Boxoffice (Apr-Jun 1961)

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MILWAUKEE yy M. Masterson, manager of the Wisconsin State Fair, announced the booking of Roy Rogers’ Show to play the full ten days of the State Fair run. The show will be filmed in full color for later release by NBC. Rogers and his aggregation played the fair here in 1958 and drew 120,966 patrons to break all existing records before or since. Rogers and his wife Dale Evans had so many commitments while here, that Ben Marcus, Variety Club chief barker at the time, tried to arrange a luncheon in their honor and found it impossible. Marcus also said he would like to see Roy come out with another picture, and wanted to discuss the matter, but this, too, was impossible because of the tight schedule. The Fair dates this year are August 11-20, just in case exhibitors wish to start working on some sort of a reception or what-have-you. Allied Artists’ “Bud" Rose, exchange manager here, seems to be maintaining his batting average. He threw a press luncheon at the Steak Ranch here May 16, inviting a total of 25, and 24 showed up. The one who did not show up was out of the city. The luncheon was “Bud’s” preliminary buildup for the forthcoming campaign on the film, “Angel Baby,” in which Salome Jens, former Milwaukee girl, has the lead role. Her parents were at the luncheon and took along a six-sheet to put up in their swanky cocktail lounge out at Pewaukee. According to the agenda “Bud” has lined up, Miss Jens will be met at the airport when she arrives by a dozen models from the Rosemary Bischoff Modelling and Charm School, and a number of dignitaries. A police escort will then head for the hotel and after an hour’s rest. Miss Jens will be guest of honor at a buffet luncheon. Rose says if he gets her name on the City Hall Tower lights, he will call it a day. The pic NEW IMPROVED!! 'LITTLE MISER' CARBON SAVER ■BES ' i CARBON STUB CARBON SAVER i THIS IS HOW THEY Will IOOK WHEN PUT TOGETHER Precision Made on Automatic Screw Machine • New black oxidized finish • No tools needed to use • Does not damage lamp mechanism • For use with Rotating lamps only • Save hundreds of dollars on carbon bills • No change in price 9mm, 10mm, 11mm size $3.00 each 13.6mm size $4.50 each Order direct if your supply house does not stock LOU WALTERS PROJECTOR ^REPAIR 8140 Hunnicut Rd., Dallas 28, Texas FILM ACK Specializes In I Merchant Ad Trailers Try Us On Your Next Order ! WHEN YOU NEED SPECIAL TRAILERS That Are The Fastest And The Very Bestest You Can’t Beat Dependable FILMACK 1327 South Wabash Chicago 5, Illinois ture will open at the Towne and Manager Joe Reynolds already is working on his share of the campaign. It may not solve the problem at other houses but Milt Harman, manager of the Palace Theatre, where “Seven Wonders of the World” was in its seventh week, talks his audience into “submission.” He has two matinees each week, both jampacked with busloads of youngsters from all over the state. Just before curtain time, when the kids are showing signs of becoming restless and noisy, Milt steps to the mike in front of the stage, and says: “Good afternoon ladies, gentlemen, and young folks. Welcome to the Palace Theatre and ‘The Seven Wonders of the World.’ We want you to enjoy the performance and we’re going to ask that everyone please remain seated during the show. The concession stand will be closed, so there will be no need for anyone to run up and down the aisle. However, it will be open during the 15-minute intermission. We hope you like ‘Seven Wonders of the World,’ and that you tell your friends. Thank you.” Believe it or not, that did it! No one was seen in the aisle during the entire performance! A new wrinkle has developed in connection with “Gone With the Wind” at the neighborhood Uptown Theatre. Manager Henry Kratz interested high school instructors in having students write essays on the film. But to insure the fact that they have actually attended one of the performances, each student must turn in his theatre stub in order to get credit for his composition. None of this reading the book or hearsay goes with the faculty at school. (One reason, perhaps, for the long lines at each performance) . Ben Marcus is entering another field. General Merchandise Co., the giant Milwaukee mail order firm, plans on opening a chain of discount department stores throughout Wisconsin and has formed a subsidiary named Midwest Corp. To raise funds, a block of stock was sold privately to a group headed by Ben Marcus, owner of a circuit of theatres in addition to hotels, motels, bowling alleys, restaurants (Marc’s Big Boy), oil wells and construction companies, etc. Invitations were being sent out to the entire membership of the Variety Tent 14 for a cocktail party at 6:30 p.m. and dinner at 7 Wednesday (24) for the purpose of honoring “All the great guys and gals” who worked so hard to make the WRIT-WakeA-Thon, the huge success it was. The scene was to be the Maryland Steak Ranch, which seems to be getting quite a play lately by the showmen. Louis Orlove, press representative for 20th Century-Fox, with headquarters here, has been practically living in a suitcase since he has been given five states to cover in his promotional campaign swings. Having to drop one thing after another in his hectic day at the office here, in order to put the finishing touches on this or that, his desk seldom gets a “house-cleaning.” Fact of the matter is, he is the only one who can find anything around there. Ask him for something and he slips under a heap of literature, stills, mats, releases, trade publications, etc., and comes right up with it. Let one of the girls disturb anything, and he is hooked. Dondi, Pepe and Question 7 were the first three films to be reviewed in the Lutheran Companion magazine’s recently added Movie Review page. The magazine boasts 100,000 circulation and rumor has it that a merger is in the wind, which will lift circulation to more than 500,000. Paul Gustafson is the editor, with headquarters at Rock Island. 111. Boothman L. Earl DeWilt Retires in Evansville EVANSVILLE, IND.— For the last 55 years, L. Earl DeWitt, 12 East Riverside Dr., has led a reel life. He has been a projectionist at Loew’s Theatre for the past 34 years and an employe of other theatres for 21 years prior to joining Loew’s. Now he has retired, due to his health. He got his first job when he was 13 at the old 20th Century Electric Theatre on Main street as a ticket-taker, phonograph operator and custodian. To complement his $4.50 weekly pay he sold the Courier on the streets. In 1906 he went to the Riverside Electric, where he had the same duties but also was assistant projection operator. During his career, he worked at almost every theatre in town and estimated that he had seen about 10,000 motion pictures. DeWitt, who is 67, said he plans to keep adding to that total right along while he enjoys his retirement because he still believes movies are “your best entertainment.” Chicago Subrun Group Asks Advertising Help CHICAGO — Distributors were requested to budget their advertising expenditures so that subsequent run saturations would get some benefit. Exhibitors, at a luncheon hosted by Allied Theatres of Illinois, stressed they don’t expect as much advertising help as the first runs receive, but they deserve a part of the budget. Sam Meyers, president of Allied of Illinois, presided at the luncheon. John Clark acted as spokesman following the discussion. Meyers hoped the get-together would become a weekly affair. Janesville Dr Pepper Co. Serving 3-County Area JANESVILLE, WIS. — Bottling and distribution of Dr Pepper under a franchise from the Dr Pepper Co. of Dallas has been started here by the Dr Pepper Co. of Janesville. The firm services a three -county territory of 140,000 persons and bottles and distributes 6Yz and 10-ounce bottles. Mrs. Margaret C. Gray is president, treasurer and manager of the local corporation. Charles C. Gray is vice-president and Robert R. Gray, secretary and sales manager. World Tour for 'Ways' HOLLYWOOD — Richard Widmark will start his first world tour next month, promoting “The Secret Ways” which his company, Heath Productions, produced for U-I release and in which he is starred with Sonja Ziemann. The actor will visit Berlin, the Cannes Film Festival, London and Tokyo. NC-2 BOXOFFICE :: May 29, 1961