Boxoffice (Jan-Mar 1961)

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ROBIN HOOD EXPLOITATION EXCITEMENT IN NEW SWORD OF SHERWOOD FOREST! ARCHERY DISPLAY Aim for a bull's eye with a window-full of archery equipment at leading department or sporting goods store. Once you have your store spotted, help them to come up with an eye-stopping window with assorted action stills, posters and credit cards. Also try these: iwoid ol Sherwood form ' Aichory Contort" in four local pork or indoor g, -m. Get 01 mony rotation to too poroto with lull window display, 0 nd newspopti advertising and obtain aichory ot developing lovely lorm lor women and 01 o muulo buildtr lor men Get credit! appropriate prnti lor girl ond boy winntn Find Robin Hood' Scan the town (via phone books and city directory) lor a man named "Robin Hood,” whom you can spotlight on opening night. Have him as your honor guest at a dinner and at the theatre. and make sure you have newspapers cover the event. II you can't lind a "Robin Hood," invite all other people named "Hood" living in town to the opening. Arrange newspaper coverage. ON TV The TV series, "Robin Hood," starring Richard Greene, is currently being televised throughout the country. If the TV station in your situation is one of those showing the films, then by all means arrange for a mutually beneficial promotion. Try for cooperative newspaper ads, TV spots, and any assistance that they may be able to give you on any stunts or contests undertaken by yourself. Remember to get picture credits in all joint undertakings. Community Groups Those community and civic groups who watch over film fare lor the young should be interested in getting behind "Sword ol Sherwood Forest" because, though it is full of action, it avoids the needless violence characteristic ol some modem films. • Obtain th. local Parenl-T.acher A mo elation endowment ol tho pic organl.atlon newspaper or bulletin, and mailing! publicising film in larorablo fight. • Youth loader.— tho head, ol local "To". Boy and Girl Scout, and other .uch group. — ohould bo Costume Ball A costume ball which uses as its motif the colorful, romantic period of “Sword of Sherwood Forest" might be sold to a fraternity. sorority or similar organization which holds such a function every year. The affair should be held, il possible, the week before your playdate. Help the costume ball sponsors by getting the cooperation of stores/ press and radio-TV. Displays 9'xl2' Flag: single face. $45.00; double face. $75.00. Badge: 40c. Streamer: 17' long, $15.00 each. Valance: $1.50 per running foot; minimum length, 10-foot. 12 pennant string; 30' long, S3.50. Bumper strip: $1.00 each; minimum order 15. Order from National Flag Co., 43 West 21st St., New York 10, N. Y.. or in Canada: Theatre Poster Service. 227 Victoria Street, Toronto. Ont. Drive-Ins • Directional arrows should be posted on highways leading to your drive-in. Copy on the arrows might read: "Follow the Atrows to 'Sword of Sherwood Forest'. State Drive-In." • Have a large quiver of arrows on view. Ask contestants to guess the number of arrows contained therein. Those coming closest to correct count to be awarded guest tickets. • Admit free all lads who come clad in full "Robin Hood" regalia: jerkin or doublet, feathered hats, bows, etc. Street Bally Send an attractive girl costumed as an archer (form-fitting tights and leather jerkin) through the principal streets of town, carrying bow and arrows. Sign on her back should read: "I'm on My Way to See ‘Sword of Sherwood Forest.' State Theatre Now." Armor Display An effective display might consist of knights' arnior and weapons, including swords of the "Sword of Sherwood Forest" period. Set display in your lobby, a store window, a museum or a library. Your picture should be tied in with stills and signs bearing full credits. Toy Stores Go after window and counter displays, as well as other advertising promotions, with toy and other stores handling items which might be linked to your picture. Swords, archery sets, Robin Hood hats, color-in books, etc., might be tied in. FENCING TOURNEY Maximum penetration for "Sword of Sherwood Forest" can be achieved by utilizing the swordsmanship elements of the picture for a city-wide fencing tournament. Set up your tournament by working with such groups as the fencing teams and clubs of high schools, colleges. "Y's" and similar groups Prizes should consist of promoted merchandise and Richard Greene trophies If possible, try to secure the backing and sponsorship of a cooperating newspaper. If successful, this will insure you of built-in publicity for your promotion. The awards' presentation should be made over TV or from the stage of your theatre. Try these: EXHIBITIONS Arrange for fencing nhibithn, by prominent loco/ fencer,, coache, or school FREE LESSONS: A group ol young, tor, receiving free fencing Icon, or o group ol ihowgirll receiving some should be good lor o publicity picture. SPORTS PAGE In oddition to complete coveroge ol your tournament arrange lor sport i page SPORTS STORES Elsewhere on thi, page i, o suggested Sword ol Sherwood For* if spoil, store window. Other possible window, eon be built oround sport, equipment — fencing, a, HONOR TEAMS An ciccficnf piece ol showmanship could be the honoring ol school ond Schools The most natural segment of your audience for "Sword of Sherwood Forest" will probably be found in the schools — although adults, too, go for these thundering tales of derring-do. Consequently, make a big pitch for the schools' support! ol Sherwood Ford" in .chool 11brariOL You provide the .till, blow up*, rignii and picture date. Thi. typo ol can bo dupli rated. FOREST GREEN Robin Hood and Sherwood Forest were inseparable. Take advantage of the fact that the legendary greenwood fighter has always been associated with "forest green" to organize a giant merchandising promotion around the color, "Sherwood Forest Green," using merchandise in stock. Eye-catching dramatic atmosphere can be achieved by having blow-ups toned to match the merchandise, and by coloring the window lights with green gelatins. To make an even more eye-stopping window use a two-part arrow, ostensibly shot through the glass, and affixed to a "proclamation" carrying store and theatre copy.