Boxoffice (Jul-Sep 1948)

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B..TES: 10c per word, minimum $1.00, cash with copy. Four insertions for price of three. liOSING DATE: Monday noon preceding publication date. Send copy and answers to il Box Numbers to BOXOFFICE, 825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City 1, Mo. • 1H CLtflRIIlG HOUSt GENERAL EQUIPMENT— USED 'isit New York soon and see S.O.S. Your 22 [s putrunage buill our building. Typical values plele bSnim sound and picture equipment; i UeVrv Ebli’ 2,UUU ft. willi amplifier, speaker, 5. Holmes, $bb5; LieVry XliC witli low inily lamps, $l,bU5; witli IKW ares, $2,495; Iing out some good Simplex lieads, $G9,50 up; amps, reetiiiers and generators at a sacrifice. us wbat you want. S.O.S. Cinema Supply )., CU2 W. 52iid St., New York 19. 'ariable speed pulley for your fans, air detors, blowers, air washers. New and used. Ihernair, P. 0. Box 838, Atlanta, Ga. have for sale: One Burch popcorn machine, ■id Fair model, 12 oz. kettle, good shape, double channel Soundmaster amplilier with low and on^ high streakers with balfle boards; theatre chairs, spring and squab boltoms, ter backs; GO-day delivery or before. Minne a Theatre. Omaha, Neb. 'entllating fans, available at once. Four used i oco blowers, A-1 condition, 50 to GO, 000 cfm. iplete witli U belt drives; 10 hp variable speed ors and controls. Also 500 theatre chairs, d veneer backs, $1 ea. All or part. L. Kendis, I I Film Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. ■ Ina pair of Cyclex lamps, complete with transf oer, generator, etc. At a real bargain. Boxce, A-3151. ,949 Victor IGmm sound equipment, 15 in. I iker, e.xcellent shape, complete. Sell to best I r, Elizabeth Theatre, Elizabeth, VV. Va. "hree Western Electric horns, high and low luency, $150 ea. ; C.T.R., amplifier, modified in good condition, $150. Two Peerless low msity lamphouses and two practically new png 30 amp. rectifiers, $225. 75, 20-in. seats level floor with spring cushioned seats and ded veneer back, $3 ea. ; 225 18-in. spring ibioned seats with veneer back for level floor, 50 ea. Clinch Theatre, Tazewell, Va. Jnbeatable values! Brand new pair Simplexae projectors, 60 amp. lamps. National rectis, two-way speaker system, factory packed, iplete, $2,250. DeVry projectors with arc ^ ps, comp'ete, rebuilt like new, $1,075 pr. I mes, $675. RCA rotary stabilizer soundheads, I Jilt, $395 pr. Automaticket 2 unit ticket ma( le, rebuilt, $175, Spring scats, $2 50. Simt c rear shutter mechanisms, rebuilt, $275. Pair i icraft 50 amp. lamphouses and rectifiers, reI it, $525. Need anything? Try us. Star ( ema Supply, 459 West 46th St., New York 19. I 5H1[VE-IN THEATRE EQUIPMENT il-— — ^ iMore power to you outdoor showmen. Comie sound projection outfits $1,995 up: new )W Western Electric booster amplifiers, $650; 1 Dual in-ear speakers with junction box and nsformer, $19.95; new driveway entrance and it signs, illuminated, $18.75; Burial cable, tc ft.: special four conductor neoprene cable, ft.; Super .snaplite fl.9 lenses increase light ’/o, from $150: 40 in. weatherproof reflex ns complete, $39.75. S.O.S. Cinema Supply •p.. 602 W. 52nd St., New York 19. In-a-car speakers. No. 7000, waterproof, cast Imlniim cases. $16.75 per set. DaWo Co., 145 Erie St., Toledo, Ohio. HELP WANTED Experienced booker for theatres on free giveBjys. Live wire can earn $150 to $250 weekly. Koffice, A-3113. Wanted: Projectionists, at once, that know booth iration, located in Norfolk and Portsmouth, Vlrlia. Wire, airmail special delivery quallfica:ps and salary expected, c/o Bo.xoffiee, A-3149. Wanted manager for small town. Experienced operating and maintenance. Good pay for ht party. Apply immediately. II. A. Daniels, la"e Theatre, Segnin, Tex. Wanted, assistant manager and relief prn.jccai't. Ideal working conditions, good salary, all eastern to'''n. Please give complete infor‘ion including experience and references in apcation. Boxoffice, A-3154. POSITIONS WANTED Position wanted managing theatre or ch.aln. s 47, 30 years experience. .Inst sold my own .'lire after fifteen years snccessful nperatfnn. sire California or Colorado. Address Boxoffice, 1127. Manager. Thorough knowledge booking, exitation. advertising. Seeks position with grnworganization in New .Jersey or upstate New rk. Married and the best of references. Boxiee, A-3152. Projectionist, 45 years old and strictly sober, ires permanent connertion. Tell all. L. .1. teman, 908 Court St., Portsmouth, Va. Manager, a^e 36, married, experienced all phases atre operation. Skilled projectionist, finest refnces. Salarv commensurate with proven ability, itact Boxoffice, A-3153. GENERAL EQUIPMENT— NEW Poster Cases. Stainless steel or extruded aluminum poster cases, illuminated or nun-illuminated. Available in all sizes. Prompt delivery. Publockl and Suns, 2159 South Kinnickuinic Ave., Jlilwaukee 7, Wis. In-a-Car speakers. No. 7600, waterproof, cast aluminum cases. $16. 75 per set. UaWo Co., 145 N. Erie St., Toledo, Ohio. From studio lot lo final shot. 2.000W Fresnel studio spots, $57.50; Ml! type 2.U0UW on rolling stand, $99.50: used Auricon recording outfit, $495; Neumade 35mm filmracks, 76 in. bigh, $39.50; Belliowell Automatic 16/35 hot splicer, $795; B&ll single system recording and studio camera wilh rackuver, magazines, 6 fast .Astro lenses, 4 position amplifier, 4 mikes, power supply, etc. reduced, $3,750; Western Electric preview magazines, $395; Bodde process screens, $2.40 sq. IT., W.E. 35mm sound moviola, $795; Mitchell Plywood Blimp, $149.50; Neumade Automatic film cleaners, $159.50. Send for latest catalog. S.O.S. Cinema Supply Corp., 602 W. 52nd St., New York 19. Opportunity! 325 new chairback slip covers, rust shade. Also brand new Rowe candy machine. Lena Stillwell, 167 Woodrow St., Bedford, Ohio. Phillips safety carbon savers. Ask your theatre supply dealer, or write Phillips, Box 788, Charleston 23, W. Va. Three Webster model 80 wire recorders. Ideal for office, home or sales use. Four portable landing lights (war surplus), complete with tripod and carrying cases. E.xcellent for parking lot flood lights. One Victor 16mra projector and screen. Write Hank Adams, c/o Hygienic Productions, Ine., Wilmington, Ohio. THEATRES WANTED Sell your theatre privately. Confidential correspondence invited. Leak Theatre Sales, 3422 Klnmore, Dallas. 1109 Orchard Lane, Des Moines, Iowa. Is your theatre for sale? Our cash buyers are waiting. We get quick results. Will give you a prompt estimate of your present theatre value. Write us today. "Joe” Joseph, 3409 Sunset Ave. i’hone Yale 2-7650, Dallas. Texas. Is your theatre for sale? I have buyers with cash for established theatres. Claude Crockett, 1505 First National Bank Bldg., Dallas, Tex. Telephone R-9230. Responsible exhibitor wishes to lease with purchase option, small town theatre located New Mexico or Arizona. Boxoffice. A-3I38. If your theatre for sale? Contact J. C. Chatmas, Jr.. Marlin, Texas. Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois theatres wanted. Cash if desired. Boxoffice. A-3139. Motion picture tlieatre wanted in metropolitan area of New York City. Preferably within 45 to 60 minutes of Times Square. All replies giving full and complete details about every phase of operation are guaranteed prompt answer. Write Boxoffice, A-3140. Lease Texas or Oklahoma small town theatre. Cash in advance. Experienced showman. Boxoffice, A-3141. Experienced showman wants to buy or lease theatre. Boxoffice. A-3147. Wanted by experienced operator active Interest in motion picture theatre metropolitan area New York City. Write complete details. Box 211, Grcem11le, Ohio. Experienced showman desires theatre in Florida or California. Will buy or lease. State price, run, competition, etc. Boxoffice, A-3155. Have $20,000 cash to invest in theatre anywhere. Box 44, Paris, 111. THEATRE TICKETS Prompt service. Special printed roil tickets. 100.000. $21.70; 10.000, $5.95; 2.000, $9.95. Each change in admission price, including change in color, $2.75 extra. Double numbering extra. Shipping charges paid to 500 miles. Cash with order. Kansas Citv Ticket Co., Dept. 9, 1819 Central. Kansas City, Mo. MISCELLANEOUS Splendid opportunity to acquire franchise in fstahlished State Right Field in southern exchange center. Possibilities unlimited for film man with sales ability. With sufficient capital, terms can he arranged. Negotiations confident! il. ilpnlv Bnvnffice. A-3n.52. For theatre staffs, drive-ins, clubs, etc., name and emb'em design on popular useful "T” shirts. $11 per dozen. State sizes and color. Remit cheek or specify C.O.D. Sportswear of America, Box 566B, So. Fallsbiirg, N. Y. THEATRES FOR SALE Toledo, Ohio, neighborhood theatre: 600 cushioned seats recently installed, Western Electric sound, new booth equipment. No good for chain or absentee operation, but excellent opportunity for energetic couple or p.artners, Boxoffice, A-3150, THEATRES FOR SALE (Cont’d) Theatres for sale. Texas and southwest. Licensed broker wilh long tlieatre background. Claude Cruckell, 1505 First National Bank Bldg., Dallas, Tex, Telepliuiie 1!-923U. Near Tulsa, beautiful, 330-seat, excellent equipment, $29,000 handles. East Oklahoma, threetown circuit, properties included, a bargain at $33,000. Texas Panhandle, Simplex E-7’s, lliintensity, good building, $27,500. Sontlieast Oklahoma, new Century, Peerless and Ballantyne with building, $8,500. West Oklahoma, 275 cushion seats,. Simplex with Brenkert Hi-inlensity $16,000. Many others. Savereides, 701 Leonhardt Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Southwest Oklalioma. Populaliun 1,300; 350 seals, 100 leatlier cushions. Simple,x machines, building 25x142, nice aiipearance. Cotion and wheat. All fur $23,000. Buxoflice, A-3136. Central Ohio, 1,100 population town. Lease and equipment fur sale. Good family opportunity. Contact Boxoffice, A-3137. Beautiful Lake town Northeast Oklahoma. Includes theatre building, new cottage. Illness. $6,000 down. Leak, 3422 Kinmore, Dallas, Tex, West Texas, population 2,600. Substantial building included. Only theatre large area. $20,000 down. Leak, 3422 Ivinniore, Dallas. Sixteen exclusive midwest listings. Selected from 36 offered us. Prom $8,000 up. Our references— anyone we have served. Arthur Leak, 1109 Oichardlane, Des Moines, Iowa, 4-9087. Colored theatre. East Oklahoma town. Esti mated colored population over 4,000, competition nil. Good Simplex equipment, sliowing profit. Savereide, 701 Leonhardt Bldg., Oklalioma City, (Jkla. 800 seat modern, fine suburban house in Houston, the fastest growing city in the nation. Net earnings $17 lo $20 thousand. Can he increased. Equipment and business $57,000. Rent $750 monthly. E.xtras will pay all rent. Strictly confidential. Boxoffice, A-8146. Tnealres tor sale. Selected lisilngs In Oregon and Washington now available. Write for list. Theatre Exchange Co., Fine Arts Bldg., Portland, Ore. For Sale; Theatre, complete with new brick building; 400 seats; only theatre in fast growing oil town southern Arkansas. Require $25,000 cash, balance of $20,000 over five years. Reply to Post Office, Box 1191, Texarkana, Tex. Two theatres. Texas town 2,000 population, first time offered. One has 50x140 biick and steel building, two years old. 596 upholstered seats. Simplex projectors. Strong Hi lamps, everything strictly up-to-date. The other has 25x140 brick building In excellent condition, 350 upholstered seats, completely carpeted, lounges. Simplex, Western Electric mirrophonic. Peerless magna arc. All latest equipment. $70,000 for everything. Exclusive with Claude Crockett, 1505 National Bank Bldg.. Dallas, R-9230. Theatre, 337 all upholstered seats, central Texas Town 1,500. Simplex, Strong Hi. RCA sound, rent $35. $350 gross per owner. $15,500. $10,500 down. Claude Crockett, 1505 First National Bank Bldg., Dallas, R-9230. Theatre. Oklahoma county seats 8,000. $80,000. See photo in other section of this issue. (Southwest and Central edition only.) Exclusive with Claude Crockett, 1505 First National Bank Bldg., Dallas, R-9230. For Sale: Upper Michigan theatre in small town. Seats 240, population 1,500. Block building 32x100. Sandwich shop and soda fountain in connection with theatre, also light housekeeping rooms. Write Charles Laiirich, Trenary, Mich. Central Mississippi. Two theatres in excellent town of 3,000 population, plus Junior College, enrollment 1,700. Town has two knitting mills, large lumber industry and is located near oil fie’ds. Because of health, owner will sell at a bargain. All equipment good and practically new. Price $42,500, not including real estate. Long leases. Southeast Missouri, two theatres in towns of 1,700 and 2,500 wilh no competition. Real money makers, cannot be sold separately. Owner will sell complete with bnl'dings or sell equipment and give ten-year leases on buildings. Gns J. Haase, Theatre Brokers, 409 McCall Bldg., Memphis. Tenn. Two theatres in northeast Missis.sippi, no competition, nice buildings, good equipment, price $25,000 and $80,000. Will show excellent return. Good money from a small investment. We have three theatres in Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi which be sold under $10,000, part and terms on balance. Gus .1. H.aase, Theatre Brokers. 409 McCall Bldg., Memphis, Tenn. Both modern the.atres central Texas college town 3.000. Second owner in 33 years. Theatres dominate huge area. Verv substantial provable profits and potential. Beautiful town really booming. Large payroll, hnirsing project now building. Private sale. $56 500. Some terms. Arthur Leak, 3422 Kinmore, Pallas. T3-2fl26. Near Fort Worth. Newly rehiiilt thriving theatre. good town 1,700. Death of owner. Substantial steady profit. $25,500, $13,000 down, including building. Leak, 3422 Kinmore, Dallas. Fnliv Equinped Theatre — Good Condition. — $5,500 on. See Thomas Fortino, 3161 West Federal St., Youngstown. Ohio. Phone: R9.S27. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Excellent investment. $25,000 advance for fiveyear concession rights, new 5U0-car drive-in theatre. Soiitliern town 300,000 population. Boxoffice, A-3133. Florida opportunities. 400-seat theatre, brick, two rental units, apartment, new Century equipment, $25,000; 9%-acre Valencia orange grove, $3,900. Furnished home and launderette, $22,500. Grocery-meat market, $7,700, wilh six-room home, $11,250. Homes, groves, farms. H. L. Chambers, Wauchula, Fla. BUSINESS STIMULATORS Comic books again available as premiums, giveaways at your kiddy sliows. Large variety latest 48-page newsstand editions. Comics Premium Co., 412B Greenwich St,, New York City. Bingo with more action, $2,75 thousand cards. oilier games. Novelty Games Co., 1434 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn 16, N. Y. Only legal game for theatres. Legal in any state. Biggest business booster since Bank Night. "Listen to Win” copyright 1947 by L.T.W. Co. Write today tor information. Secure exclusive rights for your town now. Listen to Win Co., Box 336, Cambridge, Oliio. Bingo die-cut cards, 75 or 100 number, $3 per M. Screen dial $20. Premium Products, 354 W. 44th St., New York 18, N. Y. Comic books obtainable from world’s largest and oldest theatre distributor. Best titles and latest issues in stock. I’rice 3c each, Sidney Ross, 334 W. 44th St., New York City. POPCORN MACHINES Rebuilt Popcorn Machines for sale. Fully guaranteed. Price from $150. Consolidated Confectioms. 1314 S. Wabash, Chicago 5, 111. Blevins is national headquarters for popcorn machines. Silver Stars, Super Stars, Corn Cribs. Old machines taken in trade. Blevins Popcorn Co,, Nashville. Tenn. Star popcorn machines. AH models. Prunty Seed & Grain Co., 620 N. 2nd St., St. Louis 2, Mm Bargain prices in used and completely reconditioned popcorn machines. Blevins Popcorn Co., Nashville, Tenn. Burch, Manley, Cretors, Aavance, all electric french fry types. 50 Hollywood type, theatre special electric poppers from $250. Karmelkorn Equipment, 120 S. Halsted, Chicago 6, III. POPCORN SUPPLIES Home of "Rush Hour” popcorn and popcorn supplies. Send for price list. Prunty Seed & Grain Co., 620 N. 2nd St., St. Louis 2, Mo. Established 1874. Bee Hive for '48 is the best ever I Blevins not only gives yon best popcorn but saves you money on all seasoning, bags, boxes, etc. Blevins Popcorn Co., Nashville, Tenn. Attractively printed popcorn cartons for sale 10c size. $6 M; 25c size, $17.50 M. Fabian Kontney, 609 N. Ashland, Green Bay, Wis. Attention theatre owners. More and more theatre owners are joining onr monthly delivery service. Oiir product is excellent, our delivery service dependable. Complete line of popcorn supplies. Whitley Popcorn Co., Trenton, Mo. Increase popcorn sales and profits. Today hiindred.s of theatres are using our stunning flexglass heating and selling counters. Eliminate waste, carpet damage and fire hazards. $225 gives yon de luxe poneorn merchandising. A few choice territories still open to distributors and dealers. IT. M. McLaren Specialties, 3625 W. 26th Ave., Denver 11, Colo. CONFECTIONS Popular brands candy 82c per box: Buster brand peanuts, 70c: gum 6()c. Large orders prepaid. Universal Sound Movie Co., Calhoun, Ky. AIR CONDITIONING Heavy duty blowers, ball-bearing equipped, 15,000 cfm to 50.000 cfm. Air washers, all sizes. Hydraulic drives, two and four speed motor and controls. Immediate delivery. Dealers wanted. National Engineering and Mfg. Co., 519 Wyandotte St., Kansas City, Mo. Complete air conditioning equipment; variable 5 hp motor, 25,000 SFC fan; air washer, spray type, complete with recirculating pump; reasonable. Boxoffice, A-3088. MORE CLASSIFIED ON PAGE 42 3XOFFICE September 11, 1948 29