Boy's Cinema (1939-40)

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24 MORGAN'S FIRST RIDE Frank Morgan rode "Dynanute" the bucking bronc—but it took thirty-flve men to help him into the saddle. When the tense moment arrived on the location set of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's "Heni-y Goes Arizona" for Morgan to climb on the horse, two cowboys helped him with chaps, Western hat, and "six- shootere." Twelve cowboys held all ends and the middle of 'Dynamite." Fifteen cowboys circled the set to catch the bronc after the scene started- Four horse experts stood by with lariats poised. Two more stood by the camera to prevent the bronc from damaging equipment. The second Morgan landed in the saddle, Director Elwin Marin yelled •■ Shoot 1" Everyone oii the set waited for an explosion of action. "Dynamite" turned and ej-ed the comedian, gave a deep sigh, and the saddle yirth bi-oke, thus ending Morgan's first ride. BOY'S CINEMA perfectb', took her in a corner and instructed her in how to catch the breath and jerk the diaphragm to get the effect. • After ten minutes of practice she had a real case .of hiccoughs, and couldn't stop. Back-slapping, water drinking while hold-" ing fingers m the ears, and all the other emergency remedies suggested by anxious crew and cast failed. Finally. Dr. Helen Jones, studio physician, was sent for, and banished the hiccoughs with a drop of chloroform on a lump of sugar. AN ENGLISHMAN'S HOME ANN SOTHERN HICCOUGHS—NOT WISELY BUT TOO WELL Ann Sotheni " gave " not wisely but too well recently for her art, and precipitated a near-panic on the "Fast and Furious " set at Metro-Goldw\-n-Mayer. In a comedy sequence she was called on to hiccough. "But I don't know how," she declared, 'so someone will have to teach me.' John Miljan, who can imitate a hiccough Thirty years ago a far-sighted English- man, Guy du Maurier. wrote a play entitled "An Englishman's Home." The play enjoyed an exceptionally successful run. It dealt with a sudden invasion of this country by an enemy who took advantage of a strike and a fog to descend on Britain from warships anchored along the coast. The play has been made into a film and the story modernised. A British company, ^Aldwych Productions, Ltd.v'has produced ' "An Englishmans Home." making of it a film that pictures aspects of the contemporary scene with startling accuracy England's leisurely prepara- tions, and the average Englishman pretty well convinced that it can't iiappen here! Meanwhile, the enemy is preparing his plans, and getting ready for "the day." When "the day" an-ives, enemy war- planes, co-operating with a well-organised espionage system, drop armed parachutists Every Tuesday at selected points whose job it is to hold their ground whilst the main battle squadrons concentrate on London. The Air Ministry put at the disposal of the pioducers whole squadrons of their latest 'planes, including Blenheim and Wellington bombers. Spitfires, Bombay troop-caniers and Lysander machines. The result is a marvellously realistic production, with some tremendously impressive flying shots Albert de Coun'ille directed this United Artists release, and the cast is headed by Edmund Gwenn and Mary Maguire, with Geoffre,\- Toone, Paul von Hemried and Richard Ainley in the chief supporting roles. BOYD STARTS FIFTH YEAR IN HOPALONG ROLES William Boyd recently began his fifth, year as Hopalong Cassidy when he stepped into his 'role in "Argentina," the Para- moimt picture produced by Han-y Sher- man. Between scenes, the actor took paper and pencil and did some figuring that revealed interesting facts. Boyd has appeared as " Hoppy " in 28 outdoor films, has fired no fewer than 30,000 shots at the villain and his hench- men, has "killed" at least 100 "varmmts," has worn out a dozen costumes, including 60 ten-gallon hats has ridden herd on approximately 5,000 head of cattle and ridden his handsome white horse, Topper, more than 2,000 miles in "chases." BE SURE TO MENTION '« BOY'S CINEMA " WHEN COMMUNICAT- :: ING WITH ADVERTISERS :: Rl IICIIIIIP —FREE to ull sutluicrs, partioulurs DbVVMinM of a proved home treatment that quickly removes all embarrassment and permanently cures blushing and flushing of tliti face ai.d ncoli. En- close stamp to Mr. A. TEUPLE, Specialist. Commerce House. 72. Oxford Street. London. W.l. Est 38 years. jnBII.EE PKT. FREE. Ooliath Locomotive. Latvia. Esihoiiia. Clnlo. Euypl, OM Turkiy. Soaix-o Jubilt'p. pkt. 50 ditr. Ahk lur 50/, (liMouiif apijrovals aud cdcIo.'H' 2d. IK.staL-.' -ROBINSON BROS. (A). Moreton. Wlrral. All appllcatlom for Advertisement Space In this pabllcation sbonld be addressed to the Advertisement Manager. " BOT^S CINEMA." The Fleetway Rouse. Farringdon St.. London. E.C 4 NEXT WEEIC i3n:n^ A fine iast-movine thriller in which Captain Bill Dugan, veteran oS the New fork police iorce. scorns all modem scienti&o methods oC crime detection till Danny Blake, fresh from a police college, proves their usefulness in tracking down an elnsive gang ot jewel robbers. The film stars Harry Carey as the old Captain and Dick Foran as the young officer RACKETEERS OF THE RANGE A erim drama ot a young cattleman who smashes a gang of rustlers and a group of city sharks in a bail of lead and flashing fists. In the film George O'Brien is the star, supported by Chill Wills and Mariorie Reynolds S.O.S- COASTGUARD Don't miss the next episode ot this smashing serial of high adyentui«—Ralph Byrd is the star Printed in England ami I)ubll8heil every TueMlav bv the I'ropiietois, Tun Am.\H).vm.\1'UU Pkkss, Ltd., The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, London, E.C.I. Advtrtlseraont Ottlces : The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street. London, K.C.4. .Subscrlntlon Rates : Inland and Abroad, 11 - per annum ; 5 U for si.x inontlis. Sole Agents for Australia and New Zealand: Messrs. Oordon * Gotch, Ltd.; and for South Africa : Central News Agency. Ltd. KcKlst^rcd for November ith, IDo'J. transmissiun to Canada at ALigazlno Rates. S.L.