Boxoffice (Apr-Jun 1948)

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Bernstein Expanding In Illinois, Florida HAMMOND, ILL. — Construction of a 900seat theatre in the downtown section of Blue Island, 111., is planned by Bernstein Theatres, it was announced by H. C. Rhyan, general manager. The circuit has its home offices here. Rhyan reported that title to the site has been obtained and plans completed for the project. The theatre will be known as the Blue Island. The circuit recently completed extensive improvements at the Times Theatre in Waukegan, 111., where new sound, projection, carpeting and lighting were installed and the lobby and auditorium redecorated. Glenn Schwartz is manager of the Times. The “new look” also was given the Hohman Theatre in downtown Hammond, where extensive improvements and renovation was done under Rhyan’s supervision by National Theatre Supply of Chicago and the C. Bendsen Sign Co. of Decatur. Rhyan announces that William Miller has been appointed supervisor of theatres in Indiana and Illinois. Other managerial changes include the assignment of Phillip Gulick as manager of the State in Elkhart, Ind.; Donald Randall as manager of the Brandt in Harvey, 111., and Albert Tobey as manager of the Lake in Gary, Ind. Rhyan recently returned from Miami, where Bernstein Southern Theatres opened the de luxe Dixie in the downtown section February 5. The house is being managed by George Wendahl, formerly of Waukegan. While in the south, Rhyan and N. N. Bernstein, president of the circuit, made arrangements to construct another house in Little River, a suburb of Miami. It will be ready for operation by late summer, Rhyan said. Prestige Shows Planned By Premier in Evansville EVANSVILLE — Encouraged by the grosses piled up by “Henry V,” Premier Theatres is preparing to give this city of 125,000 population a continuing diet of “prestige” pictures in its neighborhood Washington Theatre, which ordinarily is the top second run house. “Henry V” showed for three days at the neighborhood locations, with a matinee and night show each day. Night prices were $1.20 and $1.80 and day prices were 90 cents and $1.20, with student tickets at 75 cents. The circuit now is planning to bring in “I Know Where I’m Going,” “Brief Encounter,” “ShoeShine” and other European productions. Chicago Theatres Helping In Cancer Fund Drive CHICAGO — ^Theatres in Chicago and vicinity are cooperating again this year with the American Cancer society in 'its drive for funds. No collections are being taken, but the theatres are showing placards in their lobbies to advertise the campaign, which started April 1. Placards were distributed by National Screen Service in cooperation with the Allen Film Truck Co., Koemer Film Truck Co. and local Film Chauffeurs union. Bill Bishop, MGM publicist, is directing the publicity for the amusement industry. Chicago to Clamp Down On Unlicensed Places CHICAGO— City Collector William T. Prendergast is launching a drive against amusement places operating without licenses as a result of the collapse of the floor of an unlicensed dance hall March 17. The crash killed a woman and injured 100 persons. Prendergast said 43 places have been refused licenses as unsafe. Summonses will be issued against them if they are running, he said. In 202 other cases, including five theatres, the places are operating “on receipt,” a receipt for payment of license which has been withheld because inspection has not been completed. Prendergast said he has asked city departments to speed their inspection of these places. Producers of 'Northside' Praised by Newspaper MADISON — A newspaper’s appreciation of a film that depicts newspapermen as they really are, was expressed by the Capital Times March 20 in an open letter on its editorial page to Hugh Flannery, manager of the Orpheum Theatre here. The letter said: “We wish that you would pass on to whatever film company that produced ‘Call Northside 777,’ now at your Orpheum Theatre, the thanks of the newspaper business for depicting a newspaper office and staff as somewhere near reality rather than the ‘stop the press’ type that movies too often perpetrate upon the public. Incidentally, it was a fu’st class picture.” Indiana ATO Seeks Data On Theatre Taxes, Fees INDIANAPOLIS — Cooperating with national Allied in a campaign to gather as much information as possible about taxes paid by theatre operators, the Associated Theatre Owners of Indiana has asked its members to submit reports on all taxes, licenses, fees, etc., necessary to the conduct of their business. “It is important in fightingnew forms of taxation to impress government with the heavy burden that is already being carried by theatres,” says the latest bulletin of the ATOI. Averts Panic at Maryland CHICAGO — Quick thinking by Assistant Manager Ruther Richardson averted a panic among 1,200 patrons when fire broke out the night of March 26 in the projection room of B&K’s Maryland Theatre. Richardson mounted the stage and calmly directed the audience to the exits. Film in the projector caught fire when it became stuck in the machine. As flame shot out of the room’s portholes, steel shutters automatically dropped into place, preventing the fire from spreading. Ambrose Conroy, manager, said that after a short intermission patrons returned to their seats and the performance continued. Damage was slight. Buys Land for Drive-In PERU, IND. — The Wood Theatre Corp. has purchased 20 acres of land on Highway 31 between Kokomo and Peru as the site for a drive-in theatre. Heart Attack Fatal To Charles Conrad ST. LOUIS — Charles “Chuck” Conrad, southern Illinois salesman for Monogram, was fatally stricken with a heart attack Saturday morning (27) as he walked into the company’s exchange after returning from his weekly trip through the territory. An ambulance driver and police worked over him with a pulmotor for 30 minutes in an unsuccessful attempt to bring back life. Conrad was on the Monogram staff for about two years. About four months ago he was seized with an attack while in Cairo, and was forced to be absent from his duties for about five weeks. However, he recently had recovered sufficiently so that two weeks prior to his death he had resumed making road trips alone. Conrad had worked for film companies here and in Pittsburgh at various times in the past 10 to 15 years. He had been with Monogram in the Pittsburgh territory for about a year prior to joining the local sales force under Manager Barney Rosenthal. He also had been in the 16mm field in the Pittsburgh territory. He resided in Alton with his wife. Also surviving is a married daughter. Alvin Gross to Milwaukee As MGM Office Manager MILWAUKEE — Alvin W. Gross, formerly office manager at the MGM Denver exchange, has been named office manager in the Milwaukee branch. He succeeds Walter Bennin, who died recently. John J. Ash, field auditor, has been acting office manager. St. Louis Group to Meet ST. LOUIS — A second regional meeting of the Motion Picture Theatre Owners of St. Louis, eastern Missouri and southern Illinois will be held at Cairo, 111., Thursday, April 1. Carson W. Rodgers, general manager of I. W. Rodgers Theatres and vice-president of the group, and Bill Griffin, booker for the circuit, will head the committee on local arrangements. The program will follow the pattern of the sectional gathering held in Hannibal, Mo., several weeks ago. Chain Opens Branch Office FLAT RIVER, MO. — The Edwards and Harris circuit has opened a branch office in the Roseland Theatre here to handle advertising and supeiwision of the local Roseland, the Odeon in Bonne Terre, the Regal in Elvins. Grand in Desloge and Roxy in Leadwood. Tom Edwards jr. is in charge of the office. Asks $50,000 for False Arrest CHICAGO — Allan C. Hamann, 26, of Cicero, 111., set a price of $50,000 for his alleged false identification as the man who held up the Mode Theatre on Chicago’s northside. Defendants in his superior court suit are the Essaness Theatre Corp., and Irving Park Amusement Co. and the theatre cashier, Mrs. Mary Renspie. Hamann charged he was held two days in a cramped jail cell after his alleged false identification. BOXOFFICE :: April 3, 1948 c 59