Boxoffice barometer (1954)

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START '54 WITH THE BIG 4 FROM LF.E.l ingrid BERGMAN in her 1 st picture in 4 years with Alexander Knox Directed by ROBERTO ROSSELLINI Mammoth nation-wide Kick-off with 76 theatre day-and-date New York Premiere. silvana MANGANO that "Anna" gal has that yen again in JuU/l&of the Slla” ^ with that "Anna" guy Vittorio Gassman The new Mangano Hit now making Hit-story at the New York Theatre! anna MAGNANI in her 1st English speaking role in JEAN RENOIR’S THE GOLDEN COACH” color by TECHNICOLOR 2-A-Day Roadshow Engagement now at Normandie, N. Y. C. ginaLOLLOBRIGIDA Vittorio de Sica m an adult Film Sextette! 5 Months in L.A., 13 weeks in S.F.— now in its long-run engagement at the Guild, N. Y. C. SEE YOUR LOCAL I.F.E. REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE FULL LINE-UP OF AVAILABLE, DIVERSIFIED PRODUCT FOR YOUR THEATRE ••••••• Releasing Corp. 1501 Broadway New York 36, N.Y. LOngacre 4-4843 2108 Payne Ave. Cleveland, Ohio CHerry 1-6608 115 Walton St., N.W. Atlanta, Ga. CYpress 5868 1255 5. Wabash Ave. Chicago, III. HArrison 7-0074 1907 So. Vermont Ave. Los Angeles, Calif. REpublic 4-1716 BOXOFFICE 41