Boxoffice barometer (1942)

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Little Theatre, The (7) 2703 Feb. 7 Merry Mouse Cafe (G) 2707 Aug. 15 There's Music in Your Hair (7) 2701 Mar. 23 Wallflower, The (7) 270S July 3 QUIZ REELS Junior I. Q. Parade (GV’) 2G01 Mar. 7 Kitchen Quiz No. 1 (10’/2) 3302 Sept, 12 I'itckon Quiz No. 2 (0) 3803 Doc. 12 So You Think You Know Mucic No. I (11 1/2) 2305 Apr. 3 Co You Think You Knov/ Ilusic No. 1-S (10) 3001 Aug. 22 Take It or Leave It No. 3 (11) 2303 Feb. 7 Take It or Leave It No. 4 (11) 2G03 May 1 RAYMOND GRAM SITING REELS HISTORICAL Broken Treaties (0) 3031 Swing, radio commentator, history of the invasion of Aug. 1 reviews the Poland. Hov7 War Came (81/2) 3332 This centers about the setsuits of the League of Geneva. Nov. 7 -up and reNations at SPORT REELS Aquaplay (10) 2303 June 6 Diving Thrills (10) 2807 May 9 Ice Capers (10) 2801 Jan. 24 Jungle Archer, The (10) 2303 Mar. 23 Jungle Fishing (11) 3093 Oct. 10 Rack 'Em Up (10) 3305 Dec. 19 Show Dogs (10) 3302 Sept. 12 Su'its, Spares and Strikes (10) 2305 Feb. 21 Toe Up (10) 3301 Aug. 1 20TII-ANNIVEnSARY SNAPSHOTS No. 5 (9) 2855 Bob Hope. Feb. 2 No, 6 (9) 285G Larry Simms. Mar. 14 Ho. 7 (10) 2857 Ken Murray. Apr. 2,5 Ho. 8 ( ) 2858 Jerry Colonna June 6 No. 9 ( ) 2853 Don Wilson. July 11 Ho. 1 ( ) 3851 Ken Murray Aug. 15 Ho. 2 ( ) 3852 Hobart Bos worth. Sopt. 12 No 3 ( ) 3853 John Hubbard. Nov. 7 No. 4 ( ) 3854 Billy Gilbert. Dec. 5 THREE STOOGES COMEDIES Ache in Every Stake (18) 3401 Aug. 22 All the V/orld's a Stooge (18) 2407 May 16 Dutiful But Dumb (17) 2103 Mar. 21 I'll Never Heil Again (18) 2403 July 4 in the Sweet Pie and Pio (10) 3402 Oct. 16 So Long, Mr. Chumps (17) 2405 Feb. 7 Some More of Samoa (17) 3403 Dec. 4 V//\SIIINGTON PARADE rio.OdO) 2003 Jan. 17 U. S. Naval Academy. No. 4 (10) 2904 Mar. 7 Spirit of 1941. METRO-GOLDVVYN-MAYER CRIME DOES NOT PAY Coilins on Wheels (17) P-205 June 7 An exposure of the racketeering methods of some unscrupulous used car dealers. Forbidden Passage (21) P-20'4 Feb. 8 The methods of smuggling immigrants into the country. Respecl the Law (20) P-203 Jan. 4 Showing how minor ordinance violators can be greater menaces than killers. Sucker List (21) P-203 Sept. 27 Investigation and tips on illegitimate horse tipsters and their companion rackets. FITZPATRICK THAVELTALKS Alluring Alaska (0) T-218 Mar. 8 Georgetown, Pride ol Penang (9) T-313 Nov. 15 Glimpses of Florida (9) T-311 Sept. G Glimpses of Kentucky. (3) T-219 Apr. 12 Glimpses of Wash. Stale (3) T221 June 7 Haiti, Land of Dark Fdajesty (10) T-222 July 5 Historic Maryland (9) T-315 Doc. 27 Inside Passage (9) T-312 Oct. 4 Mediterranean Ports (9) T-216 Jan. 4 ITed Men on Parade (9) T-217 Feb. 1 Scenic Grandeur (9) T-314 Dec. 13 Yosemite the Magnificent (8) T-320 May 10 METRO SCOPIX ©Third Dimensioned Murder (7) A-lOO Mar. 1 MINIATURES Battle, The (11) M-235 May 31 How the U. S. Navy is victualled, fueled and behaves during a problem battle. Ghost Treasure (11) M 238 Aug. 2 Search for gold in Death Valley by various historical and recent characters. Man Who Changed the World (11) 237 June 28 The story of James Hargraves who invented the muhinle spinning Jenny, his trials and results. Memories ol Eurone Til) M-236 lune 14 The Europe of before the war with the Paris Exposition and the flowers of several nations. More About Noslradamous (10) M-234 Jan. 18 A comparison of the 16th century predictions of this doct'"!’ and what resulted today. Changed Identity (10) M-331 Nov. 8 A play concerning two brothers, one killing the other and using his name to fool police. Triurnnh Without Drums til) M-239 Oct. 18 The history of the Pure Food Act from it's conception in the mind cf Dr. Wiley to its enactment. Viva Mexico (9) M-240 Nov. 1 Cplnr reel of the beauty of Mexico covering the country’s rural hfe as v'e’l rs Mexico City. M-G-M CARTOONS .Abdul the Bulbul Amoor (8) d.7-2''-3 Feb. 22 Alloy Cat, The ( ) 47-219 hdy 5 Dance of the Weed (9) W-248 June 7 Field Mouse (9) Dec. 27 Flying Bear, The (9) V\I-253 Nov. 1 Goose Goes South (8) W-246 Apr. 26 Little Cesaro (10) V7-251 Aug. 30 Little Mole, The (9) W-245 Apr. 5 Midnight Snack, The (9) W-250 July 19 Night Before Christmas (9) W-341 Dec. G Prospecting Bear, The (9) \7-244 Mar. 8 Rookie Bear, The (8) W-247 May 17 Officer Pooch (8) .W-252 Sept. 6 r.4-G-M News of the Day OUR GANG Baby Blues (9) . C-23S Feb. IS The news that every fourth child is a Chinese upsets Mickey, whose home is expecting their fourth offspring. Twins complicate matters. Fightin' Fools (9) C-295 Jan. 25 The Gang agrees to settle difference with another gang by a war, with ingenious results. ^<^1-2-3 Go (10) C-230 Apr. 23 The Gang organizes a safety society with vast city-wide results. Robot Wrecks (11) C-299 July 12 Attempts to build a mechanical man to do the chores ends with dubious results. Wedding Worries (11) C-393 Doc.13 The kids try to thwart Darla’s father’s efforts to remarry and make Darla a modern Cinderella. Yo Olde Minstrels (11) C-297 Mar. 8 The kids with the aid of an old trouper put on a stage show for the Red Cross. PASSING PARADE Hobbies (11) K-289 Sopt. 20 Various unusual hobbies featuring a castle built of stones after 33 years of effort. More Trifles of Importance (11) K-283 Mar. 22 The history of the tannic acid t”eatment for burns and digitalis for heart disease told via story of their medsst discovery. Of Pups and Puczles (11) 11-283 Sopt. IG An experiment to match dog and man in an intelligence test, 3 men and 3 dogs taking part. Out of Darkness (11) K-284 Mar. 29 The story of the underground Belgian newspaper that defied German discovery in the last war. Strange Testament (11) K-381 Nov. 15 ^The story of a man whose will be""queathing dowries to all poor brides in his part of Louisiana was the clue to his life. This Is the Bowery (10) K-236 May 31 Sociological revelation into the inner workings of the notorious New York section. Whispers (10) K-282 Feb. 8 How small town gossips have instituted the newest advertising technique — the whispering campaign. Your Last Act (11) K-237 Julv 12 A collection of edd wiUs and te-t'^ments of eccentrics and sentimentalists. PETE SMITH Aeronautics (10) S-2G7 Apr. 2G The results of an air student let loose 90 BOXOFFICE BAROMETER