Boxoffice (Apr-Jun 1947)

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■he Industry's Market for Purchase or Sale of Equipment. Theatres. Service Classified Ads 10c Per Word. Payable in Advance. Minimum 51.00. Display Rates on Request. LCLfflfilllG HOUSE GENERAL EQUIPMENT— USED All makes surplus sound projectors: New Zeiss it n tfomm $275; used 16mni ItCA, $149.50, Ijll & Howell, Ampro, Victor, DeVry, $195 up, new Amproarc HI, $1,295; 35mm R°'n'e‘j Arc equipments, $1,295; DeVry HI theatre lipments, $2,495; rebuilt Super Simplex outHrith ItCA sound, $3,850. S.O.S. Cinema SupCorp., 449 W. 42nd St., New York 18. GENERAL EQUIPMENT— NEW Poster Cases — Stainless steel, 40x65 glass size, equipped with cold cathode tube illumination around entire case. Immediate delivery. All other sizes, delivery in 10 days. Literature upon request. Ben B. I'oblocki & Sons, 21o9 South kinnickinnic Ave., Milwaukee 7, Wis. Highly equipped action theatre. Oklahoma's finest city; 200,000 population. 415 upholstered seats. E-7s. 4 Star. Simplex High Lamps. $25,000. Half down. Arthur Leak, Theatres Exclusively, 3422 Kinmore, Dallas, Tex. Benwood-Linze Twin HI rectifier, 65 amperes, I milt, $345; Motiograph K Projector Mechanns with changeover, rebuilt, $695, BrenKeri lichanisms excellent, $495; Century rebuilt, 195; Super Simplex rebuilt, $650; ticket mates, 2 unit hand operated, ^d-50^ ™*t; .35. S.O.S. Cinema Supply Corp., 449 VV. 42nd , New York 18. Heavy Duty blowers, ball-bearing equipped, 000 cfm to 50,000 cfm. Air washers, all I res. Hydraulic drives two and four speed motors | d controls. Immediate delivery Dealers wanted, htional Engineering and Mfg. Co., 213 W. 19th ., Kansas City, Mo. Holmes factory rebuilt 16mm Arc projector, ) watt amplifier speaker, $650 Pair Motioraph heads and magazines hardly used, $100. Drive-In Theatre Projection and sound equipment. Brand new; nothing else needed, $2,974. Theatre equipment $2,794, and $2,280, complete and installed. Ace Camera Supply, 116 N. Dargan, Florence, S. C. Two subsequent run houses in good West Virginia towns and one coal camp town in Virginia. Will sell separate. Box 2761, Boxoffice, 825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City 1, Mo. THEATRE SEATING 500 American spring edge cushion chairs, heavy panel back, excellent $5.45; 621 same rebuilt $7 65 200 veneer chairs, rebuilt, $3.95, luou Heywood-Wakefield full upholstered back boxspring cushion chairs, excellent, $4-95; (rebuilt $5.95); 400 General full upholstered back, boxspring cushion, rebuilt, ^-95 *J.!re i'1. If' S.O.S. Cinema Supply Corp., 449 VV. 42nd St., New York 18. Several thousand used upholstered opera chairs on hand. We are headquarters for the cream ot the used chair crop. We pick the lots that we Simplex projectors, arc lamps, rectifiers, com se ete line of genuine replacement parts for United ye esearch sound equipment. Weber sound equip gu ent for Powers projectors. Prewar prices. Bodel ha n & Company, 10-38 Jackson Ave., L. I. City, et i y Cl Pair Simplex Portable Projectors, RCA Sound, hreen, 300 upholstered chairs. Complete, $2,000. Inthonv Calcagno, Box 102, Gramercy, La. pi Available: One pair of Cyclex Projector lamps “ implete, ready to operate, in A-l condition. at bese lamps are now in operation and can De ^ (lipped In two weeks. Also two A.C. inductors jr emergency use with switches, complete $oUO. [orfolk Theatre Supply Co., 2706 Colley Ave., $ lorfolk, Va. Phone 53818. “j Sell, pair good late model ESI DeVry 35mm ortables, ND-30 watt Amplifier-Monitor. $750. , & T.. Wickes, Ark. . i. Holmes 16mm Sound Projector, like new, $350. 1 j Arlh 1201 University Ave.. N. Y. C. c> Two Simplex projectors, rear shutter, late model, n tCA sound, double channel. Strong lamps, recti j iers, motor rewind, etc. Low price foi quick sale. }ameo Theatre, Akron, Ohio. _ r For Sale or swap for anything I can use: One t lair of Powers projectors and a pair of Strong ow-intensity lamps with new Strong rectifiers. s loxv Theatre, St. Ansgar, Iowa. 2 Complete used booth equipment, including two “ Simplex Standard projectors, two Brenkert Econoire lamps with rectifiers, a complete Western Electric 46C sound system with Universal bases, _ i rewind table, film splicer, hand rewind and film ■abinet. Good condition, going to highest bidder. < Avon Amusement Co., Box 311, Huntsville, Tex. Two complete Powers projectors, Mazda lamps, extra head, good condition. $225 takes all. 395 Innis Ave., Columbus 7, Ohio. DeVry 35mm portable sound projector, complete with speaker and amplifier, late model, Practically new, used very little, $500. Jos. Vasut, Schulenburg, Tex. — STUDIO EQUIPMENT Surplus Moviolas now available, sound, $795, silent, $235; Ace Film Viewers, $119.50; Hollywood variable area recording system, $3,750; BM silenced studio single system camera with galvanometer; rackover; 1,000 ft. magazines; 6 lenses and vertical viewfinder, $3,950; Eyemo turret, 3 lenses; rackover; magazine; free-head tripod; motor, etc $1,395; New Bell & Howell 16mm sound printers, $3,250: new Mitchell 24V motors, $295; new 35mm film phonographs, $795. Send foi latest stocklist. S.O.S. Cinema Supply Corp., 449 W. 42nd St., New York 18. EQUIPMENT WANTED Want 200 to 400 (18 or 19 inch) spring edge chairs and complete booth equipment. L. H. Pettit, Ava, Mo. POPCORN MACHINES Burch— Manley— Cretors— Advances— All electric French fry types. Karmelkorn Equipment, 120 S. Halstead, Chicago 6, 111. Fensin Chair maintenance headquarters has all 1 200 Used Spring cushioned theatre chairs, ’ . . t r, I,, i „ Tmmuni'tTP Theatre Chairs, 3,000 used spring cushioned THEATRES FOR SALE Theatre — 300 seats. Equipment and lease. Low rent. County seat town of 2,500 population near coast. Cash price, $14,500. Theatre — Near coast. Cement building, 392 seats. Grossing $1,525 month plus candy and popcorn. Total price $20,000. $11,000 cash required. Balance $125 month, interest 4%. J. C. Butler, A.B.C. Brokerage Co., 304 S.W. 4th Ave., Portland, Ore. Theatre Exchange Co., the only exclusive theatre brokers in the northwest, offer the largest selection of theatres for sale or lease. Write for list. 201 Fine Arts Bldg., Portland 5, Ore. THEATRES WANTED Sell Your Theatre Privately. Confidential correspondence invited. References. Arthur Leak, Theatres Exclusively. 3422 Kinmore, Dallas, Tex. Will pay cash for small-town theatre southern California. Exhibitor desires permanent location. No agents. Write Mgr., 1239 Stanford St., Santa Monica. Calif. Will pay cash for small town theatre California. Exhibitor desires permanent location. Not interested city theatres. Address 234 North Reese Place, Burbank, Calif. Will buy theatre, northern, central or western New York and northern Ohio, north central Pennsylvania in towns 1,500 to 4,000 population in a Catholic community. For particulars write Joseph Amand, 7121 Magoun Ave., Hammond, Ind. Theatre Exchange Co. Listing No. 135 in Portland, Ore. 420 seats, mostly new. New carpet and decoration. Soft drinks, candy and popcorn. Steady family trade. Owner says $2,000 gross. Price $32,500. $50 week rent including heat. Terms. 201 Fine Arts Bldg., Portland 5, Ore. Theatre Exchange Co. Listing No. 134 in Washington county seat. Only theatre. Film circuited with next town. New sound, carpet and seats. Simplex HI Lamps. Owner says $1,600 gross, and increasing. Bldg, included for $42,500. Terms. 201 Fine Arts Bldg., Portland 5, Ore. Prefer theatre with building included. Must be reasonable and on paying basis. Clifford Jordan, 802 Albany Ave., Waycross, Ga. Wanted theatre in town of 1,400 or more. State in first letter all that would be desired by experienced theatre owner. Box 2780, Boxoffice, 825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City 1, Mo. HELP WANTED Theatre Exchange Co. Listing No. 128 in booming Oregon lumber and farm community. New RCA booth. 320 seats. Gross increasing 20% yearly last 3 years. Modern bldg, included for $22,500. Terms. 201 Fine Arts Bldg., Portland 5. Ore. Theatre for Sale: Small town, in good farming district in northwest Kansas. Good building, brick front, small living quarters. Many improvements added this year. 377 seats (160 cushioned). Good equipment, showing six nights a week. Showing profit. Sickness reason for selling. Everything sells, price $20,000. If interested, see or write F. M. Kahle, Mgr., Liberty Theatre, Brewster, Kas. Wanted: Experienced, sober, dependable, three shows daily, six-day permanent position to right man. Write Soo Amusement Co., Sault Ste Marie, Mich. State starting salary and reference. _ Manager Wanted. State experience, age, references, all details and salary expected in answer. Write Uptown Theatre, Sedalia, Mo. Theatre manager experienced in making up live fronts for grind policy. Good opportunity for gogetter with recognized circuit. Write Associated Theatres, Inc., 1323 Dime Bldg., Detroit, Mich. POSITIONS WANTED Sewn Delux seat covers and sewn slip_ covers, For Sale: Finest small town theatre in middle west, located central Iowa. $65,000. Terms. Box 2765, Boxoffice, 825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City 1, Mo. 1,623 American Seats, late model, insert panel, rring edge cushions, immediate delivery. Also 55 late model American seats, full upholstered nek cnrimr edee cushions, 8 months old Also For Sale: 169 Veneer seats, all in good con 1,000 American box spring, cushion panel back 850 fully padded metal lined back and spring ushions, A-l condition for sloped floor, 19--0 Ss wide, $4.75 each F.O.B. Albany N. Y. 1 400 fully padded backs spring cushion, 19-20 .ch’es wide for level floor, $3.50 each F.O.B. nchester. N. Y. Albany Theatre Supply Co., 1,000 American full upholstered back spring Beautiful new theatre, east Texas town 1,300 population. Large rural population. Nearest theatre 15 miles. New sound, new cushion chairs, new washed air cooling. Making money. Good lease. $11,000 some terms. Box 2766, Boxoffice, 825 Van Brunt Blvd.. Kansas City, 1, Mo. 6 Virginia theatres for sale. Reasonable terms to responsible theatre operators. Located in Noifolk, Portsmouth, Newport News. Jewel Productions, 165 West 46th St., N. Y. Manager: Family. Trained ail phases. Perfect references. Future important. Prefer Texas, adjoining states, independent theatres. Box 2763, Boxoffice, 825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City 1, Mo. Manager: Ten years experience. Desires good connection. Write or wire Box 414, Hamlet. N. C. Ambitious young projectionist looking for position with a future. Five years experience; eager to learn more. Available immediately. Will go any place. No bad habits. Box 2781, Boxoffice, 825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City 1, Mo. Projectionist, general maintenance, service, repairs, 23 years small town experience, steady, sober, reliable. Projectionist, 2212 Orchard St., Chicago. Only Theatre. Texas County Seat 2,300. First time offered. Attractive front, good equipment. Highly profitable. Private sale. $20,000 down. Arthur Leak, 3422 Kinmore, Dallas, Tex. Oklahoma town over 2,500. Excellent equipment, air conditioning; 350 seats, mostly cushioned. Doing good business; $15,000. Box 2778, Boxoffice, 825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City 1, Mo. BUSINESS STIMULATORS Comic books again available as premiums, giveaways at your kiddy shows. Large variety latest 48-page newsstand editions. Comics Premium Co., 412B Greenwich St., New York City. Bingo with more action, $2.25 thousand cards. Also other games. Novelty Games Co., 1434 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn 16, N. Y. Virginia theatre, modern, all-brick construction, 668 spring seats, new Alexander-Smith carpet, Simplex projection, RCA sound, blower system. Town 2,200 with nice drawing radius. No competition. $25,000 down by appointment only. T E. Wilson, Box 247, Crewe, Va. Special transportation rates are now available icauc uupp‘.' ^ •• * r j "800 completerebuilt box spring, veneer back tiirte chairs $5.50 each. 1.000 reconditio^ plain veneer chairs, $3.50 each^ Other 1L. A I. I. City, N. Y. . 100 veneer seats in excellent condition. Answer quick. Must make room for new seats. Phone, wire or write Midway Theatre, 7th and Central, Kansas City. Kas. For Sale $15,000 profitable theatre, central Indiana town of 1.700 population with 5 to 10 years lease. Simplex equipment. Reason for selling, leaving state for health. Box 2779, Boxoffice, 825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City 1, Mo. Theatres Denver territory; 450 seats, 8,000 population. Lease and equipment worth plenty. 300 seats good mining town, building and equipment, nice business. Box 2782, Boxoffice, 8-5 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City 1, Mo. Rebuilt r-opcorn macnines iui =a anteed. Price from $150. Consolidated Confections, 1314 S. Wabash, Chicago 5, 111. Blevins is national headquarters for popcorn machines. Silver Stars, Super Stars, Corn Cribs. Old machines taken in trade. Blevins Popcorn to., Nashville. Tenn. Real Bargains used popcorn machines. Burch, Cretors, Advance, guaranteed. Poppers Supply. Box 838. Atlanta, Ga. Star popcorn machines. All models. Prunty Seed & Grain Co., 620 N. 2nd St„ St. Louis 2, Me. tllSao vioj ■ 200 good complete theatre chairs, upholstered backs and spring bottoms. Reasonable. 1. JArrington, New Haven, Ind. THEATRE TICKETS Prompt service— Special printed roll tickets, 100.000, $19.90; 10,000, $o.95; 2,000, $3.75^ Each change in admission price, including change in color, $2.50 extra, double numbering extra. Shipping charges paid to 1,000 miles Cash with order. Kansas City Ticket Co., Dept. 9, 1819 Cen tral, Kansas City, Mo. theatre printing Window Cards, 3-sheets, photo offset house programs, heralds, passes, etc. Cato Show Printing Co.. Cato, New York, or Tribune Press, Fowler, Ind. Deluxe 400 seats central Illinois, town 2,500 new building 1941. Owner selling account health. $33,000 down. The Savereides, 1217 Blum Bldg., Chicago, 111 Theatres; Hlinois, Indiana, Missouri, Kansas Nebraska, Iowa. Minnesota. The Savereides, 121 « Blum Bldg., Chicago, HI. Texas: Small' town theatre, grossing $18,000 annually. $14,500. Box 2776. Boxoffice, 825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City 1, Mo. CONFECTIONS Candy Bars, assorted nuts, popcorn seasoning In quantities. Also, popcorn machines, new and used. Cinephone Distributing Co., 717 W. 119th St., Chicago. SIGNS Easy Way to Paint Signs. Use letter_ patterns. Avoid sloppy work and wasted time. No experience needed for expert work. Write for free samples. John Rahn, B-1329 Central Ave., Chicago 51, 111. Bingo Games. No license necessary. Screen Dial $20. Cards for 75 or 100 number game, $275 per thousand. Ten thousand or more, $2.50 per thousand. Premium Products, 354 West 44th St., New York City. AIR CONDITIONING Prompt shipment, all-steel blowers with motors, 5,500 cfm, $127.80; 8,500 cfm, $172.20; 11,000 cfm, $228.90; 13,500 cfm., $276; other sizes available. Latest dual air washers, 5,000 cfm, $138; 7,000 cfm, $168; 10,000 cfm, $204; 15,000 cfm, $240: 20,000 cfm, $276. Diffusers, recirculating pumps, exhaust fans available. S.O.S. Cinema Supply Corp., 449 W. 42nd St., New York 18. _____ Spray Nozzles (4 in., % in., V% in. Huve 500 left at 80c each. Cap. % to 2y2 gal. per min. Water broken to fine misty spray. Can ship at once. G. A. Peterson, RFD No. 2, Clinton, Mo. For Sale; Three Buffalo fans, size 8, Double. Excellent for cooling theatre. $400 each, F.O.B., Box 317, Weatherford, Tex. POPCORN SUPPLIES Write for our special contract which guarantees you more profits and greater savings on all your popcorn and popcorn supplies. Blevins Bee Hive Popcorn Co., Nashville, Tenn. Home of “Rush Hour” popcorn and popcorn supplies. Send for price list. Prunty Seed & Grain Co.. 620 N. 2nd St., St. Louis 2, Mo. Established 1874. All-Electric Popcorn Units, popping kettles, copper caramelcorn, candy kettles, peanut roasters, display cases, lowest prices. Northside Popcorn Co., Indianola. Iowa. Sacrifice Korn King never used. Free 5 bags popcorn, 10 gallons seasoning, 4,000 10c bags, case salt. Littlejohn, Box 231, Lagrange, Ga. BOOKS New! Instructions — Film “Setting Sound Lens’ $1.95. Wesley Trout, Enid, Okla.