Boxoffice (Jul-Sep 1948)

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RATES: 10c per word, minimum $1.00, cosh with copy. Four insertions lor price bf three. CLOSING DATE: Monday noon preceding publication date. Send copy and answers to • Box Numbers to BOXOFFICE, 825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City 1, Mo. • CLtflfiinG HOUSt GENERAL EQUIPMENT— USED Our office isn't in our hat, but in a swell new building to serve you better; 22 years of square dealing. Typical values complete 35mm sound and picture equipment; dual DeVry EISF 2,000 ft. with amplifier, speaker, $595; Holmes, $695; DeVry XDC with low intensity lamps, $1,996; with IKW arcs, $2,495; closing out some good Simplex heads, $69.50 up; arclamps, rectifiers and generators at a sacrifice. Tell us what you want. New address, S.O.S. Cinema Supply Corp., 602 \V. 52nd St., New York 19. Visit New York soon and see S.O.S. Your 22 years patronage built our building. Typical values complete 35rom sound and picture equipment; dual DeVry BSF 2,000 ft. with amplifier, speaker, $595. Holmes, $695; DeVry XDC with low intensity lamps, $1,995; with IKW arcs, $2,495; closing out some good Simplex heads, $69.50 up: arclamps, rectifiers and generators at a sacrifice. Tell us what you want. S.O.S. Cinema Supply Corp., 602 VV. 52nd St., New York 19. Variable speed pulley for your fans, tlr deflectors, blowers, air washers. New and used. Southemalr. P. 0. Box 838. Atlanta. Ga. For Sale: Heating equipment. Prepare now for winter heat. Two 240 Payne CB furnaces. Two nA-12 blowers. Two high limit controls. Two Baltimore automatic pilots. Above units will heat 1.000-seat theatre or can be divided to heat smaller houses. Frank D. Wilke, Boulevard Theatre, 6633 Harrisburg Blvd., Houston, Texas. I have for sale: One Burcb popcorn machine. World Fair model, 12 oz. kettle, good shape. One double channel Soundmaster amplifier with two low and one high speakers with baffle boards; 495 theatre chairs, spring and squab bottoms, veneer backs; 60-day delivery or before. Minne Litsa Theatre. Omaha, Neb. For Sale: Two Motiograph heads, front shutter. Cheap, nr trade for lamps. Earl Neff, 530 Summit Ave.. Oconomowoc, Wis. Ventilating fans, available at once. Pour used Sirroco blowers, A-1 condition, 50 to 60,000 cfm. Complete with U belt drives; 10 hp variable speed motors and controls. Also 500 theatre chairs, wood veneer backs, $1 ea. All nr part. L. Kendis, 300 Film Bldg., Cleveland. Ohio. Complete equipment for theatre, including 326 seats at genuine bargain. Write Glen Dickinson, •fr.. Mission, Kas., for details. Peerless low intensity arc lamps reconditioned. $375 pair. 30 amp. 220 v., 60 cycle rectifiers slightly used, $300 pr. Powers 6B heads rebuilt, $75 ea. S.O.S. sound heads, $40 ea. Amplifiers. $150, 5% projection lenses new. $50 pr. Powers GB stands, $25. Upper magazines. $15. Howard Sales and Service. Hanley, Sask. DeVry ESF portable 2.000 ft, projectors (not war surplus) complete with amplifier iind speaker. Also 12 section Nenmade film cabinet and enclosed motor-driven rewind. Equipment has had private use only. To settle esetate, $600 cash. PEMCO, 1975 So. Vermont. Los Angeles 7, Calif. 195 Used LS3 speakers, good condition. T\>o HaU-Conalley 125 amp. lamp houses; one Stabilarc 25 h.p. generator (125 amps, continuous, 250 amns.. 5 minutes), 90 volts, 1750 rpm. Mansfield-Oalllon Drive-In Tlieatre, R.D. 6, M.ansfield. Ohio. Two new Holmes complete, stands, one used Holmes. Make offer. Films. 3082 N. W. 65 St,, Miami 38. Fla. DRIVE-IN THEATRE EQUIPMENT Successful drive-ins buy here in droves. Complete sound projection outfits, $1,995 up: new 500W Western Electric booster amplifiers, $650; new dual in-car speakers with junction box and transformer, $19.95; new driveway entrance and exit signs, illuminated. $18.75; burial cable, ft.; generators. 70/140 amps., $525: Super Snaplite fl. 9 lenses increase light 25%, from $150: 40 in. Aircolumn weatherproof reflex horns with drivers. $39.75. New address, S.O.S. Cinema Supply Corp'., 602 W. 52nd St., New York 19. More power to you outdoor showmen. ComItlete sound projection outfits $1,995 up: new 500W Western Electric booster amplifiers, $650: new Dual in-car speakers with junction box and transformer, $19.95: new driveway entrance and exit signs, illuminated, $18.75; Burial cable, 7%c ft.: special four conductor neoprene cable, 6c ft.; Super snaplite fl.9 lenses increase light 25%, from $150; 40 in. weatherproof reflex horns complete, $39.75. S.O.S. Cinema Supply Corp., 602 W. 52nd St., New York 19. In-a-car speakers. No, 7600, waterproof, cast aluminum cases. $16.75 per set. DaWo Co., 145 N. Erie St.. Toledo. Ohio. REAL ESTATE Investigate this. Selling improved business property 200x125 ft,, in exclusive Chicago neighborhood. Included specifications for medical center, six retail stores, 32 bowling alleys. 1,000-scat theatre. References required. Owner, Tony Sheftic, Ir., 14501 Sherman Ave., Posen, 111. GENERAL EQUIPMENT— NEW Poster Cases. Stainless steel or extruded aluminum poster cases, illuminated or non-Uluminated. Available in all sizes. Prompt delivery. Poblocki and Sons, 2159 South Kinnickinnic Ave., Milwaukee 7, Wis. In-a-Car speakers. No. 7600, waterproof, cast aluminum cases. $16.75 per set. DaWo Co., 146 N. Erie St., Toledo, Ohio. From studio lot to final shot. 2,000W Fresnel studio spots. $57.50; MR type 2,OOOW on rolling stand, $99.50; used Auricon recording outfit, $495; Neumade 35mm filmracks, 76 in. high, $39.50; Belhowell Automatic 16/35 hot splicer, $795; B&H single system recording and studio camera with rackuver, magazines, 6 fast Astro lenses, 4 position amplifier, 4 mikes, power supply, etc. reduced, $3,750; Western Electric preview magazines, $395; Bodde process screens, $2.40 sq. ft., W.E. 35mm sound moviola, $795; .Mitchell Plywood Blimp, $149.50; Neumade Automatic film cleaners, $159.50. Send for latest catalog. S.Q.S. Cinema Supply Corp., 602 W. 52nd St., New York 19. THEATRES WANTED Sell your theatre privately. Confidential correspondence invited. Leak Theatre Sales, 3422 Kinmore, Dallas. 1109 Orchard Lane, Des Moines, Iowa. Is your theatre for sale? Our cash buyers are waiting. We get quick results. Will give you a prompt estimate of your present theatre value. Write us today. “Joe” Joseph, 3409 Sunset Ave. Phone Yale 2-7650, Dallas, Texas. Wish 250 to 400-seat house in northern California or Oregon. State price and other details. Boxoffice, A-3124. Is your theatre for sale? I have buyers with cash for established theatres. Claude Crockett, 1505 First National Bank Bldg., Dallas, Tex. Telephone R-9230. Theatre wanted by private individual. 300 seats or over in small town over 1,500 population in northern Illinois, northern Indiana, or southern Michigan, southern Wisconsin. All details confidential. Write direct to buyer. P. Papen, 9945 Winston Ave., Chicago, 111. Responsible exhibitor wishes to lease with pur chase option, small town theatre located New Mexico or Arizona. Boxoffice. A-3138. If your theatre for sale? Contact ,1. C. Chatmas, Jr., Marlin, Texas. Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois theatres wanted. Cash if desired. Boxoffice. A-3139. Motion picture theatre wanted in metropolitan area of New York City. Preferably within 45 to 60 minutes of Times Square. All replies giving full and complete details about every phase of operation are guarmiteed prompt answer. Write Boxoffice, A-3140. Lease Texas or Oklahoma small town theatre. Cash in advance. Experienced showman. Boxoffice, A-3141. Experienced showman wants to buy or lease theatre. Boxoffice, A-3147, HELP WANTED Wanted manager for small town. Experienced in operating and maintenance. Good p.ty for right party. Apply immediately. H. A. Daniels, Palace Theatre, Segnin, Tex, POSITIONS WANTED Position wanted managing theatre or chain. Age 47, 30 years e.xpeiience. Just sold my own theatre after fifteen years successful operation. Desire California or Colorado. Address Boxoffice, A-3127. Eighteen years experience, personality, steady, sober, reliable. All phases theatre operation. Good manager, capable projectionist. Best references. Prefer northern Wisconsin. Boxoffice, A-3135. Manager and projectionist. Married, veteran, sober, reliable, competent. 12 years experience. Desires to locate in Illinois, Wisconsin or Minnesota. Excellent references. Jerry Allen, 719 Beltrami Ave , Bemidd, Minn. Position Wanted, projectionist, 10 years experience, can operate or manage. Boxoffice, A-3143. MISCELLANEOUS Splendid opportunity to acquire franchisa in established State Right Field In southern exchange center. Possibilities unlimited for flln man with sales ability. With sufficient capital, terms can be arranged. Negotiations confidential. Reply Boxoffice, A-3052. For theatre staffs, drive-ins, clubs, etc., name and emblem design on popular useful “T” shirts. $11 per dozen. State sizes and color. Remit check nr specify C.O.D. Sportswear of .America, Box 566B, So. Fallshurg, N. Y. THEATRES FOR SALE Build double parking drive-in theatres under franchise patent No. 2,102,718, reissue No. 22,756 and improvements, patent pending. Up to 30% more seating capacity with little additional cost. Louis Josserand, Architect, 628 M & M Bldg., Houston, Tex. We have theatres. Many theatres, for sale, worth investigating. Contact us immediately, “Joe” Joseph, 2409 Sunset Ave. Phone Yale 2-7650, Dallas, Texas. Theatres for sale. Selected listings in Oregon and Washington now available. Write for list. Theatre Exchange Co., Fine Arts Bldg., Portland, Ore. Theatres for sale. Texas and southwest. Li censed broker with long theatre background, Claude Crockett, 1505 First National Bank Bldg., Dallas, Tex. Telephone R-9230. Are you interested in a buy that will enable you to cash in on theatre business? Let us tell you about the bargains we have In west Ten nessee, southeast Missouri, Arkansas and Mississippi. Prices range from $10,000 to $100,000. Towns range in size from 500 to 10,000 population. All are good money makers and offer good opportunities. Write Gns .1. Haase Real Estate Co., Theatre Brokers, 409 McCall Bldg., Memphis, Tenn. Near Atlanta. 500 seats, new throughout, grossing $600 weekly, drawing area of 2,500 families, no competition. Also, only weekly newspaper in locality. Will sell both or one. Fastest growing locality in Georgia. Building and all $20,000 down. Apply Boxoffice, A-3125. Neighborhood theatre near Pittsburgh, Pennsyl vania, for lease. 380 seats, brick building, two owners hr 27 years. Present owner retired in Paris for age. For competent and industrious young couples or partners, very reasonable terms. Must have $5,000 cash. Write Boxoffice, A-3131. 450-seat house. Large midwest city 7'0,000. Good run, good equipment, high intensity lamp.s, Motiograiih e(|nipment and sound. Priced for quick sale as owner is leaving city. Contact Lew Hogan, 403 Citizens Bldg., Decatur, 111. For sale or lease by owner, 470-seat theatre. Good theatre neighborhood. Theatre now closed. I operated this theatre profitably for years. Have other interests. Attractive deal for responsible party. Samuel 11. llimelstein, 404 G. It. Nat’l Bank Bldg.. Grand Rapids, .Mich. Near Tulsa, beautiful, 330-seat, excellent equipment, $29,000 handles. East Oklahoma, threetown circuit, properties included, a bargain at $33,000. Te.xas Panhandle, Simplex E-7's, Hiintensity, good building, $27,500. Southeast Oklahoma, new Century, Peerless and Ballantyne with building, $8,500. West Oklahoma, 275 cushion seats. Simplex with Brenkert Hi-intensity $16,000. Many others. Savereides, 701 Leonhardt Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okhn Southwest Oklahoma. Population 1,300: 350 seats, 100 leather cushions. Simplex machmes, building 25x142, nice appearance. Cotton and wheat. All for $23.000. Boxoffice, A-3136. Central Ohio, 1.100 population town. Lease and equipment fur sale. Good family opportunity. Contact Roxoffice, A-3137. Beautiful Lake town Northeast Oklahoma. Inclitdes Iheatre building, ttew cottage. Illiness. $6,000 down. Leak, 3422 Kitimure, Dallas, Tex. West Texas, population 2,600. Substantial bitilding included. Only theatre large area. $20.000 down. Leak. 3422 Kinmore. Dallas. Sixteen exclusive midwest listings. Selected from 36 offereil us. From $8,000 itp. Oitr references— tinyotie we htive served. .\rthur Leak, 1109 Oicltardlane, Des -Moines, Iowa. 4-9087. Theatre for sale. Heart of Mississippi delta. 2.000 population, 400 seats with good equipment and no competition within 15 miles. A real bargain at $27,500 including building. Giis .1. Haase. Theatre Brokers, 409 .McCall Bldg., Alemphis, Tenn. In west Tennessee 35 miles from Memphis. One of the nicest 450 seat houses with 100% location. Does better than $600 per week gross plus fine conce.ssion business. A bargain at $25.000 not including real estate. Gus .1. Haase, Theatre Brokers, 409 .McCall Bldg., Memphis, Tenn. Colored theatre. E.-ist Oklahoma town. Estimated colored population over 4.000, competition nil. Good Simplex equipment, showing profit. Savereide, 701 Leonhardt Bldg.. Oklidioma City, Okla. Drive-In theatre uncompleted. One and hall miles from city of Durham. Graded for 800 cars, 600 ft. frontage on main highway 70, ideally located. .Artesian well and two homes on 14 acres. Call Durham L0563 or write 526 E. Main St., Durham. N. C. For sale theatre complete with new brick building, 400 seats, only theatre in fast growing oil town southern Arkansas. Require $25,000 cash, balance of $20,000 over five years. Reply In Post Office Box 1191, Texarkana. Tex. New Theatre in small central Michigan town. Perfect for man and wife operation. Priced right. Boxoffice, .A-3144. THEATRES FOR SALE iCont.) Two theatres. Texas town 2,000 population. First, time ottered. One has 50x140 brick and steel bui.ding two years old. 596 upholstered seats. Simplex projectors. Strong Hi-lamps, everything strictly up-to-date. The other has 25x140 brick building in' e.xcetlent ' condition, 350 upholstered seats, completely carpeted, lounges. Simplex, Western Electric Mirrorphonic, Peerless Magna Arc, all late equipment, large offices. The two theatres couldn't be duplicated for the asked. $70,000 for everything. Exclusive with Claude Crockett, 1050 First National Bank Bldg., Dallas, Tex. Theatre central Iowa, 365 seats, new building, plenty of drawing area. Building and business or will price separate. Long lease. Boxoffice, A-3145. Texas, 227-scater, $3,500 down. 376 seatcr, new building, $78,500. 213-seater, $3,750, terms. 488-seater, $12,000 down. 225-geater, $5,000 down. 288-seater, oil town, $7,000. 254-seater, $12,500. 250-seater, $9,475. Information on these and others sent promptly. Montgomery, Box 26, Uakwood, Tex. 800 seat modern, fine suburban house in Houston, the fastest growing city in the nation. Net earnings $17 to $20 thousand. Can be increased. Eipiipment and business $57,000. Rent $750 monthly. Extras will pay all rent. Strictly confidential. Boxoffice, A-3146. POPCORN MACHINES Rebuilt Popcorn Machines for sale. Fully guaranteed. Price from $150. Consolidated Confections, 1314 S. Wabash, Chicago 5, lU. Blevins is national headquarters for popcorn machines. Silver Stars, Super Stars, Corn Cribs. Old machines taken In trade. Blevins Popcorn Co., Nashville, Tenn. Star popcorn machines. AH models. Prunty Seed & Grain Co.. 620 N. 2nd St.. St. Louis 2, Mm Bargain prices in used and completely reconditioned popcorn machines. Blevins Popcorn Co., Nashville. Tenn. Burch, Manley, Cretors, Advance, all electric french fry types. 50 Hollywood type, theatre special electric poppers from $250. Karmelkorn Equipment, 120 S. Halsted, Chicago 6, HI. Popcorn Machines. Good condition. Reasonably priced. Clias. E. Darden & Co., P. 0. B»x 2207, Dallas, Tex. POPCORN SUPPLIES Home of "Rush Hour” popcorn and popcorn supplies. Send for price list. Prunty Seed & Grain Co.. 620 N. 2nd St., St. Loufs 2, Mo. Established 1874. Bee Hive for ’48 is the best ever I Blevins not only gives you best popcorn but saves you money on .all seasoning, bags, boxes, etc. Blevins Popcorn Co,, Nashville, Tenn. Attractively printed popcorn cartons for sale 10c size, $6 M; 25c size, $17.50 M. Fabian Kontney, 609 N. Ashland, Green Bay, Wis. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Exploitation man. Will financially back any experienced roadshow man in a State Rights piclure for the state of Kansas. Give complete experience first letter. Boxoffice. A-3122. Excellent investment. $25,000 advance for fiveyear concession rights, nc 500-car drive-in theatre. Southern town 300.000 population. Boxoffice, A-3133. BUSINESS STIMULATORS Comic books again available as premiums, giveaways at your kiddy shows. Large variety latest 48-p.age newsstand editions. Comics Premium Co.. 412B Greenwich St., New York City. Bingo with more action, $2.75 thousand cards. Also other games. Novelty Games Co., 1434 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn 16. N. Y. Only legal game for theatres. Legal in any state. Biggest business booster since Bank Night. “Listen to Win” copyright 1947 by L.T.W. Co Write today for information. Secure exclusiie rights for your town now. Listen to Win Co., Box SllR. Cambridge, Ohio. Bingo die-cut cards, 75 or 100 number, $3 per M. Screen dial $20. Premium Products, 354 W. 44th St.. New York 18, N. Y. Comic books obtainable from world’s largest and oldest theatre distributor. Best titles and latest issues in stock. Price 3c each. Sidney Ross, 334 AY. 44th St., New York City. MORE CLASSIFIED ON PAGE 28 BOXOFFICE : : August 28, 1948