Boxoffice (Oct-Dec 1962)

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Joe Levine,, Sophia Loren To Receive Allied Awards 25 Managers to Lead New NGC Sales Policy HOLLYWOOD — National General Corp. has named 25 of its top theatre managers “field representatives” of the advertisingpublicity department as part of a new picture-selling policy, to be called the “Terrific Twelve,” according to Robert W. Selig, general manager of theatre operations. The 25 theatremen, selected by their division and district managers on their past record of exploitation-promotion activities, will hold monthly film-selling workshops in each of the territories covering the circuit’s 220 theatres. The project will be supervised by Paul Lyday in association with studio and distribution advertising department. Explaining the setup, Selig said, “Our stepped-up selling efforts will air at extracting the maximum gixjss from a selected list of 12 boxoffice pictures which will play our circuit during the coming months. We have no intention of abandoning promotional and exploitational efforts on other pictirres not included in the ‘Terrific Twelve.’ Our project will be all-points selling on those attractions we think the greatest number of people will want to see — and getting those people to the boxoffice.” Selling sessions in each territory will be aimed at formulating ticket-selling plans and each manager in the circuit will play a key role in the campaign by assignment. The workshops began last week on the first attraction, “In Search of the Castaways,” with sessions in Los Angeles, Kansas City, San Diego, St. Louis, San Francisco, Denver, Seattle and Salt Lake City. The 25 field representatives are: Murt Makins, Bremerton, Wash.; Dean Matthews, Portland, Ore.; Bob Apple, San Francisco; John Fredericks, Fresno, Calif.; Emil Franke, San Diego; Fay Reeder, Yuma, Ai’iz; A1 Sachs, Hollywood; A1 Bogatch, Los Angeles; Dudley Winscott, Santa Monica, Calif.; Jerry Nutting, South Pasadena, Calif.; Bill Hertz, Anaheim, Calif.; Roy Quinn, Long Beach, Calif.; Bob Sweeten and Charlie Allum, Denver; Russ Berry, Cheyenne, Wyo.; Jim Sutton, Laramie, Wyo.; Bill Souttar, Ogden, Utah; A1 Young, Murray, Utah; Bob Peck, Wichita, Kas.; Willis Shaffer, Hutchinson, Kas.; Harold Guyett, Kansas City, Mo.; Cobby Stewart, Topeka, Kas.; Phil Hill, Belleville, m.. Bob Hockensmith, Jacksonville, m., and George Hunter, Springfield, Mo. McWilliams^ Cover Feature In Public Relations Journal CINCINNATI— The Public Relations Journal, official publication of the Public Relations Society of America, has devoted its November cover to a feature article by Harry McWilliams, coordinator of commimity relations for the University of Cincinnati, on the university’s fair. This was the second time in two years that the publication had given its cover and feature to campaigns coordinated by McWilliams. ’The first, published in September 1960, was devoted to the Academy Awards for which McWilliams served as coordinator for the Motion Picture Ass’n of America. DETROIT — The top annual awards presented by Allied States Ass’n, representing the judgment of highly boxofficeconscious exhibitors upon the product they buy to merchandise to the American public, will be given to Sophia Loren as actress and to Joseph E. Levine as producer. Awards will be pi’esented as the climax of the Awards Banquet to conclude the National Allied-TESMA-TEDA three-day conventions and tradeshow in Cleveland on Wednesday (Dec. 5). “Recognition is being made of the fact that Sophia Loren is the outstanding boxoffice attraction in the United States today,” Milton H. London, Allied executive director, said. He noted the high boxoffice record of “El Cid,” the awards given “Two Women,” and current raves over “Boccaccio ’70,” with the upcoming appearance in “Madame.” Miss Loren follows Charlton Heston as Allied winner, with previous awards going to Rock Hudson, Doris Day, Tony Curtis, and Lana ’Turner. Levine, long recognized as an outstanding exhibitor for his showmanship, is being honored because “during the past year his Embassy Pictures has become a major supplier to the screens of the world,” London said, awarding the coveted accolate of “major producer” to this young company. He cited Loren films, “Long Day’s Journey Into Night,” “The Sky Above — the Mud Below,” and “Divorce — Italian Style” as qualifying Embassy for the award, with 20 more features, led off by “’The Carpetbaggers” slated for the coming year. Incidentally, Levine’s “Madame” with Sophia Loren as star was slated for its first screening anywhere in the country during the Allied conclave. Levine follows Walt Disney as award winner, with previous Allied honors going to Milton Rackmil, Harold J. Mirisch, and Joseph R. Vogel. The Awards Banquet is being sponsored by Coca-Cola Co., with George Murphy, Technicolor vice-president and known as Herts -Lion Conducting Its First Sales Drive Hollywood — Herts-Lion International has announced its first annual distribution sales drive, the “Ken Herts Anniversary Drive,” for its 20 franchise holders in key cities throughout the country, which started on November 15 and runs through March 31, 1963. Prizes totaling $15,000 will be divided among exchange managers and salesmen for gross film rentals on company’s current program of 1962-63 features including “A Matter of WHO,” “Roommates,” “The Devil’s Messenger,” and “Carnival of Souls.” “Hollywood’s Ambassador of Goodwill,” as master of ceremonies. Major social events will feature each evening of the tripartite convention, with Embassy Pictures as hosts for both the cocktail party and dinner on Monday evening in the Whitehall Room. After the dinner, convention guests will view the first public screening of the new Sophia Loren film “Madame,” Embassy’s latest release, in 70mm. Tuesday evening the Pepsi-Cola Co. will host a champagne dinner in the Gold Room, with entertainment and dancing to the music of the Bob Lorence band. Wednesday, the final evening, will be opened by a traditional President’s Reception with National Carbon Co. as host. This will be followed by the Allied Awards Banquet, first major event to be held in the new Whitehall Room of the SheratonCleveland, giving this climax exceptional eclat. ’The three convention luncheons will be sponsored by MPA Service Co., Monday; National Screen Service Corp., 'Tuesday, and American International Pictures on Wednesday. Continental breakfasts will be featured on both Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, with the 'Tuesday sessions devoted successively to market research and to merchandising, as part of the general convention theme of “Patron Motivation.” A principal speaker on 'Tuesday morning will be Robert Yelton Robb, associate professor of marketing at Wayne State University’s School of Business Administration, talking on the question-title, “Who Are the Ghosts at the Ticket Window?” Robb, known as a communications consultant with clients including major fields of business and government, has written 40 articles and 25 short stories. With a variety of background, he was an INS war correspondent, and in a Japanese prison camp for three years. 'The session on market research also will be addressed by D. F. Miller, director of market and consumer research for the Chrysler Corp. The merchandising session on Wednesday morning (Dec. 5) will be conducted by Dr. G. Herbert Tme, famed research psychologist, author and lecturer. Dr. Time has conducted many executive seminars, management clinics and creativity presentations for top corporations. NTs 'Showmen of the Year' BEVERLY HILLS, CALIF. — Four National Theatres’ theatre managers have been tabbed as “Showmen of the Year” by the circuit for the 1961-62 fiscal year, it was announced by Robert W. Selig, general manager of theatre operations. Those who will receive engraved desk sets and checks are Bill Hertz, Fox Theatre, Anaheim, Calif.; Dick Goldsworthy, Everett Theatre, Everett, Wash.; Sid Page, Villa Theatre, Salt Lake City, Utah, and Phil Hill, Lincoln Theatre, Belleville, 111. BOXOFFICE November 26, 1962 7