Boxoffice (Oct-Dec 1961)

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Members of the Allied board and observers from individual units open their first session in the Eden Roc Hotel in Miami Beach. Seated, left to right: Ken Prickett, executive secretary of Independent Theatre Owners of Ohio; Jack Clark, president of Illinois Alhed; Ben Marcus, Milwaukee, chairman of the board; Marshall Fine, Cleveland, president; Milton London, Detroit, executive director; Jack Infald, president of New Jersey unit; Emilie Lindgren, New Jersey Allied; Meyer Leventhal, president of Maryland Allied; and Fred Schmuff of the Maryland unit. Standing, left to right: Harold Pearson, executive secretary of Allied of Wisconsin; William Clark, Michigan Allied, Detroit; Ted Manos, board member of Western Pennsylvania unit; George Stern, president of Western Pennsylvania; Vincent Pope, director of Michigan Allied; Sidney J. Cohen, president of the new New York unit; Sig Goldberg, national director from Wisconsin; Jack Armstrong, national director from Ohio; Albert Aaron, president of the West Virginia unit; Alden W. Smith, director from Michigan, and J. L. Whittle, executive secretary of the Maryland unit. Missing from the picture, but present in Miami Beach sessions, are Abe Berenson, Gulf States Allied and cochairman of the convention; Irving Dollinger and Wilbur Snaper, delegates from New Jersey. go into other zones after liquidation in a particular ai’ea. It was indicated that this would be studied again at a subsequent meeting of the board. On the subject of kiddie shows, a discussion was started when George Stem of Pittsburgh said there was a lack of suitable product for children’s matinees. There was a division of opinion as to whether Buena Vista would release a Walt Disney picture for the children matinees. Some exhibitors said they had been refused Disney product for such occasions, while others said they had had no trouble in booking them. This appeared to be a temitorial situation and it was decided to investigate it. AID FROM THE MPAA It was pointed out that Mrs. Margaret Twyman, director of community relations of the Motion Picture Ass’n, might be helpful in getting product for Saturday morning shows. Howard Hernian of New Jersey said that the Jersey Allied unit was doing something to solve the kiddie show problem but that he could not reveal the details at this time. He said he would make an announcement of it shoi'tly. Columbia Pictm'es’ new policy of making its own trailers and accessories was regarded as a serious and expensive situation and Allied members expressed the hope that the problem would be resolved. In some instances, exhibitors said they deducted the amount of the Columbia trailer from the NSS services charge when playing a Columbia picture. Other exhibitors said they did not think such a maneuver was ethical but that the entire status should be studied. Sig Goldberg of Milwaukee said that the ordering of trailers and accessories for Columbia product was so confusing that when he had a choice of pictures between Columbia and another company, he often booked the other company’s pictm-e to avoid confusion in ordering paper and trailer. Milton London, executive director of Allied, proposed that any company which makes its own trailers and paper should give them to exhibitors without charge. He asked for a resolution on that issue. While there was some criticism of NSS service, Mai'cus contended jthat trailer costs had increased very little in comparison with other operational expense and that trailers were of utmost importance. He said he would hke to see NSS handle Columbia trailers again, even though an impasse had been reached in efforts to get the two companies together. All but one of the eight recipients of Allied awards were present at the concluding banquet, sponsored by Coca-Cola, as follows: Industry Man of the Year, Arthur Krim, president of United Artists; Producer of the Year, Walt Disney; Director of the Year, Alfred Hitchcock; Showman of the Year, Harry B. Hendel, Pittsburgh exhibitor; Actor of the Year, Charlton Heston; New Personality, Paula Prentiss; New Marshall Fine Re-Elected President of Allied Miami Beach — As had been predicted, Marshall Fine was re-elected president of Allied States Ass’n by the board of directors here Sunday (3) at the last three sessions preceding the opening of the association’s 34th annual convention here. Ben Marcus was re-elected chairman of the board and Milton London was reappointed executive director. Jack Clark of the Illinois Allied unit was elected secretary to succeed Charles Lochry of Indiana who resigned when the Indiana unit withdrew from Allied. George Stern, president of Western Pennsylvania Allied, and Sig Goldberg, national director from the Wisconsin unit, were elected vice-presidents and Jack Whittle of Maryland was reelected a vice-president. The nominating committee consisted of Wilbur Snaper, New Jersey, chairman; Sig Goldberg, Wisconsin; Alden Smith, Michigan; Jack Armstrong, Ohio, and Meyer Leventhal, Maryland. Personality, Waroen Beatty. Natalie Wood, who was to have been presented the Actress of the Year Award, was ill. In addition to Coca-Cola, a number of other suppliers and manufactui-ers were hosts at various social functions during the convention. Pepsi-Cola gave a Calypso party one evening, which was held indoors when rain threatened. National Carbon Co. again was host at the pre -Awards dinner cocktail party. ElectroCarbons also was host at a cocktail party and luncheon sponsors included American-International, National Screen Service, National Theatre Supply, Alexander Film Co. and Motion Picture Advertising Service Co. New York Unit Voted Into Ranks of Allied MIAMI BEACH — The newly formed Allied Theatre Owners of New York was voted in as a member of Allied States Ass’n and North Central Allied was officially reactivated as a unit by the Allied board of directors at a pre-convention meeting here Satm'day (2). The North Central group had withdi-awn from the national body following the controversial convention here two years ago. Marshall Fine, president, revealed at a post-board meeting press conference that individual exhibitors in areas where there were no Allied units were joining the national association in large numbers. Fine said that among the exhibitors joining as individuals were Neil Hautz, president of Allied Independent Theatre Owners of Iowa and Nebraska and five members of the lowa-Nebraska board. That group is not an Allied unit, having pulled out. Edward W. Lider and Nathan Yamins of Independent Exhibitoi'S, Inc. of New England attended, but did not indicate the unit would retmm to the Allied fold. Board Meeting Set MIAMI BEACH — The annual spring board meeting of Allied States Ass’n will be held in the Royal Orleans Hotel, New Orleans, March 20-22, the directors decided at their preconvention session. BOXOFFICE ;: December 11, 1961 5