Boxoffice (Oct-Dec 1963)

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MORE AND BETTER the plaudits keep coming in... Motion Picture Association or America. Imo. 1600 Eye Street. Nouthwiet Washington 6. D. C. ERIC JOHNSTON rw* 01000 10 April 1963 KENNETH CLARK EXECUTIVE VICE POKSIOZNT Century Projector Corporation 7 29 Seventh Avenue New York 19, New York Attention: Frank E. Cahill, Jr. Gentlemen: It's the talk .of the town . . . the Centuryequipped projjection booth in our screening room. Now, with this marvelous new installation, we can show everything from 16mm. to 70mm. The transistorized sound system is also perfect. A top U. S. Government official who attended a screening here the other night came out smiling and said: "If this is how it is in theaters, I'm becoming a movie fan again. It's almost like attending a live stage show, only better in many respects. I realize now how much I've been missing from passing up too many motion pictures. " When theaters have equipment such as you have installed for us, I am sure it will lure back customers who have, as our friend said, been passing up too many movies. We are delighted with it all. Best wishes. i(ju^ Kenneth Clark Awarded 1962 Pres. Century to L. W. Davee, Projector Corp. Not only for the amazing new CENTURY 70-35 Projector, but for all the significant contributions by CENTURY to the art of film projection and sound CENTURY LEADS THE INDUSTRY See and hear the new CENTURY All-Transistor Sound Systems and the new CENTURY 70-35 Projector — the more you improve the more you gain. See your Century dealer or write CENTURY PROJECTOR CORPORATION ^ NEW YORK 19, N. Y. Quality Theatre Supply Co. 1515 Davenport St. Omaha, Nebraska Harry Melcher Enterprises 3238 West Fond Du Lac Ave. Milwaukee 10, Wisconsin Des Moines Theatre Supply Co. 1121 High St. Des Moines 9, Iowa Minneapolis Theatre Supply Co. 51 Glenwood Ave. Minneapolis 3, Minnesota BOXOFTICE :: October 28. 1963 NC-3