Boxoffice (Jan-Mar 1941)

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Eastern AAA Panels Partially Set Up ' — Metropolitan Photos Parties to the N. Y. Induction — It was quite a ceremony staged by the AAA to officially launch its arbitration panel for the area served out of New York City. Among others who participated were these three. Paul Felix Warburg, chairman of the administrative committee, is on the left. Next is Cornelius V. Whitney, president of the AAA. Finally, Van Vechten Veeder, chairman of the appeals board. New York — Making it clear that the panels are not fully rounded out, AAA now divulges the names of arbitrators who will figure in the adjudication of cases filed before eastern tribunals under the provisions of the decree. Twenty-three have been named for Buffalo, ranging alphabetically from Frank M. Barker, former president of the Rotary Club of that city, to Henry P. Werner, chairman of the board of Best Foods, Inc., which headquarters in New York. The New York City list totals 53, alphabetic precedence going to Johnfritz Achelis, president of the Commercial Factors Corp., to include Jules Glaenzer, vice-president of Cartier, international jewelers and an habitue of “21,” and end with William Gamble Woodward, treasurer of Will Harston, Inc., and a broker with the Pershing Co. For Philadelphia, 28 men have been selected, alphabetically led by John R. Abersold of the Wharton School of Finance, University of Pennsylvania, and terminating with Edward W. Wright, assistant professor of accounting at the same university. So far only 14 have been lined up for Washington. One is a man named E. Barrett Prettyman. He’s an attorney. Who they are, a key to their business or professional activities and their addresses follow: Buffalo Frank M. Barker, former president Rotary Club of Buffalo, 109 Ashland Ave. William E. Barrett, attorney, 1315 Liberty Bank Bldg. Lincoln W. Beale, executive vice-president Tiernon & Co., 501 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Joseph M. Boehm, general constructor, Boehm Brothers, 245-261 Colorado Ave. Donald D. Bradley, president Rolls Chemical Co., Inc., Ellicott Square Bldg. Prof. Ernest Brown, University of Buffalo School of Law. Charles H. Everitt, general contractor, E. H. Everitt, Inc., 295 Auburn Ave. Joseph E. Fronczak, architect, Fronczak & Whitman, 17 Court Street Bldg. Philip Halpern, lawyer, Prudential Bldg. Edward W. Hamilton, lawyer, 508 Walbridge Bldg. Norman J. Lenahan, secretary-treasurer Frank Lenahan & Sons, Inc., 283 Perry St. Regis O’Brien, attorney, Erie County Savings Bank Bldg. Philip W. Ransom, realtor, 17 Court St. Thomas J. Reese, president International Printing Ink Corp., 559 Ellicott St. Nathan Rovner, lawyer, Liberty Bank Bldg. Merrill E. Skinner, vice-president Buffalo-Niagara & Eastern Power Corp., 600 Electric Bldg. Weldon D. Smith, treasurer Adam Meldrum & Anderson Co., 400 Main St. Harris N. Snyder, secretary-treasurer Buffalo Slag Co., Federal Portland Cement Co., Inc., Ellicott Square. Richard H. Templeton, attorney, 519 White Bldg. Robert C. Van Amringe, attorney, 177 State St. Howard L. Volgenau, assistant secretary Buffalo Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. George W. Wanamaker, attorney, Liberty Bank Bldg. Henry P. Werner, chairman of board Best Foods, Inc., 88 Lexington Ave., New York City. New York City Johnfritz Achelis, president Commercial Factors Corp., 2 Park Ave. Prof. Willard E. Atkins, chairman of department of economics, New York University, Washington Square. Francis Bancroft, vice-president Pease & Elliman, Inc., real estate, 660 Madison Ave. Andre L. Benel, vice-president, director of executive committee of Brown, Wheelock, Harris, Stevens, Inc., building and real estate, 22 E. 40th St. Advice on Arbitration Is Offered by Allied New York — Allied of New Jersey has appointed a committee of five to act in an advisory capacity to members who contemplate the filing of complaints before the American Arbitration Ass’n. They are Harry M. Lowenstein, Irving Dollinger, George Gold, Sam Frank and Maury Miller, the latter chairman. The organization also is on record as condemning the practice of all majors, except M-G-M, in servicing non-theatrical organizations for what is claimed to be “unfair competition to legitimate motion picture theatres.” Discontinuance of the practice is urged. James G. Blaine, president Marine Midland Trust Co., 120 Broadway. William T. Bostwick, vice-president Manhattan Storage & Warehouse Co., 801 7th Ave. Robert R. Bruce, attorney, McLanahan, Merritt & Ingraham, 40 Wall St. Robert Buechner, broker, Wainwright, Luce & Willetts, 52 Wall St. Frederick R. Cantzlaar, secretary and treasurer Binney & Smith Co., accounting and financial, 41 E. 42nd St. William Peter Cavanaugh, attorney, 49 Wall St. Julius Henry Cohen, general counsel, N. Y. State Chamber of Commerce, 111 8th Ave. Roscoe S. Conkling, attorney National Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, Board of Trade, 50 E. 42nd St. Robert Emmet Connolley, attorney, 36 W. 44th St. C. Frank Crawford, retired business man, ex-president New York Master Printers Ass'n, 415 Washington Ave., Brooklyn. Edward F. Darrell jr„ advertising executive N. W. Ayer & Son, Inc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza. Eli Whitney Debevoise, attorney, 20 Exchange Place. Roy Dickinson, president Printers Ink Magazine, 185 Madison Ave. W. Palmer Dixon, broker, Carl M. Loeb, Rhoades & Co., 61 Broadway. Lucius R. Eastman jr„ importers, Hills Bros., 110 Washington St. Guy Emerson, vice-president Bankers Trust Co., 16 Wall St. George H. Engelhard, attorney, Engelhard, Pitcher & Amann, 70 Pine St. Benedic Erstein, president Erst Co., Inc., 349 E. 49th St. Paul L. Fitzpatrick, director of policy and sales development, General Motors Corp., 1775 Broadway. Osmond K. Fraenkel, attorney, Goldsmith, Jackson & Brock, 76 Beaver St. (Continued on page 22) BOXOFFICE : : February 22, 1941 N 21