Boxoffice (Oct-Dec 1962)

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NATIONAL THEATRE SUPPLY COMPANY it's still POBLOCKl This is your opportune time to modernize & increase profits. 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE MANUFACTURE & ERECTION OF • MARQUEES • SIGNS • BOXOFFICES • VITREOUS porcelain enamel FRONTS • POSTER CASES we invite you to write for information. POBLOCKl AND SONS 3238 W. PIERCE ST. MILWAUKEE 15, WISCONSIN Ejileiitp footsteps w provide safety underfoot AMERICAN AISLE RUNNERS ^ _ Send for dialog sheets & prices. ileM AMERICAN MAT CORP. 2»t AD«MS STRgET • TOLEDO 2. OHIO Largtsl Soeciiliils in Floor Mailing" Shutterless Projector AAade Possible By Use of Tiny Pulsed Discharge Lamp Another breakthrough in motion picture projection has been achieved in the new shutterless projector introduced by North American Philips Co. Tire need for the “light-devouring” shutter has been voided by the use of a pulsed discharge lamp, a slender quartz tube only 3 '/a inches long and 7/32 of an inch in diameter at its thickest point. The discharge takes place inside a thin capillary tube, the luminous part of which has a length of about 11/16 of an inch. The lamp is operated by a pulsating direct current of 72 pulses per second or three pulses per frame, each with a duration of North American Philips' new FP 20 S shutterless projector which uses the revolutionary pulsed gas discharge lamp. This view shows the film path door open, and the projector equipped with both optical and magnetic soundheads and a CinemaScope lens. The Norelco Pulsator, the power supply for the pulsed discharge lamp. between two and three milliseconds. Light is produced only during these current pulses ; in the intervals the lamp is dark. Use of the lamp is completely safe, as the capillary tube has a minute voliune (about three cub. mm) . Under operating conditions, the lamp is surrounded by a flow of cooling water; when it is not on, the gas pressure is below that of the atmosphere. Flickerfree projection is achieved, according to Philips, and the luminous efficiency remains practically constant throughout the life of the lamp. The extremely high brilliancy during the pulse peaks assures uniform spectral energy distribution and excellent rendering of color films. Further, the film is exposed to less heat The Big Difference in Quality "Permanent Mold" Universal® In-a-Car Speaker Speaker units hove two season warranty. Liberal trade allowance after warranty expires. Speakers ore subjected to alternate 100 hour ultra violet heat and salt spray submersion test. Your Assurance of the Best Also 3 other models in-ocar speakers to choose from. SPEAKER BASKETS Strong formed aluminum rod. Encourages care by customers. Write or Wire for Full Details, Prices on All Your Drlve-ln Theatre Equlproent Needs. DRIVE-IN THEATRE MFG. CO. 505 W. 9th Street. HA 1-S0O6— 1-S007, Kansas City, Me. 14 The MODERN THEATRE SECTION