 H; 2*2 + + 2*2 ff + 8+ 3 543 Mystery Man (58) UA . 6-24-44 + 2+ 2*2 4+ 3 N 565 National Barn Dance (76) Para. . . . 9 9-44 + 2*2 + + 2*2 2*2 7+ 4 590 National' Velvet (124) MGM .12-16-44 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 14+ 590 Nevada (62) RKO .12-16-44 2*2 2*2 2*2 2*2 2*2 5+ 5— 594 Night Club Girl (60) Univ .12-30-44 Hr H 2*2 H 2*2 6+ 6 538 Night of Adventure, A (65) RKO. . 6 3-44 + 2*2 H 2*2 + 2*2 2*2 7+ 5 632 Nob Hill (95) 20-Fox . 6 2-45 ff + 2*2 + -+ 6+ 2 572 None But the Lonely Heart (113) RKO 9-30-44 + 2*2 2*2 H + ff ff 9+ 3 585 Nothing But Trouble (69) MGM.. .12 2-44 2*2 2*2 Hr + 2*2 + H 7+ 5 o Oath of Vengeance (..) PRC 2*2 1+ 1— 600 Objective, Burma! (142) WB . 2 3-45 + + ff + + ff ff 10+ 558 Oh, What a Night (71) Mono . 8-19-44 2*2 2*2 2*2 2*2 H 2*2 7+ 7 Old Chisholm Trail (60) Univ Hb H 2+ 2+2 4+ 4— 577 One Body Too Many (76) Para... .10-28-44 + -+ + + + 2*2 T 7+ 3 One Exciting Night (..) Para.... H 2+2 2*2 H 4+ 4 One Mysterious Night (61) Col.... 2*2 H Hr H~ H H 6+ 6 562 Our Hearts Were Young and Gay (81) Para 9 2-44 + 2*2 ff + fl ff ff 11+ 1— 555 Outlaws of Santa Fe (56) Rep . 8-12-44 H H 2*2 2+ — H 5+ 6— Out of This World (..) Para + ft + ff + ff 9+ P 604 Pan-Americana (70) RKO . 2-17-45 + 2*2 2*2 + ff H 2*2 8+ 4— 509 Passage to Marseille (109) WB.... 2-19-44 + + ff + + + ff 9+ 505 Passport to Destiny (64) RKO.... . 2 5-44 + 2*2 2*2 2+ + + 2± 7+ 4 621 Patrick the Great (89) Univ . 4-21-45 2*2 + + + + ff 7+ 1 561 Pearl of Death, The (69) Univ 9 2-44 H 2*2 + + + + 2*2 7+ 3 635 Penthouse Rhythm (66) Univ . 6-16-45 H 2*2 H— ^f; H H 6+ 6 Phantom of 42nd Street (. .) PRC. 2*2 2*2 H H~ 2*2 5+ 5— 626 Phantom Speaks, The (69) Rep.... 4-28-45 H 2*2 2*2 2*2 2*2 H 2*2 7+ 7— 607 Picture of Dorian Gray (110) MGM. . 2-24-45 2*2 H + + ff ff ff 10+ 2 627 Pillow to Post (94) WB 5 5-45 2*2 ± 2+2 2+ + + + 7+ 4— 545 Port of Forty Thieves (58) Rep.... , 7 1-44 2*2 2*2 2+ + 2*2 2*2 2+2 7+ 6 612 Power of the Whistler, The (72) Col. 3-10-45 H -+ H~ 2*2 — 2*2 &+ 6 592 Practically Yours (90) Para 12-23-44 + + ff + + + ff 9+ 576 Princess and the Pirate, The (94) RKO 10-21-44 ff + ff + ff ff ff 12+ 9