Boxoffice (Jan-Mar 1962)

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• ADLINES & EXPLOITIPS • ALPHABETICAL INDEX • EXHIBITOR HAS HIS SAY • FEATURE RELEASE CHART • FEATURE REVIEW DIGEST • SHORTS RELEASE CHART • SHORT SUBJECT REVIEWS • REVIEWS OF FEATURES • SHOWMANDISING IDEAS THE GUIDE 13 Restaurants Join 'Lover' Bargain Night “Enjoy a dinner and a Show” for only $2.50 was the theme of a portion of the “Lover Come Back” promotion arranged by John McKay, Riverside Theatre manager in Milwaukee. Between McKay; Jerry Bierce, his assistant manager, and the staff of ushers a large number of downtown office buildings were visited, to hand out coupons to girls only. Each coupon entitled the bearer to partake of a special “VIP” dinner at any one of 13 selected restaurants for $1.50, and then see “Lover Come Back” at the Riverside for $1. It took a lot of time and effort, but the gimmick paid off, as in most cases, the gal had an escort, who paid the full price for both dinner and theatre. In fact, the Riverside led the town in best grossers for the week. Among the restaurants in on the bargain, were Ratzsch’s, Nino’s, Cape Cod Inn, Toy’s, Towne Room, Original Steak House, To Mader’s, Blackamoor Room, Mayfair, Russell’s, Boston Store, Calico Kitchen and the Lotus. Many of the restaurants went so far as to give the coupon-holders anything on the menu for $1.50, sort of a test approach and for goodwill. McKay reports he had many calls asking when he would run another dinner theatre party. Free Doris Day Hairdos, Passes Boost 'Lover' -3 Treat yourself to a Doris Day haircut and a free pass to “Lover Come Back” at the Des Moines Theatre. That inviting opportunity was presented to women in the Des Moines area when the film opened in the Iowa capital city. Tony Abramovich, manager of the Des Moines Theatre where the “Lover Come Back” production was showing, worked with Max Harriman, a leading hair stylist who operates three Des Moines beauty salons. Harriman’s beauty shop ads in the Des Moines papers included pictures of Doris Day and announced that women who came to any of the three shops on a certain day for a Doris Day haircut, also would receive a pass to the movie. Placards in Harriman beauty salons further promoted the stunt, and it was welladvertised on radio. Success of the venture proved that women have a yen to look like the film stars — and you can’t beat a free ticket to the movies. Easter is April 22 this year. Miracle' Copy Aimed at People Who Say Films Too Sexy, Gets Response Bob Fridley, owner of the Capri and Varsity theatres in Des Moines, was himself sold on “Pocketful of Miracles.” “I know people would enjoy this film, if we could get them out to see it,” Fridley comments. He “got them out to see it” at the Capri, where it had a six-week run, with a series of crisp, well-written newspaper ads that demanded reading. Largest of the ads, all of which Fridley put together himself, was 2 col., 8 y4 inches. It asked : MUST A MOVIE BE SEXY TO BE FUN? Here is a picture that proves the answer is an emphatic “NO.” “Pocketful of Miracles” is the perfect answer to the hue and cry that has gone up for clean family entertainment. It’s Frank Capra’s funniest film since “You Can’t Take It With You.” Warmth, heart and humor it has in abundance, to send you and your family from the theatre with your spirits high. But whether audiences really want good, clean fun at the movies is another matter that remains to be seen. Needless to say — we certainly hope so. The remaining bottom half of the ad gave the pertinent information on the film showing, cast, etc. As to reaction, as one patron, the mother of four, put it, “That Capri ad laid it on the line. I had been harping about the caliber of films, so I had no choice but to bundle up the family and go!” She added that she “laughed like a fool for two hours.” Theatreman Fridley knew he could count on laughs, so another ad, this one 2 column by 3 '/2 inches read; LAUGHTER GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK If you don’t laugh and laugh and laugh at this one, ask and your admission will be refunded. The “guarantee” was used several times during the Capri run and again when Fridley brought “Pocketful of Miracles” to the Varsity. The Varsity showing was concurrent with one at the Holiday theatre, run by Bev Mahon. And then the Laughter Guarantee copy was used as a joint ad from the two theatres. MUST A MOVIE BE SEXY TO BE FUN? "No."' "Podietful of it tha padaci antvar (o tfia li t Franl Capra’t (unmet* film tinea "You Can’t Tala It Witti You." Warmth, heart and humot it hat in abundance fo tend you and your family from tha thaatra with your tpb-ift high. But whether audiences really want good, dean fun at tha moviet it another matter that remaint to be teen. Need GUNN FORD BETTE DAVIS HOPE LANGE ARTHUR OTTOHNEU IN l ;COLOR / FRANK CAPRA'S Y'Kpi/ *1 Pocketful I * \of Miracles/ ITS THE FUNViCSl CAPER rRAVX CAPRA EVER P'1 .mi — KTERFAIK THOUAS UtTCHFLl KOMKEUMRION MICKEY SHAUGHVESSf CAPRI _CO*rriNUOUS SUNOAY 1 CAPRI. OPEN 4:15 TODAY ] If You Think Hollywood Can't Make Wonderful Movies for The Whole Family Anymore — YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS ONE! Reproductions of the two-column ads written by Bob Fridley for "Pocketful of Miracles." One of the first of Fridley’s Capri ads on “Pocketful of Miracles” put it this way — and in large type. If You Think Hollywood Can’t Make Wonderful Movies for the Whole Family Anymore — YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THIS ONE! All of the ads used the same three head shots of Bette Davis, Glenn Ford and Hope Lange. All were the familiar two-column size. But the sharp eye-catching copy had many Des Moines Register & Tribune readers scanning the theatre page for the latest word about “Pocketful of Miracles.” More important, the ads did get a lot of them out to the Capri! And from the long run, Fridley was right: People enjoyed “Pocketful of Miracles.” 'Movie Habit' Displays Set Up in Parking Lots Ray McNamara, manager of the firstrun Allyn, Hartford, Conn., has set up institutional sign copy in adjacent parking lots, the signs reading, “Get Back to the Movie Habit — You’ll Be Glad You Did!” In return, McNamara uses daily references to the parking facilities in his newspaper ads. 1 BOXOFTICE Showmandiser : : Mar. 26, 1962 — 49 —